Issue with other Adobe aps after installing photoshop
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I have a question about Photoshop instalation.
Most of the time I work in Premier ( 2017 version ), since video editing is what I do. I just bought Photoshop and Lightroom and when I went to install them Adobe tried to use my Adobe Creative cloud since it's already on the machine and it didn't work.
What would happen if I reinstall Creative cloud ?
Main question is - can I just install Photoshop without loosing my old aps ( Premier, Bridge, Photoshop CS6 ) ?
Thank you
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you have a subscription for all the apps (other than cs6 which will be licensed via a like subscription) you're trying to use?
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I think I do, computer came with CS6, Premier and Bridge when I bought it.
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by cs6 do you mean something different from premiere and bridge?
and what do mean that your computer came with some adobe apps on it? did you get licenses for those apps?
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I bought it second hand, it came with Photoshop CS6, Premier and Bridge, and Windows, all legal.
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it may have been legal to the previous computer owner, but it's not legal to you unless you and the former owner obtained from adobe license transfer(s).
that aside, thank for that information.
now, you can use that software legally with an active subscription covering those apps. do you have a current subscription that includes those apps?
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Yes, but it was not subscription based. Photoshop CS6 came out in 2012 and was bought for some 120 USD.
Anyway, it seems that version is obsolite, might as well switch to current.
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so you don't have a current subscription and you are having a problem with cs6 apos?
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I just bought subscription, so it is current. Have to admit that all Adobe products keep crashing or having some other issue. Friend is using Premier ( all legal, with subscription ), and crashes on a daily basis. Every time he contacts helpdesk ( which is in effect virtual assistant, not a person ) he gets reply ' it has to be an issue with his machine '. As you can imagine it has to be anoying having to explain to the client you're breaking a deadline cos Premier crashed and you can't get it running. In the end he has to resort to old Premier 2007 that is roxk stable.
It seems everybody is turning away to DaVinci, including myself.
No wonder virtually everybody is turning away from Adobe, it looks like I'll cancel my subscription as well.
Why couldn't they just kept their aps on a one time purchase basis...
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your friend should query the premiere experts (in the adobe premiere pro forum). one of the first things to check is that their computer meets specs for pp,
then, if it does, reset the pp preferences.
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OK, imagine situation - after 10 hour shoot ( our normal working day on a film set ) you get to the office and try to process rushes for tomorrow, and Premier keep crashing every 30 min. His laptop is nearly brand new and certainly meets specs required, and he has no chance to contact anyone directly at Adobe. No ofence, but if they would be serious about tech support they would have a person you can call at 2 am and get direct help - that is how professional world functons. Last thing you want to do at 2 am is post question at some forum, might as well post his question on facebook hoping some of his mates is up. So, he just goes to Da Vinci that works flawlessly and sorts it in a matter of minutes. I think that Adobe crew don't understand that stability is the only thing we, working professionals care about. And that is why virtually all of my colegues went to DaVinci. Today I was made a laughing stock when my mates heard I'm buying another Adobe product, and we all grew up on Macs and Photoshop some 20 years ago. Anyway, thanks for your help.
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you're welcome.