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Photography Plan bought from Adobe store on Amazon not valid according to Adobe

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Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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I have just had the most bizarre, incomprehensible support call and have to ask for some sense from the community.


I received an email from Adobe yesterday saying my Photography Plan package was fraudulent and I have 5 days to resolve the issue. I used the online chat to get through this morning and got connected to "V" who was the opposite of customer service and actually hostile. 


I have been a genuine user of the 20GB Photography Plan since 2017 when I bought my first year via Adobe store on Amazon. I have bought this item 6 times since including two on Black Friday this year. I also added 3 months which came on with the purchase of a Logitech keyboard earlier this year. My Photography Plan shows as valid until December 2024. All valid all paid for.


'V' tells me that my software has decided it is fraudulent and gives me the first serial I bought from Amazon and entered in 2017. I explain that I have always bought them from Amazon's Adobe store and they always work. 'V' tells me that Amazon are not a recognised partner of Adobe and anything bought from them is invalid. 'V' doesn't have access to anything else on my account other than fraudulent serial and that is all there is to discuss. "Take it up with Amazon".


I ask if that means that the 3 years of Photography Plan I have on my account are lost and they answer yes "because you bought them from Amaszon". I ask what about the 3 months from Logitech that came with an expensive keyboard is that fraudulent too? Apparently it is invalid because Logitech are also not a partner of Adobe. So tough. End of conversation. End of account. I asked for a name and a full script of the conversation and that was it.


I have never had worse customer support than this from any company nevermind one I have been loyal to while everywhere I look people use pirated software.


Is this normal for Adobe? Are Logitech making up an offer regarding Adobe Photography Plan? Or did I just get the most useless, angry, mono-syballic CS rep who wants to lose Adobe loyal customers?


Thanks for any help. My next step is to use my family member at the Guardian to highlight this appalling service. Not that I suppose Adobe will care about their public image overly much.

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Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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That certainly sounds bad, but let's check first whether you have actually been contacted by scammers. Adobe block a lot of sales because they turn out to be fraudulent, but I never before heard of them sending an email. And, customer service should have full access to your account, so why didn't he/she...? Also, customer service seem to always have had names before, not just a letter. So... when you contacted customer service... did you follow a link in the email? If you did, can you tell us where the link takes you?




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Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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Thanks for the reply.


Email attached came from . I logged into my account via the normal route and went through the contact options and used online chat. Ravi (pleasant) but me through to the "correct" department. V (who shows as V Tanushree in the chat log they have now sent me) was the advisor I was connected to. They had my software flagged as fraudulent on their screen. They also had my original serial from my first installation. Kept refering me to this link  to show Amazon and Logitech are not partners.


"After analysis, it appears that the redemption code access has been shut off for the product. it shows that the redemption code is non-Genuine, we do not have any records of this redemption codes "


The fact I went through my own login via the adobe homepage and contacted support through the website suggests they are real?







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Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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oh it removed the from email  it was mail at email.adobe.com


second link was to adobe partners page




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Theyve also just replied with a case closed would you give us 5 stars email.




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They've kindly sent me a copy of the chat which I have apart from covering serials left intact. Is this a normal way to treat customers?




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Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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A surprising lack of community input.


Has anyone heard of Adobe Products sold via the Adobe store on Amazon as being invalid? I am literally being told "Amazon was never our authorized seller and these redemption codes will not work". Even though there is a specific Adobe Store on Amazon


I was also told by an Adobe customer rep that Logitech offering 3 months photography plan with their products was in fact invalid as they are not an Adobe partner.


Has anyone heard anything regarding these statements or have I just had the misfortune of being served by the most uninformed customer service rep going?




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Community Expert ,
Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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Was it actually purchased from Amazon, or was it purchased from an Amazon seller on Amazon?




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Always sold by Amazon not a seller.




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Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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Just had another hour with them and the keys bought via Amazon on the Adobe store are not valid line is still the one given. The hundreds of others who bought them via Amazon on their Black Friday deal seem to not be affected, just my keys. What a dodgy company.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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Have you filed a formal complaint with Amazon yet?  That may be your only recourse at this point. 


Update your Adobe Case # with all details pertaining to your "Amazon Purchase." 



Although it sounds like you didn't buy direct from Amazon but a from 3rd party seller who is not authorized to sell Adobe products.   It does happen.  I had a similar experience many years ago.  Turned out the seller was actually in Singapore and I ate it.  Adobe is not required to make good on illegal software from 3rd parties.   Next time, deal directly with the software maker and avoid these problems. 😉


Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator




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Dec 09, 2021 Dec 09, 2021

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Thanks for the reply. I bought from Amazon via their Adobe store. It was one of their Black Friday promotions. Hundreds of others did. It literally says sold by Amazon Media EU S.a.r.l. NOT a 3rd party seller. All bought keys over 4 years have invoices showing this and the keys are on my Amazon software account that only shows legitimate software purchases.  Amazon have told me the keys are all valid and direct from Adobe. Can a functioning lucid adult man be accepted when he says he has bought an official photography plan via Adobe store on Amazon and Adobe say Amazon codes aren't valid. I am well aware of 3rd party keys but I have not purchased or added them to my account and always used the official store for genuine keys to avoid any possibility of non genuine products. Everywhere I look people run counterfeit copies of this software and I always pay for genuine which probably explains why I am so thoroughly pissed off with Adobe. While we are here, care to explain why I was told my Logitech promotion codes were also deemed fraudulent as they know nothing about them. This offer is valid according to Logitech and is ongoing on their products on Amazon. I've met a wall of incompetence with no offer to help. No evidence to show what the issue is or any offending serials. Just a constant reference to a partner page which doesn't have Amazon or Logitech as partners so my prepaid 3 years is going to be removed. All in writing for good measure. Yeah, but it is more likely I bought keys from a dodgy seller. 




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 10, 2021 Dec 10, 2021

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Daburdders, sorry for any confusion.  Nancy is correct. You will want to contact Amazon using the process in https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=G6E3B2E8QPHQ88KF to request a refund for the invalid codes.


You can find more information on how to use redemption codes at https://helpx.adobe.com/download-install/kb/redemption-code-help.html.


If you wish to purchase from Adobe directly, you can do so https://www.adobe.com/uk/products/catalog.html?types=pf_252Fdesktop&types=pf_252Fdesktop&types=pf_25....  If you want to continue using third-party marketplaces, please follow any refund process offered by the marketplace if the purchase is not valid.




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New Here ,
Dec 15, 2021 Dec 15, 2021

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Amazon say the serials come direct from Adobe, Jeff. They have no idea why you have not accepted them.


If Amazon are now classed as a 3rd party seller why do Adobe have their own store, where all Adobe products are on sale and covered in Adobe marketing, Jeff? I bought through this store. Do you think Adobe should get on to Amazon and make sure this store is taken down immediately if it is somehow selling counterfeit serials form Adobe's own store. Or perhaps you are just being simply unhelpful.


You seem to have decided your answer was the correct one and marked it as such but as it isn't and you didn't attempt to answer my question can you try again. Why I have been told that the Logitech offer for months of Photography Plan when purchasing Logitech hardware is "fraudulent and not recognised on Adobe's end"? I have been on to Logitech and they are baffled but they want me to pass on your response. Please give a clear answer.






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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 15, 2021 Dec 15, 2021

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Dabrudders, I am sorry that you continue to encounter problems with purchasing a redemption code through Amazon UK.  Have you contacted Amazon UK to request a refund of your purchase?


Regarding the moderation of this discussion, I did not mark my answer as correct another moderator did.  Since you are the original poster of this discussion thread, I have removed the correct answer being marked.  You can choose to mark a correct answer if you feel one has been offered.




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Dec 15, 2021 Dec 15, 2021

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Hi Jeff


I have no problems purchasing a redemption code. My account has been flagged as non genuine. I added codes succesfully weeks ago. There were no 3rd party codes and I need to speak to someone to prove it.


Please read and understand. I have spent hours with CS and got nowhere. I was promised a call back from Adobe Genuine 6 days ago. I didn't get a call back. I am being given no recourse to "reach out to solve the problem" that was mentioned in my initial email from Adobe.


I bought 2 Adobe Creative Cloud Photography plan 20GB via the Adobe store on Amazon on Black Friday. I also had 2 x 3 month redemption codes that I aquired from an offer when purchasing Logitech keyboards. I added all 4 redemption codes to my account. All good. Account says 12 December 2024.


Last week, I receive an email saying the software is non genuine, please reach out within 5 days to resolve the issue. I have all invoices for the products but Adobe don't care. Neither will they tell me which redemption code there is an issue with. If I ask for information they give factually incorrect information in return such as Logitech promotion codes arent valid. Something I noticed you still haven't gone near.


I've asked both Amazon and Logitech if their codes are genuine and valid they both say yes. How can I know which codes to question the authenticity of if Adobe will not let me know which one has been flagged. The Logitech promotion sends me directly to THE ADOBE WEBSITE and grants me a code.


I haven't purchased any 3rd party codes ever and if there is an issue with one I have entered I would appreciate knowing which one and I would like it in writing because unsurprisingly Amazon aren't overly keen on refunding digital codes just because someone tells them it didn't work.


Why should I lose access to my paid in advance software and be given neither the opportunity to prove that the redemption codes are legitimate or the information to support any claims I may have for a refund from the Adobe store on Amazon?








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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 15, 2021 Dec 15, 2021

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Dabrudders, you can use the process listed in https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/customer-support-portal.html if you wish to review your recently open support cases.  I reviewed cases ADB-22394527-J8P8 and ADB-22401315-Q1H3, and they both asked you to contact Amazon to request a refund for the redemption code you purchased from them.


I am very sorry, Dabruddes, but only Amazon will be able to assist you in returning or replacing the redemption code that was purchased from them.  If you want to purchase from an Adobe authorized reseller instead of Adobe directly, then please use https://adobedealreg.secure.force.com/PartnerSearch?lang=en to find an applicable Adobe authorized reseller in your country.


I would encourage you to make your future purchases for the Photography plan through Adobe directly at https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=G6E3B2E8QPHQ88KF.  This will allow you to directly manage your membership and payment options to help prevent any future problems with utilizing redemption codes.




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New Here ,
Dec 16, 2021 Dec 16, 2021

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Hi Jeff


Amazon want written confirmation that Adobe are saying the Redemption Codes bought via the Adobe Store on Amazon are non-genuine. Adobe have not given me any such evidence to pass on. They have given me a lot of misleading information but not anything that would clear up this and allow me to request a refund.


Do you seriously think that Amazon would refund the value of a redeemed digital redemption code because I say Adobe have cancelled it but im not sure which one and I have no evidence to prove it. No, you don't. That is not how digital codes work.


1. I need written evidence showing the offending redemption codes and that Adobe deem them non-genuine before they will consider having the discussion about a refund. All my purchases from Amazom were from the Adobe store and invoices show Amazon EU as the seller.


2. If I receive this and go through the process of getting a refund these one or two of these year long redemption codes should be removed from my account. My account is fully, legitimately, pre paid until 12 December 2024. If one or both of my Amazon bought codes are found non-genuine then my account should be prepaid til 12 December 2023 or 12 December 2022 respectively. I shouldn't have the threat of software being cut off within 5 days if even in the worst case, my account is still in credit for a minimum of one year.


3. My 100% valid Logitech codes which were generated on the Adobe site and applied to my account are, I am sure you will agree, genuine. Unlike the "fraudulent" claim suggested by your customer services rep which I notice even after you reviewed those support cases you still won't touch with a barge pole. You seem to have great difficulty engaging on that point. Repeatedly.


4. I have learnt from this process that Adobe has some issue with Amazon selling discounted redemption codes via the Adobe store on Black Friday. I have learnt that in future to avoid this I should not by any further via Amazon and only buy via Adobe directly in future. Understood and going forward I will make sure I do this.


However, I request that you arrange for me to be sent in writing confirmation stating the specified redemption codes which you have found to be non-genuine. I can then present this to Amazon as evidence and try to get a refund. Secondly, I request that you remove the threat of cutting off my account when even if I have to attain refunds for redemption codes that were bought in good faith from YOUR own store on Amazon, my account is still in credit for a further year.


If Adobe put even 10% of their effort into trying to resolve the situation rather than deliberate avoidance this could have been sorted a week ago.






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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 16, 2021 Dec 16, 2021

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Dabrudders, you are welcome to point them to this public discussion thread.  Only Adobe authorized resellers are listed at https://adobedealreg.secure.force.com/PartnerSearch?lang=en and you will find that Amazon UK is not currently listed.


I am unsure if this helps, Dabrudders, but please understand that we have no way to validate that you purchased an invalid code from Amazon.  We only know that you are providing us with an invalid code.  This is why you are asked to contact the seller of the redemption code for a refund.




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Dec 16, 2021 Dec 16, 2021

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@Dabrudders is this the Amazon UK page where you purchased the product? https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/Adobe/page/0DA3C9A3-3E87-4B2E-80DB-5F268FE7BEFE

This appears to be a legitimate Adobe store (framed) on Amazon UK. However, in a search of resellers, Amazon does not appear at all as an Adobe authorized reseller. I guess that means they are not one? That is confusing.


Note as you scroll down that Amazon page, under the CC Photography Plan 20GB, there is a notice: “Dispatched from and sold by Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.” Here is the D&B info. They list their website as https://www.amazon.co.uk.


AMAZON EU SARL, UK BRANCH Company Profile | LONDON, United Kingdom | Competitors, Financials & Conta...




If you type in the product name directly to Amazon search, you get to this same page if you started from the Adobe store and looked for more details: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Adobe-Creative-Cloud-Photography-plan/dp/B00LSU8PYO/





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Dec 16, 2021 Dec 16, 2021

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Amazon "Media" EU SARL looks to be a different company, but they are selling Adobe products on Amazon UK.



Amazon.co.uk : Adobe




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Dec 16, 2021 Dec 16, 2021

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Hi Jeff


Thanks for that, I will point them at this thread and the more outlandish claims, in prior conversations with Adobe CS, regarding  Amazon codes via the Adobe store being invalid and them selling Logitech hardware with an Adobe offer being fraudulent. I look forward to their reply. You should really state plainly, officially, that buying Adobe redemption codes via Amazon means they are non genuine. You should also get on to them and get them to remove the Adobe store as many would say it falls foul of the Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 in the UK and that is what I will be suggesting to Amazon. 


You seem to have missed my more pressing concern which I plainly stated in my previous message. If these two redemption codes bought from the Adobe store on Amazon are non genuine and must be removed fine. I have to try to get a refund. If Adobe, seriously,  have no way to validate that I applied non-genuine codes to my account (unlikely), fine. This still leaves me with a full year on my Adobe account. Can I please have my account corrected to show this?






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