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Fresco & Storage Space: I’m having a VERY hard time with my limited internal storage.

Community Beginner ,
Apr 25, 2021 Apr 25, 2021

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Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me with this!
I use Fresco on an iPad 8th generation. It has 32gb of internal storage. 

Very frequently, I'll start the app up, and it will block me and say: "You must free up (X Amount Of Space) to continue."

I've even contacted support about this, but they were unfortunately not too much help.
I was told that Fresco uses the cloud, but if it truly did use it, I wouldn't have needed to delete literally everything in order to use this app. I'm getting to the point where I'm deleting things I really need because I use Fresco for my job, and I can't afford to not have it. 
If I delete something from the Fresco "Your Work" space, it deletes it across the entire cloud base. I just want to use Fresco without using internal storage: if it truly is a cloud based program, I should be able to. 
I'm not really sure what to do to stop it from taking over my space. Fresco is taking 10GB of my internal space right now, and it's rising each day. I have 100GB of cloud space and I would really like to use that, for obvious reasons.

If there are any suggestions other than buying a new iPad, that would be great. I'm running out of things to delete, soon it will only be Fresco, so help is greatly appreciated.

Have a great day, thank you in advance!

Cross-product , Device , Performance , Syncing & Storage






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Enthusiast ,
Apr 26, 2021 Apr 26, 2021

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Bonjour, votre iPad est trop limité en espace mémoire locale..... Ce n'est pas un problème d'espace Cloud dans votre cas, sur votre iPad, tape sur l'engrenage, ensuite, tape sur Général, tape sur stockage iPad et vous pourrez constater l'usage de la mémoire de stockage de votre iPad

Yves Crausaz, Suisse, retraité actif dans le monde de la photo et des arts graphiques.





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