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Potential fresco bug or quirk: can’t turn off multiple layers with Erase as Brush selected

New Here ,
Oct 25, 2020 Oct 25, 2020

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I've either found a bug or a quirk I don't understand: if I'm using the vector brush in Erase as Brush mode by activating the little hotspot (forget its name), it turns on Select Multiple Layers. Steps to replicate:


  • choose Vector Brush
  • create multiple layers
  • tap the "hotspot" to change to Erase with brush
  • attempt to change layers- instead it will select multiple layers and there appears to be no way to stop it other than changing back to regular brush mode


this behavior does not occur with the vector brush in brush mode or with the eraser tool. This happens to be tedious with my personal workflow (creating many vector layers and then switching between them and erasing to neaten them)


thanks, I'm enjoying fresco! The Blob Brush is my #1 tool in Illustrator for desktop, so it was nice to have many of my favorite features enabled and expanded upon on the iPad!

Tools , Vector Brushes




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 26, 2020 Oct 26, 2020

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Hi Allison. 


Glad you're liking Fresco so much.  I completely understand why it  might seem like a little bit of both (a quirk and/or a bug).


The Touch Shortcut is a quick way to select multiple layers, so when it is locked in an active state (while you're erasing with a brush) if you go to select a layer, it will enable you to select multiple layers. To just select one layer the Touch Shortcut needs to be in an inactive state. 


Hope that helps clarify what's happening. (Let me know if something else is going on.)












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