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When I create multiple layers, they all show up at the same level. None of them are showing up in front of or behind the others. So, I have lines from the first layer going through the second and third, as well as lines from the second layer going through the first and the third, and so on. In every tutorial I watch, they don't have this problem. What am I missing?
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WHat do you mean they show up at the same level? If you are creating different layers, then by definition they are above and below each other. Once you make them, are you targeting or selecting that layer so that the new artwork you are making is actually in that layer? Perhaps you can take a screenshot of your layer's panel so that we can see what is going on.
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I agree a screenshot would definitely be helpful here. Including the open layers panel. Is it that the opacity is allowing one layer to show through a layer which is above it?
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I posted the screenshots below. Nope. Opacity is at 100% for both layers.
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I thought that they were on different levels by definition as well, but it is not showing up that way. I'm attaching an image. The guy is in one lair, and they began drawing the tree and the hill in another layer that is behind the guy. As you can see, the lines from the tree and the hill are going through the guy even though he is in front.
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I am thinking that this is because of a blend mode situation. Perhaps there was an unintentional blend mode on the main guy layer or even on the paint brush of the skin tone so that the darker color would be showing up. If it is a blending mode of the layer, then changing the blend mode to none would take care of the problem.
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I have exactly the same problem. Sometimes the layers go above and behind each other as they should. And sometimes they don't for no reason. The opacity is at 100 percent in both scenarios. Please can someone answer this question?
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please did anyone find a solution? Mine fresco layers have never worked properly exactly the same as you
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Hello @Ayla35514540bq4y,
We understand that encountering technical issues can be frustrating. Would you mind sharing some more details, like the exact version of the OS/Fresco, device make/model, a sample file (, and a screen recording of the problem (, so we can investigate this further?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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Am experiencing this now also. Layers were working fine and now when I draw on a layer underneath another with a brush, the strokes are appearing on top of the layer above. It was working fine up until now.
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Hello @jogoesgufi,
Sorry to hear about your experience. Would you mind sharing some more details, like the exact version of the OS/Fresco and a screen recording of your workflow and the problem encountered (, so we can investigate this further?
Looking forward to hearing from you.