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Why can't i subscribe from Croatia?

Community Beginner ,
Jun 27, 2018 Jun 27, 2018

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Dear Adobe,

This is really ridiculous and disrespecting towards us.

You are selling a product based on CLOUD, it is called Creative Cloud. You have subscription models for 53$/month for the whole package and 20$/month for single program.

But in Croatia we can not subscribe directly. Yes, in a subscription based model we CAN NOT subscribe online. We need to go to the stores where the same collections costs around 1250$/year. Now tell me, how is it fair that we need to pay DOUBLE the price, WITHOUT the option of online monthly subscription which is 600$/year? How is that fair? Why are your treating us like that?

And do not redirect me to the sales department or some other outsourced department of yours. I demand answers here! In front of everyone, in front of nationalities where you treat people differently and discriminate them with your actions! I demand the answer on why you're not allowing us to subscribe normally as others can, why is the price for our country so high and WHEN and IF this is going to change? And no, i won't call you on phone because i did that quite a few times already, but on the other side is always some outsourced person who doesn't have any idea what's happening with your service and why!

Creative Cloud




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

New Here , Jun 27, 2018 Jun 27, 2018

Croatia is the only country in EU where Adobe has those limitations. Please, take a look: https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/products/creativecloud/cc/pdfs/cc-availability-matrix.pdf

Very frustrating.


Community Expert ,
Jun 27, 2018 Jun 27, 2018

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check for an authorized reseller: Adobe Partner Connection Portal




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 27, 2018 Jun 27, 2018

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This doesn't help. This is what I've said in the original post, that the only way to get the CC is go to the store where the prices are insanely high. And that's imply not an option. Why would i pay double (or even more) the price for the same product?




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Community Expert ,
Jun 27, 2018 Jun 27, 2018

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these are user-to-user forums.  that's the best i can do.

good luck.




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New Here ,
Jun 27, 2018 Jun 27, 2018

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Croatia is the only country in EU where Adobe has those limitations. Please, take a look: https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/products/creativecloud/cc/pdfs/cc-availability-matrix.pdf

Very frustrating.




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 28, 2018 Jun 28, 2018

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Yes and this is pissing me off. We literally want to give them our money, but they don't want to accept it. And I'm not so crazy that i will got to a local store and pay absurd price for the product which is half that price or even more through the online subscription.




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New Here ,
Sep 14, 2018 Sep 14, 2018

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still dead-end?




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 14, 2018 Sep 14, 2018

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Ofc it is. They don't care. Called them again and again some outsourced person answered me on the other side and doesn't have a slightest idea of what is happening.




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 02, 2018 Oct 02, 2018

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First off all, unfortunately, posting on forums and talking to Adobe support about this issue won't change anything. I tried talking to their support, and I think it's simply waste of time. They are discriminating Croatian customers (among many other countries). I'm just not sure are they still that ignorant and unaware of the fact that Croatia is full member of EU (for more than 5 years!) or is there any other reason for blocking Croatia.

Last year I got in touch with one of Croatian members of EU Parliament regarding this issue with Adobe and got informed that the new legislation on addressing unjustified geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on customers' nationality or place of residence will soon be in force.

New legislation was publicly presented in March this year, and shall be fully applied from 3 December 2018.

EUR-Lex - 32018R0302 - EN - EUR-Lex

I will try to get in touch with EU commission in Croatia to see which Agency will be responsible for getting customer complaints with issues like this. I truly hope that Adobe will get it's act together and finally stop this shameful discrimination. It's really annoying to pay 150 Euros more through a reseller!




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 05, 2018 Dec 05, 2018

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Hey fellow Croatians, here's a quick update. In the last 2 months:

* once again, I talked to Adobe support - and yes, that was stupid and naive

* I sent private message to one of the staff members here on forums - got no reply at all

* I managed to get e-mails of 2 Adobe Europe officials and asked them about this - got no reply at all

* I sent an email to EU commission representation here in Croatia - got no reply at all

* I sent an email to EU consumers center in Croatia (Ministry of commerce) - got no reply at all

And to sum it all up - EUR Lex that I linked in my previous post doesn't cover digital goods & services - thank you dear EU.

So, it looks like nothing is going to change for us any time soon. I still don't see any reason why Adobe is doing this, but it's incredibly shameful. Keep up the great work Adobe!




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Community Expert ,
Dec 05, 2018 Dec 05, 2018

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dejanv15866797  wrote

And to sum it all up - EUR Lex that I linked in my previous post doesn't cover digital goods & services - thank you dear EU.

So, it looks like nothing is going to change for us any time soon. I still don't see any reason why Adobe is doing this, but it's incredibly shameful. Keep up the great work Adobe!

There are some things that aren't covered by the EU's free trade rules. You want an example outside of the fief of Adobe: Television. I'm from a small country, I pay via cable TV author's rights to the creators, but I cannot use the internet the stream some events from the TVs internet servers. So I cannot look the Tour de France on French TV and other events on other TV stations, because my internet provider gives me the "wrong" ip address.

The EU has improved a lot, but there is still work to do. Some countries put here the breaks on and some companies (generally the big American film production companies!!!) are lobbying against free circulation of immaterial goods.

I don't neither know why Adobe is handling CC in this manner, but I'm sure that here there is a simple commercial reason behind. And the reason cannot be to sell more expensive products to you, but it can only be because national or international hurdles make it expensive doing business in your region.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 06, 2018 Dec 06, 2018

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Hi, I was very disappointed to find out that the new lex doesn't cover digital goods and software. I don't see any point in EU officials bragging about how they fight against geo-blocking discrimination and not including the digital goods. It's simply pointless.

In case of Croatia and Creative Cloud availability, I believe this is the reason why Croatia is being blocked: when Adobe released the CC, Croatia still wasn't an EU member state. So, when Croatia joined the club, Adobe was obviously unaware of the fact and kept us among "third world countries". I honestly see no other reason for Adobe doing this to Croatian customers.

And that's way I'm so frustrated by them - I tried talking to them through different channels to explain this to them, but Adobe is one of those monstrously big corporation where your voice simply gets lost.

I can't believe they are so ignorant and in fact ready to lose revenue by doing this.




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New Here ,
Jan 23, 2019 Jan 23, 2019

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Well I have MasterCard linked to Croatian bank and can't  purchase it as well. Resellers have only Team versions so only option Adobe left is to crack the software or to move to Affinity or something like that. It's so disrespectful and lame from them.




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Community Expert ,
Jan 23, 2019 Jan 23, 2019

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iiwill  wrote

Well I have MasterCard linked to Croatian bank and can't  purchase it as well. Resellers have only Team versions so only option Adobe left is to crack the software or to move to Affinity or something like that. It's so disrespectful and lame from them.

Do not talk about illegal software or you get banned.

I do not know the reasons why there is no possibility for Croatian residents to buy a standard license. But as Adobe is a highly commercial company and there need to be a commercial reason for this.

As a member of a small country, however, I can understand your frustration, because I live that all times in my country. When I started registering my Adobe account, Adobe was even not aware that my country existed, so I gave a fake location "Macau" . That gave me the opportunity to receive mails in Chinese from Adobe...

That has changed in the meantime. I hope that it will change for you too and that very soon.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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New Here ,
Jan 23, 2019 Jan 23, 2019

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Well Affinity is not illegal and they payment method is simple and Adobe should be aware in which difficult situation they’re putting us.

I have my Company Cloud but I want personal too, do I really need to move to another platform after 20 years as Adobe user?

It's so so frustrating.




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Community Expert ,
Jan 23, 2019 Jan 23, 2019

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iiwill  wrote

Well Affinity is not illegal

I wasn't referring to Affinity.

As for the rest: I feel your pain.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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New Here ,
Apr 15, 2020 Apr 15, 2020

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Its a disgrace. 




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Community Expert ,
Apr 15, 2020 Apr 15, 2020

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The ability to subscribe online in Croatia (or other countries) may not be under Adobe's control, but unless a lawyer specializing in international trade law shows up, it is unlikely an answer will be possible. 




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Dec 19, 2024 Dec 19, 2024

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Narucite Prepaid karticu kao sto je primjer Monese, imaju LT IBAN i na Adobe oznacite LT i predplatite se po online cijenama. Ja upravo uspjela nakon 2 sata proucavanja.




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 19, 2024 Dec 19, 2024

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Thanks for engaging. I'm sure it will be helpful for the future users. 





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