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Problem Creating Postscript File with FrameMaker 7.2

New Here ,
Aug 20, 2006 Aug 20, 2006

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My usual book easily goes more than 500 pages with lots of graphics (eps) and text. I am trying to create pdf. My problem is I am unable to print book in one shot - always received error messages. If I break the book and print selected files, I am able to create the postscript files. (I need to break into 5 to 6 postscripts files). But by doing this I lost the link to my TOC when I combine the files into 1 pdf file.

Have anyone encounter this problem before? Any suggestion? (I am using FrameMaker 7.2 and Distiller 6.0).




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New Here ,
Aug 31, 2006 Aug 31, 2006

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Yes "Pro" is "Professional", good catch. Any suggestions where you can get a legal copy for $99?




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Contributor ,
Aug 31, 2006 Aug 31, 2006

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>Any suggestions where you can get a legal copy for $99?

Not really, I'm not in the market, I suggest you find a good reliable and knowledgeable reseller. I don't think finding a legal copy for $99 is what the original poster is asking about. You might begin by reading a copy of the license agreement and by shopping around on the Web.

As for the actual problem at hand, as I understand it, we are actually in a holding pattern while 1adobe_user gets all versions of Acrobat removed from his computer and then has only one version of Acrobat reinstalled.

I suggested that installing Distiller 7 and not installing Acrobat 6 might be a good test, and I also suggested that Acrobat 6 should work with FrameMaker 7. I further suggested that Adobe Reader 7 should not be installed on the same PC as Acrobat 6.

That's where we are, I think the ball is in 1adobe's court.






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New Here ,
Aug 31, 2006 Aug 31, 2006

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Sean- the $99 was a correction to what only Art said (not the original poster) to 1_adobe "could pretty easily resolve the situation by upgrading your full Acrobat 6 install to Acrobat 7 Pro. It's something like $99 or so, I recall."

I'm not in the market either, since we all have registered copies.

I think the holding patern is 1_adobe's source for Distiller 7, that individual has been available.

Question to 1_adobe-- Do/did you use Acrobat 6 for anything other the Distiller? Once you delete Acrobat 6 and install Distiller 7, and we all hope that solves your problem, what are you going to do to get Acrobat installed if needed?




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New Here ,
Aug 31, 2006 Aug 31, 2006

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I can only test uninstalling and installing either Acrobat 6 Professional or Distiller 7 when my IT person comes back. Upgrading to Acrobat 7 Professional, will be out the the question the last I heard. (We are talking about a few hundred computers using it for editing and writing comments in pdf files).




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Contributor ,
Sep 01, 2006 Sep 01, 2006

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> I can only test uninstalling and installing either Acrobat 6 Professional or Distiller 7 when my IT person comes back. Upgrading to Acrobat 7 Professional, will be out the the question the last I heard. (We are talking about a few hundred computers using it for editing and writing comments in pdf files).

Right. Hence the holding pattern. Acrobat 6 ought work, though I'd test both ways. Make sure you uninstall all Acrobat components.




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New Here ,
Sep 07, 2006 Sep 07, 2006

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Been over a week since 1adobe_user has said anything. Has the problem been solved?




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New Here ,
Sep 07, 2006 Sep 07, 2006

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I have uninstall both Reader 7 and Acrobat Professional 6 and reinstall Acrobat Professional 6. Unfortunately, this has not solve my problem. I tested creating ps files for a few different books then Distilling them. The books I tested, Distiller always die somewhere after pages 250-270. Some of the errors are:

(i)[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: P221234 ]%%


(ii)%%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: glyph1667 ]%%





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 08, 2006 Sep 08, 2006

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> I have uninstall both Reader 7 and Acrobat Professional 6 and reinstall
> Acrobat Professional 6. Unfortunately, this has not solve my problem.

Did you follow the advice given here:
* Uninstall all your Acrobat products, all your AdobePDF/Distiller printers,
and delete any Distiller installation part of FM 7.2
* Reboot after uninstalling and deleting (very important!)
* Install Acrobat Pro 6

After installing Acrobat Pro 6, make sure that:
* You only have a single printer called "Adobe PDF" and not any printer
called "Acrobat Distiller".
* When looking at that printer's properties, there is a port called "FILE:"
which is selected for the printer, and the associated PPD file is
ADPDF6.PPD and nothing else.

Finally, when creating PDFs from FM 7.2:
* Make sure to open all files in book before creating the PDF
* Try a "Save Book as PDF" first
* If that doesn't work, try "Print Book" and make sure to select the
"Adobe PDF" printer




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New Here ,
Sep 08, 2006 Sep 08, 2006

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Anyone knows what sofware to open and view/edit our ps file? Something like when we open frame file in mif. <br /><br />Furthermore I open a 10 pages frame file with 4-5 pictures in mif. I was surprise to see <PgfpdfstructureLevel x> mentioned 100 times. (X is a number which changes). I have a lot of <PgfpdfstructureLevel 26>. Maybe there is something not right here. Maybe this is why there is a Stack error after 200 over pages. I don't know. Maybe I am confused.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 08, 2006 Sep 08, 2006

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Maybe you "simply" have the problem with tagged PDF files?
In FrameMaker's PDF Setup dialog box, the Tags tab, turn off
"Generate Tagged PDF" and then recreate the PS file.




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New Here ,
Sep 08, 2006 Sep 08, 2006

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The sequence I took: Uninstall Reader 7. Reboot. Uninstalled Acrobat 6. Reboot. Installed Acrobat 6. Reboot.

There is only 1 "Adobe PDF" printer. (It had always been one. Never had an "Acrobat Distiller" printer.

How do I check my associated PPD file? I have ADPDF6.PPD, ADPDF6CS.PPD, ADPDF6CT.PPD, ADPDF6J.PPD, ADPDF6K.PPD. But only the ADPDF6.PPD is at the spool\drivers\win32x86.

The error were generated with the print book method. From print book, a ps file were generated. I then Distilled it and an error were generated.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 08, 2006 Sep 08, 2006

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1adobe_user, (I'm Thomas BTW)

Assuming you're using the web interface for these forums, I would advice
you to scroll up to the top of the topics list for this forum and click
the topic "Framemaker FAQs"

In this subforum, click the topic "Setting Up Acrobat 5/Distiller 5"
Although this topic refers to Acrobat 5 and the "Distiller" printer,
it's still mostly valid for Acrobat 6 and the "Adobe PDF" printer.

The first message "Installing Adobe Acrobat and related files..."
tells you how to check that your "Adobe PDF" printer is correctly set up.
You can read the first part to educate yourself, but then follow the
instructions under "1) Customize the Distiller Printer."
(again, replace "Distiller printer" with "Adobe PDF printer")

The second message "About the Distiller PPD" tells you how to check
what PPD file is associated with your Adobe PDF printer.

Then, in the FAQ subforum, click the topic
"FAQ: Fix for Problem Printing PostScript "to file" Under Windows 2000"
This is how to get back your "FILE:" port, if it's gone.

If you change anything according to above, reboot and try again.




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New Here ,
Sep 08, 2006 Sep 08, 2006

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Was there a reason you never tried installing Distiller 7 after uninstalling Reader and Acrobat 6 then tried to see what happens?




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New Here ,
Sep 08, 2006 Sep 08, 2006

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I did not install Distiller 7 because I need some feature in Acrobat Pro 6 and also the IT person have not check the licensing issue on Distiller 7.




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New Here ,
Sep 08, 2006 Sep 08, 2006

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I tried the "simple" method of uncheck printing "tag" and to my surprise, now everything works! (I can create a pdf for the whole book at once). But this means I will not have any Bookmarks in the produced pdf. At least now I know the problems is with the "tag". Now I need to get myself familiar with tags.




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New Here ,
Sep 09, 2006 Sep 09, 2006

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Glad to hear it's working. Yay!!

One small thing: bookmarks are on a different tab of the Acrobat settings dialog to tagging, so you don't have to turn bookmarks off, just the stuff on the Tag tab. Also, you should make sure that the last tab has "create named destinations" checked, because otherwise some of your links will probably break.

Cheers, Rebecca




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New Here ,
Sep 11, 2006 Sep 11, 2006

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I'm just guessing, but could this be something to do with generating PDF bookmarks? (i.e. the navigation pane of headings that you can make down the left hand side in the PDF)

There's a dialog in FrameMaker somewhere where you can set the PDF bookmark levels for your various FrameMaker paragraph styles.
Sometimes by default these get set to ludicrous levels (eg Heading 3's to be converted to 57th level bookmarks or something). If you don't fix this is may often lead to crashes when generating a PDF.




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New Here ,
Sep 11, 2006 Sep 11, 2006

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Regarding Distiller 7 licensing, if the company purchased FM 7.2, then Distiller is free, as is Standard Edition of WebWorks since it's included on the CD. TIf your version of FM is licensed, then all your IT person has to do is look on the CD or call Adobe. Checking doesn't take a month!




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