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Frequent Crashing!

New Here ,
Oct 28, 2021 Oct 28, 2021

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I use Fresco daily for sharing real-time graphics into various online platforms- Zoom, Webex, etc. In the last month or so, I am noticing an increase in the number of times Fresco is crashing. It comes about suddenly, and it will just abruptly shut down. It always loses at least the very last thing I did, and then I have to relaunch and open again. This is NOT a professional look when I'm sharing my screen live with hundreds of people! I have all updates on both the iPad IOS and the Adobe suite. What's going on?? Any solutions to this? 

I'll also mention, this happens REGARDLESS of how many layers are in play. At first, I thought it happened when I had alot of layers going (6+) but now I'm seeing it even with only 2 or 3 layers!







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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 28, 2021 Oct 28, 2021

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Hi there,


Sorry to hear about the crashes. Could you please confirm which device and operating system you are working on? Also, please share the crash report by following these steps:


  • Got to Settings > Privacy > Analytics & Improvements > Analytics Data
  • Locate the log for your app. The log name starts with <AppBinaryName>_<DateTime> for crash reports, or JetsamEvent_<DateTime> for high-memory use crashes.
  • Select the desired log.
  • Tap the Share icon, and click Save to file.
  • Select Creative Cloud and Save.
  • Share the download link from https://assets.adobe.com/files 



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New Here ,
Oct 28, 2021 Oct 28, 2021

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Hi there,

I'm working on a MacBook Pro (running OS BigSur 11.6), an iPad Pro (3rd gen, running software version 14.8). I'm using the Creative Cloud suite on my laptop, and I have Fresco on the iPad- my Fresco is should be totally up to date.


In the Analytics & Improvements section (on my iPad,) I don't see any data that starts with "<AppBinaryName>" but I do have probably 40 instances of "JetsamEvent". I just picked one, the most recent today, but when I select "Save to Files", My only options are "iCloud Drive" or "On My iPad". I chose "iCloud Drive" and when I then use the link you've provided, the crash report is not visible there. I don't know where it is saving to. To be honest, I don't understand the difference between Creative Cloud and the iCloud Drive, but I do know that I am not getting Creative Cloud as an available option/destination for saving a file to. This is all SO frustrating! I need to get this resolved- I manage a team of other graphic artists and we are all having the issue with crashing. If we can't get it sorted out soon, I'm going to have to tell the team that we can't use Fresco for our client facing work any longer. Which would be awful, since we all love it except for this very big issue.

Please let me know what other next steps to take, and what I can provide to help you understand what's happening! I see MANY data events, so it's obvious something is going wrong with the app!

Thank you,







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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 29, 2021 Oct 29, 2021

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Sorry about this experience. You may send the file to the email address I shared via DM.








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