Icon not showing up in pdf
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I have a note icon in FrameMaker that appears correctly. When I save the file to pdf the icon disappears. Any suggestions on what to try?
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Is it an actual image or a font?
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Font. The font installed on my computer.
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Are you sure the font is not protected from embedding in a PDF?
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Is this a setting? No one else in my group has this problem.
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How are you creating the PDF? It's usually an "embed fonts" field in the options or joboptions files
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In Framemaker and Save As Pdf
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What joboption/PDF preset are you using? Save as uses the last selected PDF preset from the Publish Pod.
To check: File > Publish > Output > PDF. Click the Change Settings button for the Settings file > Edit > Preset name. What is selected in the Preset menu? Smallest file size, for example, does not embed fonts.
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To add to Barb's post...
In FrameMaker:
To check the settings, look at Distiller:
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It is set to high quality print
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Are the others in the group using the same font?
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Yes we all use the same.
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By the way, what is the icon?
More specifically, what is its U+#### codepoint?
If it's higher than U+FFFF, or in one of the Unicode PUA spaces, that adds factors.
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It is an "I" icon :
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As far as I know, there is no Unicode definition for a boxed lower case i.
There is ⓘ U+24D8 Circled Latin Small Letter I
So my guess is that your icon is a codepoint in a PUA (Private Use Area) font, or even a legacy overlay font (code point range 00h-ffh). What you copied into the forum post was just an ordinary "I" (49h), which if accurate, suggests an overlay font.
You could copy the character, and paste it into one of the code converters (e.g. r12a.github.io/app-conversion) and see what the codepoint actually is.
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When I go into the pdf file and go to Document Properties > Fonts. The font that is suppose to be there for this icon is not in there. I have checked the fonts directory and the font is in there.
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What's the font name?
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It sounds like an issue with font quality.
What is the font name and font foundry at issue?
Are you using a Roman or Regular version of the font, or applying something like Bold to it?
If the problem persists when the actual font specified is installed on your computer, and you've forced it to download via the PDF joboptions, then it sounds like a poorly coded font.
Take a look at FontAwesome, or similar font to find a replacement.
FrameMaker Course Creator, Author, Trainer, Consultant