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Why can't the support team read their watches?

New Here ,
Dec 01, 2021 Dec 01, 2021

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We're having persistent issues with our Teams subscriptions and it seems almost impossible to get any support from Adobe. Thus far, I've been bouned around at least 8 different poeple and three different support teams in chat sessions that have gone on for hours, and three different time windows have been scheduled for a callback - every single one of which the support people have missed.


But instead of calling me at any of the agreed times spanning multiple days, the support muppets decided to call me at 5:05am local time ... and then follow that up with another support call at 6:58am local time.


I presume this is because these lazy ineffectual idiots can neither read their watches nor understand timezones ... and they think Adobe's customers are prepared to wake from a deep sleep at times that happen to be convenient for underskilled Help Desk staff.


Now, the solution to this has traditionally been to call Adobe's support phone line - which the telco informs me has been disconnected in my country. So it appears it's basically impoossible to get anything that even vaguely approximates support.


So I guess my question is this: are all Adobe's customers treated with this level of contempt, or did I just get lucky?

Enterprise , Licensing , Manage account , Teams






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