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Floats not working

Community Beginner ,
Jun 25, 2022 Jun 25, 2022

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DW21: After new version install "flt_lft","flt_rgt" don't follow when doing Realtime_preview.

Has something changed again?

Thanks in advance,







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Community Expert ,
Jun 25, 2022 Jun 25, 2022

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Presumably, "flt_lft" and "flt_rgt" are classes that have their style rules created in a CSS dicument. 


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Jun 25, 2022 Jun 25, 2022

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Actually, the problem concerned Images and they have their own "floats"; .imgFloatLft[...etc]

Having fixed that:  Still, the Realtime_preview does not show correct layout.

Yellow sign says: "Could not commit changes in Line View."

Hence, I changed to Code view and Saved all.  Did not help either. ???





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Jun 25, 2022 Jun 25, 2022

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The answer lies in the code. Please copy and paste the HTML and the CSS here. Or better still, if the site is live, please supply the URL.


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Jun 25, 2022 Jun 25, 2022

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Hi Ben,

Thanks for helping out.


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<img src="Images/Ing_contact_page.jpg" alt="" width="120" height="149" class="flt_rgt marg"/>
<p><strong>Ingemar Saevfors</strong></p>
<p>ingemar@saevfors.se <br>
Kallangsvag 73, 18144 Lidingo, Sweden +46 703936761 www.saevfors.se</p>

<p class="p70">Architect/Urban planner with longtime links to Africa, the Americas and SE Asia, specializes in innovative building technologies for low income regions.</p>
<p><strong>IN FOCUS NOW</strong>: The daunting perspective of housing <strong>another three billion people until 2050</strong> is now further exacerbated by the fast climate change. </p> <img src="Images/SolarHugePark.jpg" alt="solarPark" width="280" height="154" class="imgFloatLft"/>

<p> In the wake of Glasgow-COP26 there is now intensified focus on Solar energy.
However, solar panel parks of the quantities needed will demand enormous space on fairly flat land. The challenge will then be to sacrifice farm-land for a constantly growing world population.</p><p><strong>New technology under way</strong> <br>Recent progress with transparent solar panels has windows as the obvious target but can also be combined with agriculture. Large structures supporting the transparent solar panels may permit sufficient light for farming below. Some crops can even have a certain advantage by the protection from scorching sun and violent down-pours of tropical rains.
<img src="Images/AgriSolar.jpg" alt="" width="350" height="123" class="imgFloatLft"/>
</p><img src="Images/Lombok space frame.jpg" alt="" width="200" height="150" class="imgFloatRt"/>
A totally planar surface is important for the solar panels. The secret is the triangulation of connector nodes by the pole elements of the same length.
Such support structures, often in form of space frames, are today mostly made from aluminium profiles, often more expensive than the solar panels they support.
The same space frame structures could actually be made from bamboo, a local material made resistant to insects by low-toxic borax treatment. The cost difference compared to aluminium is gigantic. In addition the benefits of local materials and rural livelihoods are obvious.</p>

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<p style="font-weight: bold"> Testing</p>
<img src="SolarAgriPlant.jpg" alt="" width="400" height="286" class="imgFloatLft"/>
<p style="font-weight: lighter">A pilot project is now under planning in Thailand where the feasibility and cost consequence could be explored. Space frame structures of 16 x 16 m will be spaced allowing 4 m gaps for drainage/irrigation canals and access paths in between. Such a single unit 16x16 could already be instrumental to an evaluation of the concept.</p><b><b><b>
<img src="SolPanelFixSpaceframe.jpg" alt="" width="250" height="242" class="imgFloatRt"/>


<p>Solar panel fixture to PetCrown, bamboo space frame connector.</p>
<p style="font-weight: lighter">Stress analysis by KTH (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) of the bamboo poles, considering upwind wind effects of 30 m/s, indicates a max axial compression force of 9.8 kN. (Corresponding to 14.3 MPa, much below allowable tension)</p>

<img src="KTH_2022_upwind.JPG" alt="" width="416" height="139" class="imgFloatLft"/>
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<div class="footer">1 July 2022 | Copy with reference to www.saevfors.se | ingemar@saevfors.se | All rights reserved</div>





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Jun 25, 2022 Jun 25, 2022

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Works ok for me in a normal browser, is it just inside Dreamweaver preview the floats are not working?







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Community Beginner ,
Jun 25, 2022 Jun 25, 2022

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Yes, exactly. I didn't try to lanch it live over FTP yet. Now since you say OK I will.






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Jun 25, 2022 Jun 25, 2022

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Yes, exactly. I didn't try to lanch it live over FTP yet. Now since you say OK I will.


By @ingo9


Just check the page layout in a local browser, like Chrome or Firefox, Edge etc. Im not sure if Dreamweaver preview is reliable.





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Community Expert ,
Jun 25, 2022 Jun 25, 2022

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Use right-click on open tab and select Open in Browser. 

Previewing in local browser is reliable.


Real-Time Preview is sometimes hit & miss because it relies on Adobe's servers.  You may turn off RTP in Preference settings.  See screenshot.




Nancy O'Shea— Product User, Community Expert & Moderator





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Jun 26, 2022 Jun 26, 2022

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Real time previews are the worst. With complex modern style and Javascript sites these just are pointless. I hate when CMS's or systems try to use this or have it as the main site builder tool. They just fall over a lot of the time trying to render in frame websites CSS and JS plus any tool and code on top to make editing or previews work.

AS everyone said ingo9, just preview in the browsers the sites intended for.





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