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Hi osgood_,
As seen in the image below, I am making a hover on "date" and "title".
"19Mar2016" and "Title: Inflation and the Euro" share the same destination.
So, I want to make the background color change on both, upon mouse-over on either "date" or "title".
How would I do?
Hosun Kang
1 Correct answer
Actually this gets more complex as you need the hover to work both ways so more unique data-class="mar19_2016_1" and classes are needed class="mar19_2016_2"
Unless there is a more streamlined way of doing this, which Im sure there must be, Im not sure its worth the extra effort. Its not very elegant but it works, maybe someone else can come up with a solution which is a bit less cumbersome.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
* {
box-sizing: border-
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Based on what I am seeing in the layout, you will likely need to incorporate javascript to your css to get the desired result. If the elements were nested within a single area, it would be possible to just use CSS, but because of their separation and the fact that this may be dynamically-driven from a database, I would say CSS alone will likely not be enough.
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Yes, you can do that but you need some javascript, as has been suggested.
The idea is you give your information a - data-class="mar19_2016" - attribute, see below. I've simplified the code to use <h3></h3> tags and I would suggest you also do the same.
You dont need all the <h1></h1> tags wrapped in <section></section> tags. Its counter productive. When I explained about that in an earlier post I meant use the <h1> tag sparingly per page, where there was a genuine need for a <section> tag not introduce <section> tags just to accommoadte the use of multiple <h1> tags.
Give your information in Col3 a class each that matches with the data-class attribute set in Col2 see below:
Then use the javascript included at the foot of the page, insert it before the closing </body> tag.
Also be aware mouse hover events do nothing on mobile.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
* {
box-sizing: border-box
.col-wrapper {
display: flex;
width: 80%;
margin: 0 auto;
.col-wrapper h3 {
margin: 0;
padding: 10px;
font-size: 15px;
.col2 {
width: 30%;
padding: 30px;
.col2 h3:hover {
background-color: yellow;
cursor: pointer;
width: 70%;
padding: 30px;
<div class="col-wrapper">
<div class="col2">
<h3 data-class="mar19_2016">19 Mar 2016</h3>
<h3 data-class="mar22_2016">22 Mar 2016</h3>
<h3 data-class="apr22_2016">22 Apr 2016</h3>
<h3 data-class="jun11_2016">11 Jun 2016</h3>
<h3 data-class="jul20_2016">20 Jul 2016</h3>
<h3 data-class="jan16_2017">16 Jan 2017</h3>
<h3 data-class="mar9_2017">9 Mar 2017</h3>
<h3 data-class="aug31_2015">31 Aug 2015</h3>
<h3 data-class="feb10_2016">10 Feb 2016</h3>
<h3 data-class="mar15_2016">15 Mar 2016</h3>
<!-- end col2 -->
<div class="col3">
<h3 class="mar19_2016">Title: Inflation and the Euro</h3>
<h3 class="mar22_2016">Title: Americans must choose their own president.</h3>
<h3 class="apr22_2016">Title: We are oblivious of the inflation seeping underground.</h3>
<h3 class="jun11_2016">Title: Book Value, Intrinsic Value, and the Value of Sovereignty</h3>
<h3 class="jul20_2016">Title: Who is writing the history in 2016, establishment or grass roots?</h3>
<h3 class="jan16_2017">Title: The Movement and A New Paradigm - challenge to and choice by the grass roots</h3>
<h3 class="mar9_2017">Title: Fetish for Another Bubble</h3>
<!-- end col3 -->
<!-- end col-wrapper -->
const col2h3 = document.querySelectorAll('.col2 h3');
const col3h3 = document.querySelectorAll('.col3 h3');
col2h3.forEach(function(date) {
date.addEventListener('mouseenter', getDateMouseEnter);
col2h3.forEach(function(date) {
date.addEventListener('mouseleave', getDateMouseLeave);
function getDateMouseEnter() {
var date = this.getAttribute('data-class');
var currentDate = document.querySelector('.' + date); = "yellow";
function getDateMouseLeave() {
var date = this.getAttribute('data-class');
var currentDate = document.querySelector('.' + date); = "";
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Actually this gets more complex as you need the hover to work both ways so more unique data-class="mar19_2016_1" and classes are needed class="mar19_2016_2"
Unless there is a more streamlined way of doing this, which Im sure there must be, Im not sure its worth the extra effort. Its not very elegant but it works, maybe someone else can come up with a solution which is a bit less cumbersome.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
* {
box-sizing: border-box
.col-wrapper {
display: flex;
width: 80%;
margin: 0 auto;
.col-wrapper h3 {
margin: 0;
padding: 10px;
font-size: 15px;
.col2 {
width: 30%;
padding: 30px;
.col2 h3:hover {
background-color: yellow;
cursor: pointer;
.col3 h3:hover {
background-color: yellow;
cursor: pointer;
width: 70%;
padding: 30px;
<div class="col-wrapper">
<div class="col2">
<h1>Col 1</h1>
<h3 data-class="mar19_2016_1" class="mar19_2016_2">19 Mar 2016</h3>
<h3 data-class="mar22_2016_1" class="mar22_2016_2">22 Mar 2016</h3>
<h3 data-class="apr22_2016_1" class="apr22_2016_2">22 Apr 2016</h3>
<h3 data-class="jun11_2016_1" class="jun11_2016_2">11 Jun 2016</h3>
<h3 data-class="jul20_2016_1" class="jul20_2016_2">20 Jul 2016</h3>
<h3 data-class="jan16_2017_1" class="jan16_2017_2">16 Jan 2017</h3>
<h3 data-class="mar9_2017_1" class="mar9_2017_2">9 Mar 2017</h3>
<h3 data-class="aug31_2015_1">31 Aug 2015</h3>
<h3 data-class="feb10_2016_1">10 Feb 2016</h3>
<h3 data-class="mar15_2016_1">15 Mar 2016</h3>
<div class="col3">
<h1>Col 2</h1>
<h3 data-class="mar19_2016_2" class="mar19_2016_1">Title: Inflation and the Euro</h3>
<h3 data-class="mar22_2016_2" class="mar22_2016_1">Title: Americans must choose their own president.</h3>
<h3 data-class="apr22_2016_2" class="apr22_2016_1">Title: We are oblivious of the inflation seeping underground.</h3>
<h3 data-class="jun11_2016_2" class="jun11_2016_1">Title: Book Value, Intrinsic Value, and the Value of Sovereignty</h3>
<h3 data-class="jul20_2016_2" class="jul20_2016_1">Title: Who is writing the history in 2016, establishment or grass roots?</h3>
<h3 data-class="jan16_2017_2" class="jan16_2017_1">Title: The Movement and A New Paradigm - challenge to and choice by the grass roots</h3>
<h3 data-class="mar9_2017_2" class="mar9_2017_1">Title: Fetish for Another Bubble</h3>
<!-- end col-wrapper -->
const col2h3 = document.querySelectorAll('.col2 h3');
const col3h3 = document.querySelectorAll('.col3 h3');
col2h3.forEach(function(date) {
date.addEventListener('mouseenter', getDateMouseEnter);
col2h3.forEach(function(date) {
date.addEventListener('mouseleave', getDateMouseLeave);
col3h3.forEach(function(date) {
date.addEventListener('mouseenter', getDateMouseEnter);
col3h3.forEach(function(date) {
date.addEventListener('mouseleave', getDateMouseLeave);
function getDateMouseEnter() {
var date = this.getAttribute('data-class');
var currentDate = document.querySelector('.' + date); = "yellow";
function getDateMouseLeave() {
var date = this.getAttribute('data-class');
var currentDate = document.querySelector('.' + date); = "";
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Thank you very much for your help.
I will revise and upgrade my project.
It would take some time.
There is lang="en" in <html>.
What is it?
Hosun Kang
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Hosun wrote
There is lang="en" in <html>.
The 'lang' attribute declares what language the content is in - en = English
See more details at the url below:
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I don't recommend this often because tables are such a chore to work with in responsive layouts but what you have here is perfect for a data table. And you can trigger table rows to change background color with pure CSS. No JS required.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Data Tables</title>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
table {
width: 75%;
margin: 0 auto;
border: 4px solid #555;
color: #000;
font-family: Calibri, Candara, Segoe, Segoe UI, Optima, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: calc(16px + 1vw);
line-height: calc(1.1em + 0.5vw);
td {
padding: 3%;
border: 1px dotted #666
tr:nth-child(odd) { background-color: antiquewhite }
tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: aliceblue }
tr:hover { background-color: gold }
Data Table
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Copied wrote
I don't recommend this often because tables are such a chore to work with in responsive layouts but what you have here is perfect for a data table. And you can trigger table rows to change background color with pure CSS. No JS required.
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Data Tables</title> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <style> table { width: 75%; margin: 0 auto; border: 4px solid #555; color: #000; font-family: Calibri, Candara, Segoe, Segoe UI, Optima, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: calc(16px + 1vw); line-height: calc(1.1em + 0.5vw); } td { padding: 3%; border: 1px dotted #666 } tr:nth-child(odd) { background-color: antiquewhite } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: aliceblue } tr:hover { background-color: gold } </style> </head> <body> <table> <caption> Data Table </caption> <tbody> <tr> <td>Lorem</td> <td>Ipsum</td> <td>Dolor</td> <td>Quora</td> <td>Lorit</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Lorem</td> <td>Ipsum</td> <td>Dolor</td> <td>Quora</td> <td>Lorit</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Lorem</td> <td>Ipsum</td> <td>Dolor</td> <td>Quora</td> <td>Lorit</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Lorem</td> <td>Ipsum</td> <td>Dolor</td> <td>Quora</td> <td>Lorit</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Lorem</td> <td>Ipsum</td> <td>Dolor</td> <td>Quora</td> <td>Lorit</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </body> </html>
That would be the obvious choice but the layout shown requires a space between one column and the other column so somehow you need to connect the indivdual table cells up so both have the colored background if one or the other cell is hovered over, not the complete <tr></tr> table row.
Also we dont know if the information is adjacent to each other, it might be anywhere in the list, hardly likely, but a possibility.
Do I think this is worth the effort, only if its simplified by the use of a table with co-joined cells and the OP is happy for the whole row to be highlighted on hover.
A solution to address seperate containers anywhere on the page is there but is currently pretty cumbersome. I dont have time to see if I can streamline it.
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You could do this using the css psuedo class 'target', along with css animations. But I think that would be way beyond the OPs current skill level, and if you want an example from me you will have to wait until tomorrow, as I'm off for my evening drink .
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pziecina wrote
You could do this using the css psuedo class 'target', along with css animations. But I think that would be way beyond the OPs current skill level, and if you want an example from me you will have to wait until tomorrow, as I'm off for my evening drink .
I was contemplating 'target' but css is not my strong point above the usual standard stuff. Would'nt you still have to provide individual class names to each 'object' though? Be interesting to see an example. I could probably manage a single exercise but there are a few multiple targets to include I would assume to get it working both ways on hover of either object of information.
Just quickly reading and looking at a couple of simple examples I'm not sure hover can be used in combo with target? Click obviously can but it looks like multiple ids will be required.
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Hi Os,
This is an example, but after a few minutes I decided that for more than 1 or 2 items it would rapidly get complicated, (so js is probably easier).
The first section is for click, the second for hover, (after which I looked at the code and stopped work) css selectors level 4 does have a way of combining reference selectors, but as it is behind a flag, or not implemented = unusable, but maybe in a few years time -
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>:target demo</title>
p[id*=tab] {
width: auto;
height: auto;
padding: auto;
margin: 1rem 1rem 0 1rem;
background: #fff;
p {
display: inline;
p a {
background-color: #afa;
display: inline-block;
width: auto;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
a {
text-decoration: none;
p a:hover {
background-color: #fff;
p[id*=tab]:target {
background-color: #faf;
/*for hover example*/
[href="#item1"]:hover ~#item2,
[href="#item2"]:hover ~#item1{
background-color: #faf;
<a href="#tab2">1st item</a>
<p id="tab1">
Page 1: This is the first item in the :target example
<p><a href="#tab1">2nd item</a></p>
<p id="tab2">
Page 2: This is the 2nd item
<p> </p>
<h3>2nd attempt for hover</h3>
<a href="#item1">this is link content 1 - </a>
<a href="#item2">this is link content 2 - </a>
<p>some other content</p>
<p id="item1"><b>it highlights content 1...</b></p>
<p>Some other content.</p>
<p id="item2"><b>it highlights content 2...</b></p>
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Just in case anyone is interested, all the above css once level 4 selectors are correctly implemented, (and not behind a flag) would only require -
[href"link path name"] is(:hover) the id of link to be highlighted {
css for highlighted link here
It would have to be done for every set of link/highlights, but it does give css an if/then type of structure. In that the css says - if link1 is hovered, (or any other state) then link2, (or anything else) should have this css applied.
To read more see -
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Thanks for that.
For now it seems something, which appears to be visually simple, is actually quite complex to achieve without using a myriad of injected class or id names.
Anyway thanks to the OP for posting an interesting question, where one has to use their brains and knowledge to find a solution, albeit it a pretty obtuse one.
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What is did show to me, is that css is 'getting there', but like everything else that is not css2.1/2, it is the slow adoption by browsers that holds everthing back.
I remember asking for a css vendor prefixing tool in Dw back in 2010, with many pointing out that it was not required, as browsers would stop using them. It's now 2019 and they are still being used.
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pziecina wrote
What is did show to me, is that css is 'getting there', but like everything else that is not css2.1/2, it is the slow adoption by browsers that holds everthing back.
I remember asking for a css vendor prefixing tool in Dw back in 2010, with many pointing out that it was not required, as browsers would stop using them. It's now 2019 and they are still being used.
There is a huge gap between what is planned for the future and can be tested behind a flag than when it can actually be used safely in production.