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Desktop Fresco is horrid.

New Here ,
Jun 23, 2022 Jun 23, 2022

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Ok.. I have a serious problem with using my wacom in Fresco. Adobe owns a good amount of shares in wacom from what I heard last. I updated the drivers for my tablet and its not the problem. Honestly I can paint in Illustrator and PS without any issues with the tablet on an 11x17 paper at 300dpi. In fresco at 11x17 I wait 1 to 2 minutes to see the stroke. Than undo it and redo it SSDD.

This software, beyond being made for the ipad and android has not been optimized for a desktop computer.

Moving layers around takes about 25 seconds to even pick the thing up and move up or down with the pen. most of the times I find that where it sets, automatically drops it onto another layer and makes a layer folder.

Changing the colors with the color picker is really laggy.

I mainly use it for practicing oil painting. Its not the computer I own. Nor is it the tablet as it works fine in photoshop, illustrator, and using it as a pointing device.

I also find that its annoying that to close the software you have to automatically save. Which destroyed a painting i was working on as it saved a brush stroke on the painting because of the pen lag..

Take the ios interface out of the desktop version. Seriously its not intuitive on both my ipad or mac.

Allow shortcuts to open up brushes and colors.. Have a friggin save or save as option under the file menu. Exporting is a joke. Honestly I find Maya to be more intuitive while working in it(and for those that have used maya since the alpha version you understand what I mean.) For such a new app and such a renowned company. The interface is a junkpile on my computer.

Also what the hell is wrong with your importing of photos and dimming the opacity? It should be you right click or hold the +  on the new layer button to put an option say open image in new layer or open image. . Or like other apps your company creates, file/import/place.

Im not even going to tell you about the joke of masking during design. 

Im not trying to be rude. I tried the illustrator version on my ipad pro and you have everything bassackwards.

Canvas settings , Color , Cross-product , Import , Layers , Live brushes , Performance , Pixel Brushes , Publish & export , Syncing & Storage , Tools , Vector Brushes






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Community Expert ,
Jun 23, 2022 Jun 23, 2022

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These forums are generally commented on by other users. If you have feature requests/suggestions your best option is to use the Request a feature link in App settings > Help > Suggest a feature.

I would recomment separate entries for each different suggestion you have otherwise there's too many things in one thread and it's harder for others to upvote your ideas.


Regarding your comment on the Interface, Adobe followed Microsoft guidelines to create a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) user experience.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 05, 2022 Jul 05, 2022

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Hello @GuySmiley 


Kindly share some details about your system. Output of dxdiag would be useful to start. 








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