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Fresco crashed my iPad after saving a drawing and now I can't open the drawing that was saved

New Here ,
Jan 14, 2020 Jan 14, 2020

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I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but I couldn't find any way to report bugs, so


I was working on a drawing of a character, and I had already drawn the character before so I closed the new drawing I was working on in order to open an older drawing with the same character so that I could copy a layer on the old drawing (which had a palette of the colours for that character; I just finished outlining the drawing, and wanted to copy the colours before I started colouring it).


I was able to save the new drawing I'm currently working on, and then I tried to open the older drawing and suddenly the entire screen of my iPad became a bright fuschia pink for a couple seconds before the screen turned off and the iPad crashed.


I was able to restart the iPad just fine and open up Fresco, but now I can't open up the new drawing I'm working on. I am able to open up other drawings (including the older drawing that made the app crash when I attempted to open it), but the new drawing doesn't open at all.


I can see the tumbnail preview thing for the new drawing is fully updated to what I saved it at, but I can't open it. Trying to duplicate the file gives a popup at the corner of the screen saying "The document could not be duplicated.", make online only says "The document could not be made online-only", and the upper right corner says "An error occured while syncing one or more documents. Fresco will continue trying to sync." and, switching to list view while looking at "Cloud documents" shows a white circle with blue outline and blue arrows on the list withe the drawing I'm having issues with.


I also tried to "Export as PSD", which gives me the popup to export it, but then it just loads and keeps going and never finishes. The file list view also says the file is 10.8 MB which seems on par with most of my other filest that are only sketch+outline like this one is since I didn't get to start colouring it yet.


I opened up the older file almost immediately after closing the new one, which I've been able to do fine with multiple other projects I was working on where I'd quickly switch between files for references to older drawings with the same characters without issue, but I guess it was too soon for the sync to be able to finish? Is there any way for me to recover and be able to open and finish the drawing? Clearly its still there since the thumbnail is fully updated (I had just finished the outline and hid the sketch layers, and the thumbnail shows the outline with no sketches, just like I left it off before I saved it) and seems to be around the correct file size. I don't recall making the file available offline in the first place, but I assume is that just a thing Fresco does before syncing? My iPad has 22 GB of available space left so I don't think it would've run into issues with space if it does in fact do that

Device , Performance , Syncing & Storage






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

New Here , Jan 16, 2020 Jan 16, 2020

When you sign in with your Adobe ID to https://assets.adobe.com/cloud-documents do you see the drawing there in its entirety?

I can see the drawing there and I can open the preview and it appears to have the same options available as other drawings in there? And it shows the same state of progress as it has on my iPad, which was the fully up-to-date preview as of when I closed and saved the drawing the last time I was able to open it


Have you tried force-quitting and relaunching Fresco?

Yeah, noth




Adobe Employee ,
Jan 16, 2020 Jan 16, 2020

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Hi Not. 


Sorry for taking so long to respond. Are you still unable to open this drawing?


If you are, a couple of quick questions:

When you sign in with your Adobe ID to https://assets.adobe.com/cloud-documents do you see the drawing there in its entirety?

Have you tried force-quitting and relaunching Fresco?


If you're still unable to open it please email me through the Report a bug link in Fresco (so I can see all of the device/app information that populates the email). To get to that,  tap the gear icon in the upper nav of the Home screen then App Settings > About > Report.


You don't have to rewrite all of this; just mention that you posted on the forums. 









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New Here ,
Jan 16, 2020 Jan 16, 2020

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When you sign in with your Adobe ID to https://assets.adobe.com/cloud-documents do you see the drawing there in its entirety?

I can see the drawing there and I can open the preview and it appears to have the same options available as other drawings in there? And it shows the same state of progress as it has on my iPad, which was the fully up-to-date preview as of when I closed and saved the drawing the last time I was able to open it


Have you tried force-quitting and relaunching Fresco?

Yeah, nothing changes. I also re-started my whole iPad which also didn't fix anything, and I ended up just making a new project with an old screenshot of the sketch I'd made and just re-did what I had done (the project that broke, I had just finished outling the drawing, so I just made a new project to re-do the outlines and finish the drawing, so its not the end of  the world, just hopefully doesn't happen to anyone else)


If you're still unable to open it please email me through the Report a bug link in Fresco (so I can see all of the device/app information that populates the email). To get to that,  tap the gear icon in the upper nav of the Home screen then App Settings > About > Report.

Alright! Just a heads up, I just updated my iPad's OS to 13.3 last night and I forget what version I was on before,  so that's innacurate now to what version it was on when the crash occured

(I was looking in the Help section for how to report bugs and didn't find it there which was why I made a post since it didn't cross my mind that bug reports would be in About instead of Help)



Edit (after emails):

If anyone else gets the same issue, go to https://assets.adobe.com/cloud-documents and find the broken file, then try reverting the broken file to an older version then back to the most recent version, and then download a copy of that to get a .psd file that works! The original file is still broken in Fresco and I can't open that, but the new duplicate works fine, thanks for the help!





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 04, 2022 Jul 04, 2022

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But on assets,adobe you have to do that on a desktop not an iPad to revert to prior version?  Because I do not see that option available.  This is showstopper if there is this much trouble just saving and opening files





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