ATTENTION MAC CUSTOMERS - Flash Player 13 "Plugin Failure" Solution
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Update 4/16
I'm pleased to announce that Flash Player for Mac is now available from This release resolves the crash described in this thread. As noted below, you can either download this immediately from or wait for the update to be applied automatically, within 24 hours, via our recommended auto update mechanism. If you encounter any problems updating, please visit for basic troubleshooting steps.
We are aware that Macs created between 2006 and 2008 are currently running into problems using the latest release of Flash Player (version 13). We apologize for the inconvenience that this is causing. We are actively investigating the cause and hope to have a full solution to you shortly. In the meantime, please follow this two step procedure which will revert you back to version 12.
- Download and run our uninstaller: - Download and run the version 12 installer from*:
After installing Flash Player, you might be presented again with our update dialog. You have a couple of choices to deal with this.
I recommend simply clicking the red close button on the dialog's title bar to dismiss the dialog. This dialog will show up once every 7 days or until we update you silently and automatically with the fixed version (45 days maximum).
The other option is to change the notification option during the install to "Never check for updates (not recommended)." This will suppress the dialog completely. At some point in the near future Safari will block the old version of Flash Player and you'll be prompted to reinstall the new version of Flash (with the fix). When that happens you can return to the automatic update selection.
I will continue to update this thread and post to twitter (@liquidate) when new information is available.
Update 4/10:
We have determined that this problem is due to a compiler update in our build infrastructure that exposed a long-standing bug in a Mac system library. Flash Player now attempts to use CPU instructions that are not available on a subset of supported Mac hardware from 2006 to 2007. None of the machines in our compatibility labs are affected, so the issue didn't show up in our testing, but we were able to track down a machine that reproduces the issue yesterday. We're actively working on a fix and I'll update this post again once we have more information.
Update 4/11
Our developers have found a fix for this issue and our quality assurance team will be testing this new build out over the weekend. If everything looks good, we'll work on how and when we'll get this deployed.
Update 4/14
Testing over the weekend went well and no new issues were found. We're now working with our deployment teams to get this out to all Mac users. If the testing and web staging go as planned, we expect that we'll have this update available for download on Wednesday, April 16th. If you have the Flash Player update mechanism (found in the Advanced tab of the Flash Player system preference panel) set to "Allow Adobe to install updates (recommended)" then you will receive the update within 24 hours of the release being made available. Customers that have the option set to "Notify me to install updates" will get a notification dialog within 7 days. We will also make this update available for download though I'll post again if we run into any snags or when the update is made available.
Update 4/16
I'm pleased to announce that Flash Player for Mac is now available from This release resolves the crash described in this thread. As noted above, you can either download this immediately from or wait for the update to be applied automatically, within 24 hours, via our recommended auto update mechanism. If you encounter any problems updating, please visit for basic troubleshooting steps.
*If copying and pasting the URL from step 2, please note that the forum software is putting a space after "mac". Please manually remove this space or click on the link to start the download. If you do need to copy the link you can Right-Click or Control-Click on the link and select Copy.

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Thanks. i had previously used to post bugs WRT flashplayer, but that links no longer in play.
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Any news about the update? I see at version available
but at still version ?
When is this version updated?
WOW that was fast i see the that the new version is available @

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Chris, on the Labs Flash Player page it refers to the release version as 12. Should'nt be 12.
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As noted by Peter-Erik, the fixed version of Flash Player for this problem is now available on I've updated the original post with the details. Thank you again for your patience and we apologize for the confusion and frustration that was caused by the original release.
@pjpreilly - thanks for the heads up, I'll take a look and get that updated.

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FWIW. While booted into 10.9.2, clicked on the Flash prefPane, and clicked check for updates, with installed. Got an up-top-date message.
Went to and saw that was available,
hit the install button, got the AdobeFlashPlayerInstaller_13_ltrosxd_aaa_aih.dmg, and the installation failed exactly as reported earlier. Went to the archives page, downloaded the fp_13.0.0.201_archive (Mac only) file, and it installed correctly.
So, the process is still broken. Others have reported the same. This is on a mid-2011 i7 iMac.
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@baltwo - I forwarded your original report of the broken online installer to the team responsible. They have been investigating but I haven't heard anything back at this time.
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2010 IMac 10.6.8 Installed 12.0 as you suggested. Went through preferences and was told update available. Installed updated. Still nothing. Everything keeps telling me to update to the most current version of Flashplayer. Please help. Two days spent trying everything...
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@Merry777 We have a new version that was made available today that fixes this bug. Please try downloading from
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I have iMac 27" and the "201" version does not work. Please help. The only solution: Back to version 12
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201 is the version I updated to right before I posted. It doesn't work.
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If you are still encountering crashes with the release, please post back to the forum or email me ( with the contents of your crash report. I'd like to take a look at this asap. Do you crash when you visit this page?

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Chris, could these remaining problems be related to the flash plugin taged as "Never Activate" in the add on page?

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I knew that. My latest report was WRT the latest version, which I expected to fix both problems. Just pass on to them that this latest release didn't fix my issue.

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Follow-up. Just reinstalled Flash Player, opened up the Flash prefPane, saw that it was installed, and clicked on Check Now button
Got a message that a newer version was available and clicked on Install button
Once the process finished, the new one was installed.
So, the engineers fixed the problem. However, now the problem page needs updating since the set preferences doesn't pop up when running the installer from the prefPane.
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I just did the exact same as you suggested—it still doesn't work.
Could someone, a tech, from Adobe please contact me????
Really frustrated,

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Then, go to, download
(Released 4/16/2014) Flash Player (Mac only) (44.67 MB) from the Flash Player archives section. Use the uninstaller to uninstall whatever's currently on the machine, and install that one. That's an alternative method that's always worked.
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Nope, it's doesn't work—all I get is a hang. Same old…same old.
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Thanks to one and all for all your help, effort, and time. It is much appreciated. Everything is working fine!

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It would help others if you provided the steps you took to solve your problem.
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I am using Digidesign DIGI 002 as my Main Audio Output.
If you are doing the same, you may want to switch to another Main Audio Output for enjoying videos, such as youtube.
The current Drivers in Pro Tools 10.3.8, specifically for the DIGI 002, fail when met with such things as youtube.
For the time being, if you want to watch youtube using a Digidesign DIGI 002 as your Main Audio Output, switch to another Output source.
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hi all i just updated my 2013 imac 's flash player to 13 and now my logitech webcam went from a clear hd hi tech webcam to a dull dim very vwery stretched wide image, how do i fix this>?
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"I've updated the original post with the details."
Where is this original post??? Can you provide a link?
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If the post has been updated with details, I can't find them from the information you provide. Please help. This plug-in problem won't go away.
Ed Fields
55 White Street
New York, NY 10013
(212) 431-3666
(917) 412-9478
Skype: edfields1

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This is all well and good for users with those machines; however, I'm running a mid-2011 i7 iMac and Mac OS X 10.9.2. When using the installer, it gets to the select your update preferences and becomes unresponsive. Clicking any button does nothing.
However, when I go to archive page: and download (Released 4/8/2014) Flash Player (148.88 MB), it installs properly, displaying these two dialogs, instead of the one above:
Since I can't find any other way to file a bug report, let me know why this is occurring.
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Adobe HAS FIXED IT! I've installed the update and it works.
EASIEST WAY to install:
Click on Systems Preferences in the Dock.
Click on Flash Player.
Click on Advanced.
Under "Updates" click on "Check Now."