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Crafting a Custom News Portal Page

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Oct 18, 2018 Oct 18, 2018

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This little showcase page was built for our customers to demonstrate the power of our extensions. It utilizes 2 automated slider widgets in a structure created with our Harmony Flexbox page layout tool:


The entire page took less than a minute to create - not including content authoring.

Of course, an advanced coder should be able to cobble something similar together with Bootstrap and jQuery, but it would likely take a significant amount of time.

So, reminder....

Extensions are what made Dreamweaver. And while there are not too many quality developers left, there is PVII. We exist for small web design shops whose time must be judiciously allocated. We provide tools that work as timesavers for coders and lifesavers for non-coders.

Enjoy, if only for the inspiration.






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Oct 21, 2018 Oct 21, 2018

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osgood_  a écrit

As lve stated on many ocassions in the past l have no issue with amatuers using such products. You cannot expect a 75 year old to spend 5 years learning and fully understanding code or someone that only does web development at the weekend, in which case theses products are the perfect choice, but maybe not so for the client.

I'm just curious what is the client expecting ?.... beside the fact that the web site is visible from users... being reported by search engine... being nice to see...

what does wrappler (that I don't know) produce to be so bad, what does PVII (that I also don't know... sorry Al) produce to be so bad...

does all the above means that only web site manually produce from start to end... will be visible from users, search engine...

does this mean that 100% of the visible web is made using pure code manually done ?

I'm just curious ???





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Oct 21, 2018 Oct 21, 2018

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The problem is any user without detailed coding knowledge can produce better and more advanced web apps, faster than him using the tools you described in DW or with wappler.

The problem is these tools provide regular users with visual tools to create dynamic websites with back end data API and front end tools similar to angular and vue while he (osgood_ who only codes manually) struggles to use an easy to use front end js framework like vue and he (osgood_ who only codes manually) cannot deliver anything even close to what people using these tools can.





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Oct 21, 2018 Oct 21, 2018

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williamj31276244  wrote

The problem is any user without detailed coding knowledge can produce better and more advanced web apps, faster than him using the tools you described in DW or with wappler.

The problem is these tools provide regular users with visual tools to create dynamic websites with back end data API and front end tools similar to angular and vue while he (osgood_ who only codes manually) struggles to use an easy to use front end js framework like vue and he (osgood_ who only codes manually) cannot deliver anything even close to what people using these tools can.

Vue basics are actually very simple, organisation of the code is much better, obviously it sounds like you don't know that, whislt a product like Wappler fills the html full of too many bloated inline directives (Vue can do that too, deployed poorly, BUT you have the choice to hive most of them off into manageable and organised functions and the code into components. Wapplers way can get hugely messy to maintain, especailly along with the bloated Bootstrap code, which its layout system is based upon, this can add up to quite a spagetthi solution.

Obviously if you're a Wappler user you're not really expected to even go into code to see what it creates. I've seen what the few people using it so far manage to produce, whilst I dont like to critic design/layout because 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' they, in my opinion, are not hugley impressive.

My work is not hugley impressive either but on the whole I think is a lot more considered than what I've seen produced in Wappler to date by its current breed of users. That doesnt mean to say as it gets more popular the websites produced wont get more sophisticated IF more professional users start depolying it and I can see maybe graphic designers will use it which should improve the quality of layout work produced given time. Its not incapable of producing the highest quality of layout work given the right person is using the tool, much like any other editor.

Heres just one site created in Wappler to advertise Wappler.......humm. By your own satndards (the link you provided earlier in the thread) I think you would agree its not hugely impressive but that's just my opinion and as I've said I dont like to critic websites but since you want to compare stuff, I had no choice but to post the url:






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Oct 21, 2018 Oct 21, 2018

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Now you are throwing someone into the gutter who barely deserves it. Brian English - yes, from England - has cobbled a website together to show his videos, all free of charge. He happens to be someone that I greatly admire. He has also declared that he is not good at designing, but brilliant in backend technology. Even if you are not in the mood to learn from him, others certainly do.

But before I go any further in ripping you apart (sometimes I lose my cool), at least I know his name and I can see his work. He is not someone that hides behind a curtain.

Thankfully we have some decent people in the other forum, which you have undoubtedly realised when you come around to spy.

Wappler, the only real Dreamweaver alternative.





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Oct 21, 2018 Oct 21, 2018

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BenPleysier  wrote

Now you are throwing someone into the gutter who barely deserves it. Brian English - yes, from England - has cobbled a website together to show his videos, all free of charge. He happens to be someone that I greatly admire. He has also declared that he is not good at designing, but brilliant in backend technology. Even if you are not in the mood to learn from him, others certainly do.

But before I go any further in ripping you apart (sometimes I lose my cool), at least I know his name and I can see his work. He is not someone that hides behind a curtain.

Thankfully we have some decent people in the other forum, which you have undoubtedly realised when you come around to spy.

I also think Brian comes across as a nice chap but even George commented on his website being a bit ugly, I think, right?

This is NOT about design as I said 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' - what I think about others design is incidental and what they think about mine is also incidental which is also why I would never knowingly put my assss on the line where idiots can make a critic  based on there likes and dislikes. Some will like what you do and some will think its ugly, it's a no win situation. That's reality.

I did not want to turn this thread into a compare design debate as I think it is senseless, any editor regardless can produce high quality layouts/designs in the hands of the right person. Just because you have access to Wappler, Pinegrow, Wicks etc doesnt mean the design output is going to be any better than someone who hand codes in notepad, as was implied by the poster I was answering.

If you consider I'm spying then fine, I'll accept that. I would hope others may think Im actually doing my job correctly, arming myself with facts and details before posting, so I can debate rather than post ridiculous questions and suggestions.





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Oct 20, 2018 Oct 20, 2018

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I'm going to ask a question now, and I hope AL will forgive me for changing it from a front end to a back end question.

I think we all can agree that PVII's extensions are better than most, (maybe all) and certainly preferable to bootstrap, or most frameworks, (have not tried all frameworks, so cannot say all).

My big objection when it comes to such discussions, (or the direction this thread has taken) is when only a passing remark is made about back-end extensions, as they use much more proprietary code than any front end extension will, or should. Much of what is created using them is no better than what is available with Wordpress via plug-ins, and probably not as good as Drupal 'out of the box'.

Many of the sites that Williamj.. refers to as examples of 'good' design are produced using wordpress and lots of plug-ins, (and I mean lots) so is the main problem not back-end code when it comes to code that is not transferable to another developer.

Tying a client to a specific developer is becomming common practice, but that only applies to small site developers. What happens though when the small site that was developed must be changed to accommodate the client when their requirerments grow, will the client stay with the same developer who then says a complete redesign and coding of the back-end is required?

edit - a lot of those 'good' examples of design, I aborted the load as they took too long to load. A 'good' example is no good whatsoever if the user abandons the site because it takes too long to load.





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Oct 21, 2018 Oct 21, 2018

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pziecina  wrote

Tying a client to a specific developer is becomming common practice, but that only applies to small site developers. What happens though when the small site that was developed must be changed to accommodate the client when their requirerments grow, will the client stay with the same developer who then says a complete redesign and coding of the back-end is required?

That's really what I'm trying to get across - you seem to be the only one capable of sensible thought processing. Does that aspect of client relations even cross the mind, as was put by another poster, 'small minded' developers seemingly only in it for quick financial gain, usually for a very short period of time. Is the client to blame for choosing cheap and cheerfuI or should a web-developer adhere to some kind of ethical code of conduct. Personally I have a reputation to maintain and I would not want any client of mine to spread the word I build basic websites using code that could be viewed as rather 'unique' and not commonly used. Possibly even leading to difficuties in trying to find another developer willng to manage it without an extensive re-fit.





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Mentor ,
Oct 20, 2018 Oct 20, 2018

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You might wish to heed your own advice and get some fresh air for a myriad of reasons. The least of which is to comprehend when a joke is being made. Funny thing is, per usual as long as you believe your right thats all that matters. Yikes.





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Oct 21, 2018 Oct 21, 2018

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W_J_T  wrote

You might wish to heed your own advice and get some fresh air for a myriad of reasons. The least of which is to comprehend when a joke is being made. Funny thing is, per usual as long as you believe your right thats all that matters. Yikes.

Well of course I'm willing to be convinced I'm not right.....as yet unfortunately I have not been. Now we have someone asking 'what does a client expect'. Its not what a client expects so much as what you as a developer should be providing a client as a professional. I can only suggest trying out the product I've been critiquing and maybe one might come to some conculsions for themselves, rather than me having to do all the work and asking questions of such workflows.

Quite right, I do need a lot of fresh air, especailly when responding to a lot of posters in this forum.





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Mentor ,
Oct 21, 2018 Oct 21, 2018

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osgood_  wrote

Well of course I'm willing to be convinced I'm not right.....as yet unfortunately I have not been.

Yep, that sounds familiar ...

W_J_T  wrote

Funny thing is, per usual as long as you believe your right thats all that matters. Yikes.

But ...

osgood_  wrote

not incapable of producing the highest quality of layout work given the right person is using the tool, much like any other editor.

osgood_  wrote

senseless, any editor regardless can produce high quality layouts/designs in the hands of the right person.

Why then do you spend so much time on the forum addressing what you perceive as the incapable abilities and vast inadequacies of every single "editor" tool known in existence? Plus seemingly judging the vast otherwise unmeasurable personal abilities of others using any of these "editor" tools? Each done while presenting both with such a brash and condescending approach on your part, with little too no humility toward others.

Everyone starts somewhere and everyone filters through various editors, tools, workflows and approaches across their career -- no?

You make it seem like you were fluent with PHP, Javascript, etc., the moment you plugged in your first modem and launched a text editor back when you started? Maybe so, otherwise I simply don't understand why you come across as you do most times.





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Oct 21, 2018 Oct 21, 2018

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W_J_T  wrote

Why then do you spend so much time on the forum addressing what you perceive as the incapable abilities and vast inadequacies of every single "editor" tool known in existence? Plus seemingly judging the vast otherwise unmeasurable personal abilities of others using any of these "editor" tools? Each done while presenting both with such a brash and condescending approach on your part, with little too no humility toward others.

You're not following the thread, please do some reading and do some research before posting, its becoming really tedious to have to keep correcting posters who dont bother to read what I'm posting. (and that's as polite as I can be ). Im NOT discussing any editors capabilities to produce design/layout, Im discussing the code it/they produce. There is a BIG BIG difference you know, right?

W_J_T  wrote

Everyone starts somewhere and everyone filters through various editors, tools, workflows and approaches across their career -- no?

Yes, I started somewhere and made huge mistakes, wasted lots of time, mostly using AP divs if you were around at the time those were an optional choice in DW. I want to prevent that happening to anyone who is seriously considering a web-development career long term, not that there is much hope of that in this forum, but I can dream

W_J_T  wrote

You make it seem like you were fluent with PHP, Javascript, etc., the moment you plugged in your first modem and launched a text editor back when you started? Maybe so, otherwise I simply don't understand why you come across as you do most times.

Absolutely not and again if you follow me in this forum over the years I defy anyone to find a post where I have said I'm perfect although for some strange reason a select group of forum users seem to think that is what Im saying or implying, never I'm not that way inclined. Just because I critic something and express my opinions and doubts about certain aspects of web-development doesnt make me wrong or those who oppose my opinions right.

Whilst I am called all kind of things by Ben mostly 'small-minded' in this thread - its strange how the regulars who post, most who hate my guts see that as invisible yet they are quick to berate me for retaliating. I actually find it quite amusing, funny and entertaining to expose their insecurities and weaknesses.

I  specifically asked Ben did his mentor George say that Brians website was ugly - strange its all gone silent on that front, so I must be right, infact I know I'm right, yet again - BUT he berates me for suggesting the website is not as polished as it maybe should be. I didnt see him berate George.

He calls me a spy yet his other old aquaintance Thedore or whatever the guys name is is 'spying' in this thread and liking Bens post/s.........my  sides are really, really hurting you know from the laughter and amusing comments, two faced or what.

I rest my case.





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Mentor ,
Oct 21, 2018 Oct 21, 2018

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osgood_  wrote

for some strange reason people seem to think that is what Im saying or implying

I guess seek out the common denominator, that may provide the answer as to why that happens.

osgood_  wrote

Im NOT discussing any editors capabilities to produce design/layout, Im discussing the code it/they produce. There is a BIG BIG difference you know, right?

Well thats interesting, since previously in this thread you lumped Wappler & Pinegrow with the likes of Wix & Webflow. Yet Pinegrow by contrast works with native user source, what restricts Wappler from doing the same "as an editor" if someone desires? So yes big difference as you say, so it seems rather strange to not understand the basic differences of Wappler / Pinegrow vs Wix / Webflow.

osgood_  wrote

So far I have seen little evidence to convince me that Wappler is anything apart from a money making product for the developers of it aimed at the amatuer 'developer', of which there are millions of course. It will find its place amongst the many other products which aim at that demographic, Pinegrow, Wix, Webflow etc as its innovative for sure but not in the sense its a professional web-development tool as no one who claims to be  professional will use it

All this "what professionals use" and whom are amateurs sounds familiar. Yet you appear to still keep looking for a mythical editor and certain requirements, when above you clearly said "any editor" will do in the right hands? I'm assuming based on your comments you own a pair of those hands, so its a bit amusing.

osgood_  wrote

infact I know I'm right, yet again [...] I rest my case.

You could probably place that in a recursive loop and condition it with the common denominator and a break. Allowing you to speed up finding the answer to the "strange reason" your speak of.  But yeah that was not brash or absent of humility on your part.  😉





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Oct 22, 2018 Oct 22, 2018

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W_J_T  wrote

osgood_   wrote

for some strange reason people seem to think that is what Im saying or implying

I guess seek out the common denominator, that may provide the answer as to why that happens.

Yes, the common denominator indeed - that could be those with ineficient skills and experience to anylase what I'm posting in which case they shouldn't reply with responses which are quite frankly embarrasing for them, or it just could be me

W_J_T  wrote

Well thats interesting, since previously in this thread you lumped Wappler & Pinegrow with the likes of Wix & Webflow. Yet Pinegrow by contrast works with native user source, what restricts Wappler from doing the same "as an editor" if someone desires? So yes big difference as you say, so it seems rather strange to not understand the basic differences of Wappler / Pinegrow vs Wix / Webflow.

What I said, if you care to read the post again (please read the post and stop reading what you think Im saying into the post). I said Wappler will find a niche market, as have all the other editor you mentioned that you say I mentioned, nothing about Pinegrow, Wix, Webflow in respect of producing propriotary coding. Geez........ you're the one also posting links all over the place in other threads about Wappler v Pinegrow (defending Pinegrow, good on you mate if you feel passionate about something) now you inform me I'm not allowed to have an opinion about what I think.

All this Re: CSS Grid and Variables . Yet you appear to still keep looking for a mythical editor and certain requirements, when above you clearly said "any editor" will do in the right hands? I'm assuming based on your comments you own a pair of those hands, so its a bit amusing.

I'm not looking for any mythical editor I CAN USE ANY EDITOR AS I CAN CODE - I do own a pair of those hands yet I'm not so sure what is amusing about being able to code (you make it sound shameful), do tell me. if one disappears I simply move to another editor transparently.

W_J_T  wrote

You could probably place that in a recursive loop and condition it with the common denominator and a break. Allowing you to speed up finding the answer to the "strange reason" your speak of.  But yeah that was not brash or absent of humility on your part.  😉

I make no excuse for getting the facts right, if you and others are too lazy to keep in touch with what goes on or are just not interested then that is your problem.





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Oct 22, 2018 Oct 22, 2018

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I could point out your BS in clear fashion but I digress. I was merely trying to impart something so you might finally come to a realization. The fact remains you fail see the basic message or meaning being presented and continue forth with your chosen ways. So good luck with that, perhaps a pity for others though.





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Oct 22, 2018 Oct 22, 2018

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W_J_T  wrote

I could point out your BS in clear fashion but I digress. I was merely trying to impart something so you might finally come to a realization. The fact remains you fail see the basic message or meaning being presented and continue forth with your chosen ways. So good luck with that, perhaps a pity for others though.

I have no idea what you are talking about and I assume neither do you, you're just grasping at straws now. Point out the BS I speak of and I'll give you the answers you require. I suppose you're going to delete your posts now which attempt to big up Pinegrow and show Wappler in a bad light. Wasnt you the one posting links to what the Wappler boys thought of the latest and greatest DW update? If you cant take it dont dish it out, is all I can say.





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Oct 22, 2018 Oct 22, 2018

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One thing is for sure, you never disappoint in providing amusement around here, just too bad its always at the expense of others.

osgood_  wrote

I suppose you're going to delete your posts now

Here's a tidbit fellow common forum user, on this forum us basic users can't delete or edit our posts once another person posts following us in a thread. So there is no need on your part to constantly be quoting others 'entire posts' seemingly fearing that might happen.





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Oct 22, 2018 Oct 22, 2018

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W_J_T  wrote

One thing is for sure, you never disappoint in providing amusement around here, just too bad its always at the expense of others.

I'm glad to be of service, keep reading and you might learn something.

W_J_T  wrote

Here's a tidbit fellow common forum user, on this forum us basic users can't delete or edit our posts once another person posts following us in a thread. So there is no need on your part to constantly be quoting others 'entire posts' seemingly fearing that might happen.

Well that is good to know - at least  all the drivel I have to read at times remains in 'Black & White' so I can refer back to cover myself when I'm constantly being accused of supposedly saying something I havent or something that someone else has posted that they conveniently forget.





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Oct 22, 2018 Oct 22, 2018

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osgood_  wrote

Well that is good to know [...] conveniently forget.

I'm glad I could remind you, since it was already expressed to you. I guess as you say, you choose to conveniently forget.





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Oct 22, 2018 Oct 22, 2018

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W_J_T  wrote

osgood_   wrote

Well that is good to know [...] conveniently forget.

I'm glad I could remind you, since it was Re: OT: New Test . I guess as you say, you choose to conveniently forget.

Now you are stooping to new lows and ridiculous posts which I havent seen in the forum previously. Im interested in WEB-DEVELOPMENT not something as trival as forgetting if a post can be deleted or not. Obviously youre not interested in web-development but the trival subject of how a forum works, sounds about right given your previous questioning to me. When your back is up against the wall come armed with something a bit better than that, hilarious.





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Mentor ,
Oct 22, 2018 Oct 22, 2018

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It must be exhausting for you, thinking you are always right and feeling the need to defend it. I guess it was naive and therefore pointless to assume you might have an opportunity to understand what was really being said about your approach. But obviously not, as you continue forth with your brashness, lack of humility and tact. Sometimes its hard for all of us to see things about ourselves. Hopefully we can all do better to improve, myself included.

That’s the last from me here in this thread concerning you osgood_, since you appear to blatantly not comprehend.


Sorry for my part here of going off-topic ALsp​. I applaud you and other 3rd party developers efforts, trying to help fill the gaps in Dreamweaver for users over the years.





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W_J_T  wrote

It must be exhausting for you, thinking you are always right and feeling the need to defend it. I guess it was naive and therefore pointless to assume you might have an opportunity to understand what was really being said about your approach. But obviously not, as you continue forth with your brashness, lack of humility and tact. Sometimes its hard for all of us to see things about ourselves. Hopefully we can all do better to improve, myself included.

That’s the last from me here in this thread concerning you osgood_ , since you appear to blatantly not comprehend.

Its exhausting having to contiually correct unsubstantiated accusations which are continually aimed at me for sure, for no other reason than having an alternative view or opinion BUT as long as those ridiculous accusations keep coming I shall be here to defend myself against said accusations. I gave you the opportunity to eleborate on the BS, in your opinon, that I have supposedly said and you declined that opportunity to represent yourself, instead posting comments about forgeting that posts cannot be deleted, should I care? Let's be agreeable here, I will bow down to your obvious and outstanding expertise and knowledge about such captivating facts concerning the forum posts and you can leave the web-developement expertise and knowledge in my safe hands.

The only thing sensible you have said in your final post is:

'Sometimes its hard for all of us to see things about ourselves. Hopefully we can all do better to improve, myself included.'

I could not agree more, so we at least share something in common.





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Oct 22, 2018 Oct 22, 2018

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I have no idea where much of what is being 'said' now has come from.

Correct me if I an wrong Os, but what I think you are asking is similar to the question I asked on Saturday, in that I wish to know, 'how easy is it to extend the code that back-end extensions produce'?

An example -

An auto customisation workshop, which a web developer, (insert your name here) produced a site for last year, has grown. The owner has aquired two more workshops in other towns/cities, they now want the sites for all three workshops to be joined and offer customers the opportunity to customise their autos on-line and book their autos in for servicing. The auto could be transported to any of the workshops, for the work to be carried out.

How expandable is the back-end code, (and to some extent the front-end) produced by extensions to easily cater for such extensibility, or would custom, (hand) coding be easier?

I hate to say this , but Adobes Experiance Manager would also be a candidate here, especially when the client is hopping to expand the number of workshops over the next few years, (modular coding may be a good option).

Edit -mistakenly wrote extension manager instead of Experiance manager, (have extension manager on the brain).





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Oct 22, 2018 Oct 22, 2018

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It is actually really easy to customize backend like this, and that's why it's better to have backend separated from front end (talking about dmx) and not having all the backend PHP code put on each front end page.

The server connect extension offers scalability and modularity - so you can reuse and customize the components you define

You can have one single backend API (server action) responsible for many front end pages/apps ( different cities, different cars, different options) and it is easy to have custom setup for each front end option (workshop/city etc).

That's why I said I couldn't be happier ditching WebAssist extensions for dmx.

EDIT: let me give you an example of a similar case I worked on. I built the site and the intranet system for a big tech park including hundreds of companies, renting offices there.

They required a reservation system for a conference room (available for a couple of companies) - including part of the day for the selected room to be rented (morning, lunch, afternoon). Then a couple of months later they required to integrate more conference rooms, for all the companies in different buildings and required adding "items" to rent for each room (different per room) like projectors, catering, whiteboards etc.

The conditions for the "items" were quite complicated and depended on things like - which day at what time you can rent the room, and what time of the day is the "item" available.

This task I have completed in a couple of hours by just updating backend (using the UI) and then updating 2 template files with the front end component UI.





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Thank you, .

This is the Dw forum though, so I must ask is the code Wappler produces the same as the extensions for Dw?





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Oct 22, 2018 Oct 22, 2018

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Yes, the extensions added in wrappler are the same ones used in Dreamweaver. It's just the database query builder is more advanced than the version in Dreamweaver.





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