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Is anybody experiencing really slow typing in DW CS6 on a Mac?
Regardless of what I type, the code only apears at a rate of 3 characters per second! Does anybody know what may be causing this? Is it an incompatability, a bug, or some rendering issue???
I'm running this on an old MacPro1,1 / NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT 256 MB with 8GB Ram, SSD drives OSX Lion 10.7.3.
This slow behaviour is not noticed on other CS6 apps...
The purchased product was an upgrade - downloaded from Adobe:
Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design & Web Premium (Mac,English)
Looking forward to a resolution, as it's pretty terrible.
If you have installed Dreamweaver CCM update (12.1), you should no longer face this issue. If you have 6.1 update installed and are still facing this problem, let us know. For users that are not on the cloud, Adobe is working towards a release that addresses this issue.
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Is it with all files Luis or just particular files. If it's with something particular I'd be more than willing to look at the file trying to replicate your actions. I have a MBP 2.8ghz C2D with 8GB ram & GeForceM 9600GT 512MB and 7200RPM drive.
Also file a bug report so the team can look into it:
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Hi SnakEyez02,
It appears to be all files - in code view or split view - even a blank file.
I have a few other Macs around - I'll check to see if they exhibit the problem, in which case I'll report back here and submit a bug report.
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I'm experiencing the same issue on my Windows 7 machine. It appears that CS6 is eating away at 100% of one of my CPU cores and is performing extremely slow. Still can't determine what's causing it. I have no choice but to go back to CS5.5 for now.
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hi concept211 - actually, now you mention it - the CPU usage for DW jumps from idle up to 50% (sometimes 70%) whenever I type anything.
Even if I type a bunch of zeros. (50% cpu usage). pause for a while (drops to 2%), type another couple of zeros (junps to 50% again).
Pasting in a chunk of text only jumps to 20%.
Both of these are in Code view.
It's as if the predictive code typing is overburdoning the app.
Just did this test with DW CS5.5 and the CPU doesn't go over 5%...
Will test on my other machines to see if I can replicate the issue - just trying to get some work done at the moment.
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Yeah, there's something seriously wrong. I hope Adobe is paying attention and will provide a fix (or at least a workaround until the fix) ASAP. It's simply unusable at the moment
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Hi folks . . . I'm alerting the Dreamweaver team about this issue right now. Cheers, Jon
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Hi Everyone,
Are you running Dreamweaver CS6 Trial version or a licensed version?
Can you check if there are no other apps running in the tray(i.e. close any mail client, browsers anti-virus apps etc) when running Dreamweaver? After a re-start of the system if you just happen to run DWCS6, do you still see typing being slow?
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I'm using Trial version of Dreamweaver CS6. Didn't had that issue with CS5.5.
Once I open any Preference in Dreamweaver, CPU goes back to zero.
I had the issue before with CS5 and CS5.5. Before it was fixed by disabling "Related Files". Now even this do not work!
Please advise,
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Are you having any DW extensions installed on your machine?
Did you open a new blank html page from inside any site defined in DW. Just wanted to make sure you dont have any heavy sites defined which might cause the problem.
It would also be good if you can send us a Screen capture/video showing this behavior on your machine.
You can choose to reply back to me directly at
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I disabled RELATED FILES and now it works OK. Intresting, before I had the issue, but now it's fixed.
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Great to know this, Thanks!
Can others also who is facing similar issue try it out. Does disabling of Related Files option in Preferences dialog solving the slow typing issue?
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Hi again,
(purchased version)
MacPro 1,1 : 2.66GHz 4 core (the original problematic machine)
I've just upgraded to OS X 10.7.4, and it appears to be much better (possibly a combination of the reboot!).
The typing is now only slightly slow - not too bad at my typing speed, but it could annoy faster typers. Still - it's much faster than 3 characters per second.
The CPU usage, however still remains.
Within the body tag of a new html file, if I type any text the CPU usage for the Dreamweaver process leaps from 1.5% to 58%.
Again, this drops down the second I stop typing, and goes back up when I resume.
I have no DW CS6 extensions enabled on this machine.
NOTE: When I returned to DW6 to disable the RELATED FILES option, it had gotten really slow again (so it slowed down after some time passed).
Disabling the Related Files Option seemed to fix that slowness, but then that required a re-launch which could have masked the elapsed time bug (possibly a memory leak?).
HOWEVER, the CPU usage remains very high whilst typing, regardless of perceived slowness, or status of RELATED FILES option.
On a slower, but newer MacPro 4,1 : 2.26GHz 8 core ; running 10.6.8 with same SSD & RAM, the fresh installation runs quickly (without post-install reboot) and the CPU only goes to 20% whilst typing in the same situation.
I have no DW CS6 extensions installed on this machine.
I have an old MacBook Pro 2,2, also on SSD with 2GB RAM currently on 10.7.3 I'll do some tests on it when I get a moment, but this may have to wait until next week.
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Can you share access to your site/server credentials using which we can also open the same test files and see the issue reproducing at our end?
You can directly send it over an email only to me at
Please note that all your data will be fully protected, and be used only for internal testing purposes only.
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I have a trial version of DW CS6 installed. It looks like by default the "related files" option is disabled. I tried enabling and disabling and it doesn't make a difference on the CPU usage. I also don't have any extension installed. It's completely blank and I even deleted the old site cache, preferences, etc. I'm attaching screenshots so that you can see how the CPU usage drops from 50% to 0% from simply pulling down the toolbar menus.
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I'm having this exact same problem.
Any HTML/CSS file that I open DWCS6 eats up my CPU - but if I open a menu, it goes into a normal state (0-4% of CPU usage).
On CS5 this problem occured once in a while, but it was random... now it's constantly happening. However, I don't have the "slow type" problem... the text appears as fast as I write.
I'm running it on a P6100 Dual Core 2.1Ghz, 4Gigs of DDR3 Ram, AMD Mob. Radeon 5470 + Switchable Graphics (Intel) and 320Gig HDD using Windows 7 Ultimate x64.
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Please drop an email to jlakshmi_at_adobe_dot_com or arunk_at_adobe_dot_com for Adobe Connect session, through which we can identify the root cause of this issue. These high CPU usage issues does not seem to be common. If you could join Connect session, we will be able to identify what settings are different in your machine or in the installed DW that leads to this issue.
We highly appreciate your cooperation to nail down this issue.
Janaki L
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I have the same problem, my current machine is a Quad core Q6600, Win7 64bit, 4GB ram, SSD HDD and Dreamweaver 6 constantly eats 25% cpu usage. When im in the menu state it drop to 0% to 2%.
Dont have any files open, and when I do same problem. Slows down the whole computer. I realize this is the OSX discussion, but same thing on Win7 64.
CS5.5 runs nice and smooth. Had a random CPU usage problem once with CS5.5 but that went away.
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for whatever it's worth, I've been experiencing the same excessive CPU usage w/ DW 6 on a ThinkPad W520 with an i7 processor, Win7 x64 w/ 8 GB RAM. I have a "CPU meter" that shows the activity on all cores, and they pretty much all light up-- and continue indefinitely-- while using DW. It's kind of comical that my system runs completely quiet when using PS 64-bit, but goes haywire when running DW, i.e. fan going at full blast, etc. I hope this issue will be fixed soon...
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I've been experiencing the same excessive CPU usage w/ DW 6 on a ThinkPad W520
Does this occur with a new, blank HTML page?
File > New > Blank > HTML > pick any layout...
Nancy O.
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Hi Nancy-- thanks for your reply; wow, it does in fact make a huge difference when viewing the "File > New Document" dialog, as depicted in the attached screengrab. The image shows a grab of DW with the new document selection window open, and the corresponding CPU activity at right, juxtaposed with that of DW with a blank document open. For whatever reason, the CPU activity appears to be normal in the former scenario and excessive in the latter. In fact, I've noticed that the activity is mirrored with pretty much any dialog open-- e.g. the File > Open dialog, the "Manage sites" dialog, etc-- in which case the CPU activity is normal; but at soon as those windows are closed, and either just a document is open-- or even when nothing is open at all-- the CPU activity goes berserk. Very bizarre...
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I'm on Windows 7 and was able to replicate npish's scenario. Every time a new file window or even the preference window is open, the cpu usage drops to 1-2% and picks up again when its closed. Bizarre indeed...
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thanks for the corroboration aw2xcd; so I'm curious, from the Adobe folks, is this an issue you're looking at and/or addressing in an upcoming DW update?
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I'm having the same problem. I too have a MacPro 1,1. I've got 7GB of RAM. I tried the "Related Files" tip and this hasn't helped (although it did bring back my icons that had been missing since Dreamweaver CS5 and the upgrade to 10.7.3).
Mine is a purchased copy of Dreamweaver (downloaded via Creative Cloud). I agree that the software is unusable like this. I found CS5 pretty buggy so aren't keen to go back to that. I may have to look for alternative software if this problem can't be fixed quickly.
For the record, nothing else does this on my machine. Even with large fonts and complex documents in InDesign there's no lag. Dreamweaver's CPU usage goes to 75%+ as I type anything (and then have to wait for it to catch up).
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I'm also having the same issue. I've got a Macbook Pro 5,5, 8GB of RAM. I'm currently using the trial version of Master Collection. I've also tried the related files fix to no avail. Please fix the issue as quickly as possible. The program is basically useless at this point. I'd be happy to help in any way I can to fix the problem.