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[Bug] Creative cloud app displays wrong status information

Contributor ,
Oct 22, 2021 Oct 22, 2021

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With this post, I would like to report a bug, submit a feature request.


When a (teams) user account is not fully activated, the application licenses will not become available and the app displays "trial expired". It does not indicate what the problem is.

Simply creating a user account in the teams console and assigning an application, is not enough to start using it. Users have to click on on the mails and confirm they joined the program.


The creative cloud desktop app does not indicate what the problem is, and how it can be fixed.


For a company which claims to be in the frontier of UX en UI design, it does a terrible job in correctly informing users of problems and how to fix them.


This issue took me weeks to solve in which I had to contact Adobe multiple times. And that's no joy.











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