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On multiple occasions, I've experience Copy and Paste failures. Or, rather, unexpected behaviors.
Only, the second paste, pasted what was copied the first time. From then on, the only item working in the edit menu is paste. Even if you copy something from outside of Dreamweaver (TextEdit) and paste into Dreamweaver, it still paste what was copied the first time.
When this is happening, Dreamweaver is the only app behaving this way. Tells me it must be limited to Dreamweaver.
From what I've read, on other forums, I'm not the only one seeing this. Yet, it's not a topic here.
I'm running MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016) / 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7 / 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3 / OS X 10.13
The Dreamweaver CC 2018 I'm using is Build 10136. I just updated to it yesterday (10-23/2017).
Hi All,
We have fixed the copy-paste issue in the latest Dw 20.0 update.
Request you all to try out the latest Dw update and provide your valuable feedback on the same.
Dreamweaver Team
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Thanks for reaching out. We did fix some Copy/Paste issues in Dw CC 2018 but there are some still left in our plate. For your scenario, can you please help us by recording a video clip when you face the issue and share it. We will certainly try and pick this up.
Niharika Gupta
Adobe Dreamweaver
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We have the same issue in Dreamweaver CC 2018.
Bug seen on Mac OSX 10.10.5
Seems to be only when you copy and paste from within Dreamweaver.
Copy from external program and paste into Dreamweaver is fine.
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I remember the team talking about some fixes to copy paste coming up in the next version of DW. Am checking with them.
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Hi all,
For us to better investigate, can you provide us with answers to the following questions? Most of the copy paste issues have been fixed, but from this post, it looks like there are some that still need investigation.
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MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017)
macOS High Sierra version 10.13.4 (17E202)
Dreamweaver CC2018
when every you try to do a find and replace, enter mailto address or any window that pops up to allow you to paste information in a field - it fails to accept anything copied from any other application
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From what I understand, this issue has been fixed in the latest update. At least, I haven't heard of any new issue around this one since the latest update. Can you try updating Dreamweaver and let us know if you continue to face this issue?
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After the latest update to 18.2 yesterday (Oct 11, 2018), I can no longer paste whereas I could before. Windows 10, standard view, no paste option at all on right click and the Paste Special option is greyed out and not available.
Update: I just found that I can now use Control+C and Control+V to copy and paste. I am more used to the right click so would like that fixed but meanwhile, at least I can paste.
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Thank you for providing context and information. Can you get in touch with this us using this link Contact Customer Care​ ? The team can log a bug for you if necessary.
Right now, I couldn't find any open or fixed bug for this issue.
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It is the one we are on right now : Re: Copy & Paste Failing: Dreamweaver CC 2018
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This is just the user to user forum, to officially log a bug, or to add your experience to one already submitted, you can either...
Go to Help > Submit Bug/Feature Request from within DW itself, or...
Visit the Uservoice forum at: Adobe Dreamweaver: Bugs: Hot (923 ideas)
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Just to be sure, are you on the latest version of DW? If you are, are you still facing this issue? I ask because a number of copy paste related bugs have been fixed in the latest version.
If you are still facing this issue, use the information in the pervious post to report it. Share the link with me after you are done posting your feedback.
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I have not tried the copy paste since downloading and installing the
newest version released about two days ago. But now I cannot use the
"UNDO" function. I have no idea what is going on but please set back to
a version that works. The simplest of tasks are now impossible and
after being a customer for more than 10 years, I am seriously
considering cancelling my subscription.
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I'm on windows 10. No problems here with Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V or Ctrl+Z.
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I don't generally use the Ctrl + keys. Neither the Edit functions nor
the Right click functions work in 2018.
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Yes, I have the latest and *cannot copy & paste within DW nor can I
undo*! I am very dissatisfied with this product since the last two
recent updates.
Also, UNDO no longer works, and the JS that Adobe uses for preferences are now prompting alerts for opening, saving and putting files - and user has no way to fix it. I am going back to CC 2017. 2018 versions are terrible and certainly NOT WORTH THE MONEY we are paying. Can no longer do the simplest of tasks.
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For all those of you that are still facing this issue with Dreamweaver CC 2019, I suggest getting in touch with our tech support team using this link Contact Customer Care
They can investigate the issue, and log a bug for you with the team if necessary. I will also bring this issue to the notice of the product team.
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Hi elcy​,
We are not able to repro the issue.
Could you please tell us steps/workflow that you are performing, for which copy, paste and undo are not working for you.
Could you please try clearing the preferences and relaunch Dreamweaver and then check if it works for you.
Also, please let us know your OS and Machine Configuration.
Thanks and Regards
Ayush Rathi
Dreamweaver Team
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I use windows 10 HP Envy and never had problems with DW until the 2018
updates. I have two other computers and will check on them but this is
the one I have the most on. The problem occurs whenever I open an html
page on any of the sites I have or maintain. The options in the DW Edit
tab don't work and I get error messages. There is no way I can find to
clear the preferences I set in prior editions so I cant reset them.
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elcy wrote
There is no way I can find to clear the preferences....
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The prompt does not appear.
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If the rpompt does not appear, you didn't do it right. Close DW and try again.
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The best option now seems to be removing DW and using either Atom or
Visual Studio Code. Adobe has dropped the ball big time. I would like a
refund. Thank you
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Same issue with copying and pasting code from Dreamweaver to other text editors/other applications. Seems to only copy and paste within Dreamweaver documents only, anything else does not register.
My computer was recently wiped clean and upgraded with more RAM so I've installed the latest versions of Adobe programs.
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2013)
Mac OSX 10.13.5
Dreamweaver 18.2 10165 Build
I've had to shut down Dreamweaver multiple times or restart the computer to get it to work. It's inconsistent.
What platform & version/build Dreamweaver is running on?
Mac OSX 10.13.5
Dreamweaver 18.2 10165 Build
Is DW in Standard or Developer workspace. And a screenshot of the DW workspace. What is document view(full code view, split design/live view, undocked document) when the issue starts appearing.
Standard. Split Code-Design + Vertically. Design View Left.
Does the issue start while user is working on DW or after he switches from other app/Desktop to DW or after user minmizes & maximizes DW.
So far. No set pattern. Just happens whenever.
What are the steps user was doing just before the issue occurred like FTP operations, switching between documents, etc.
Switching between Google Chrome Browser + Dreamweaver or InDesign
Is the issue specific to Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V operations or the issue is occurring with other KB shortcuts like Ctrl+A, Delete key, Ctrl+D(duplicate line), etc
All the shortcuts work (Ctrl+C , Ctrl+V, Ctrl+D). But copy does not transfer to any other application other than within other Dreamweaver documents.
Does the issue occur only on selecting code using mouse or even for selections done with keyboard
Same issue. Have tried right-click cut/copy/paste - will not work.
Once it occurs, does clicking outside Dreamweaver and redoing the selection in code help in resolving the issue
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Have the same problem for months now.
Had it on my previous Mac, on my now brand new Mac again. Suddenly copy-paste works fine within DW and outside DW, but not between DW and any other non-Adobe app, nor Safari, Chrome, nor Numbers or Pages. Text can be transferred to Illustrator, but from Illustrator to Safari . . . No!
After repeated re-installs and cache-clearings, this seems to work:
Copy the text the Mac shows outside DW into the DW-file. Copy that together with some DW-text in the file into Safari. It will show.
From that moment on, you can use copy-paste any text from DW intone external app without problems, until the copy-paste block re-appears, and it will.