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I cannot seem to select or deselect objects in fireworks by clicking on them. I have to click and drag in order to select an object and click and drag to deselect. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong or how I can fix this? Thanks.
Its Spotify.... Close it and try again.. Worked for me....
Grrrrr... I blame Xmas and all the offices for having music on.
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I had similar problem. I was caused by spotify. Just close spotofy and get back to work (finaly)
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This problem is back in Yosemite, with the Spotify fix introduced by nevyn (Spotify) that used to work successfully on Mavericks, preventing the conflict, no longer working in Yosemite. nevyn (Spotify)
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CS6, OS X Mavericks, still a problem. Completely blown away that running a music program like Spotify breaks Fireworks selection tools. This is insane, but thanks to people here for at least stopping me from losing my mind from pure frustration.
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Hey Everyone,
I went back and read through this thread as I too am having this issue. I was able to narrow down the cause to Chrome. I'm completely blown away that Chrome itself is causing my Fireworks selection and zoom tools to stop working.
With Chrome open I have to drag to select, with Chrome closed Fireworks works flawlessly. I'm going to experiement further by turning off pluggins one by one and see if one of those is causing an issue.
Thanks for everyones help. You all saved me a headache. Now if we can get this issue resolved.
My info:
OSX 10.9.4
Fireworks CS6
Latest Chrome Version 37.0.2062.124
Jon D.
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The specific extension was the Google Play Music extension. Turning this off resolved my issue.
Odd that it seems to be apps/programs that use keyboard controls to control music.
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Thank you soooooo much. This fixed it for me.
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It sounds like Spotify (and every other application that uses the media keys) is just working around a bug that exists within Fireworks (or the OS?) by explicitly turning off that functionality when Fireworks is running. Given that it's been several years now, I'm not entirely optimistic... but is there any possibility this will be fixed?
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Four years later, and I started having trouble...and sure enough...Spotify. Crazy it's still an issue all these many years later, but it worked.
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My colleague and I are having the same issue. Closed Spotify and the issue is gone. WTF?????
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It's life dude. 🙂 I don't think Adobe will ever fix it. It's called DIY LOL.
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Yes you're right it IS Spotify! Me too....son of a b....
How the hell did you figure that one out?
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No way it was spotify for me as well! thought i was going mad when it started! Made me upgrade to 6 as well to see if that helped!
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OMG WTF!!! I closed Spotify and it worked!
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How is this even possible? The issue is couple of years old and no one has done anything about it since!
I've never had this problem with Fireworks CS6 before, but I've just switch from Win8.1 to Mac OSX and it appears. So now what?
Shall I abandon Fireworks or Spotify?
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The reason this is possible is simple: Adobe stopped development and support for Fireworks since May 2013 - two years ago now. By that time FW CS6 was a year old, and came out before the new versions of Mac OSX. It is to be expected that older applications may run into compatibility issues when upgrading to a newer OS.
It is not only the fault of Fireworks, however. The latest two Mac OSX versions have been riddled with bugs and problems for many Mac users (one merely has to visit the macrumor forums). Mac OS is no longer the main focus of Apple, unfortunately.
Be it as it may, Fireworks is a dead application, and if anything, at some point you will have to jump ship anyway to alternative applications.
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Frankly if its a dead application they should stop selling it.
Then again there are a lot of things dead about Adobe that they still sell, so, par for the course I guess.
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You are a lifesaver.. how the heck did you figure this out?! (And why is it happening.. and why is Adobe the worst?)
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Oh man...this took me all day figuring out whats wrong with Fireworks and keep restarting my Mac many times.
Finally when googled, this answer tried and it worked.
Huh! this is crap man, why spotify is creating problem here.
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Yip, it was Spotify! Thanks.
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I, too, had this totally problem with Fireworks CS6. My culprit was simply Google Chrome. It did not matter what was actually open in Chrome -- without ANY tabs open, I cannot directly click to select in Fireworks CS6. When I quit Chrome, I can immediately go back to business as usual and click to select. I still love Fireworks BTW.
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Check your plugins: some users have encountered the same issue with audio player plugins which they had installed in Chrome, and when they deactivated/uninstalled these, Fireworks would not have any issues anymore.
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More specifically (thanks to Herbert2001) my culprit was the Google Music extension in Chrome. Magic...gone wrong.
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Same here. Can't select nothing (I don't have Google Music Extension installed).
OSX - EL Captain - 10.11.1
Google Chrome - 46.0.2490.86 (64-bit)
Adobe Fireworks CS6 -
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This old trick still works today! I had to close another similar app QQ Music to get Fireworks to behave. Weird.
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Same issue here...resolved it when I quit Kodi.