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When will you provide ProfileUnity support?

Explorer ,
Sep 10, 2021 Sep 10, 2021

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I have seen and have been told that ProfileUnity is a tool that is not a tested or supported software item. Here's the deal Adobe, we as users and IT Support need a better answer than "is not tested or supported." We all have a job to do and that is to deliver an application the best way possible to our users.

It has recently come to my attention that you no longer support InDesign or Illustrator on Server OS. There is a huge problem with that because you do support XenApp which requires applications to be installed a multi login OS such as Server 2016, 2019, etc. If you no longer support Server OS with apps such as these, the only other methods to deliver apps like this to uses is to use a tool such as ProfileUnity.

Acrobat , Deploy and package apps , Enterprise , Licensing , Troubleshooting






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Sep 14, 2021 Sep 14, 2021


We understand your concern however every organization uses different environment and tools to access and manage apps and in my understanding it is very hard for the team to test each and every tool for the application testing.

You can use any deployment tool to install the packages on the devices however our recommendation is to configure the devices which meet the minimum system requirements of the application. Adobe has conducted limited testing of some Creative Cloud products in virtua




Adobe Employee ,
Sep 14, 2021 Sep 14, 2021

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We understand your concern however every organization uses different environment and tools to access and manage apps and in my understanding it is very hard for the team to test each and every tool for the application testing.

You can use any deployment tool to install the packages on the devices however our recommendation is to configure the devices which meet the minimum system requirements of the application. Adobe has conducted limited testing of some Creative Cloud products in virtualized or server-based environments. This testing is basic in nature. Adobe recommends that you test your workflows in an evaluation version of these products before deciding whether to use one of these products. Testing is the only way to truly ensure that this kind of solution meets your needs: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/enterprise/kb/technical-support-boundaries-virtualized-server-based.html


You can use this feature request form to share your suggestions/feedback: https://www.adobe.com/products/wishform.html





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