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Set a vector brush as a stroke

New Here ,
Dec 05, 2019 Dec 05, 2019

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Is it possible to set a vector brush as a stroke like in Adobe Illustrator—i. e. the stroke is not a fill (> see figure on the left)?


Bildschirmfoto 2019-12-06 um 00.01.58.png




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Dec 06, 2019 Dec 06, 2019

Hi Uliviereck.


I'm sorry, no, it's not possible to get a single-path stroke in Fresco (it handles vector strokes the same way as Adobe Draw). 


That said, I know the team is going to be looking at the vector tools more closely in the new year, so when you have a minute will you post a request to UserVoice.  I know it's an extra step but when all requests are all in one place the team can prioritize those features that are most important to the largest number of people (this has been an extrem



Adobe Employee ,
Dec 06, 2019 Dec 06, 2019

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Hi Uliviereck.


I'm sorry, no, it's not possible to get a single-path stroke in Fresco (it handles vector strokes the same way as Adobe Draw). 


That said, I know the team is going to be looking at the vector tools more closely in the new year, so when you have a minute will you post a request to UserVoice.  I know it's an extra step but when all requests are all in one place the team can prioritize those features that are most important to the largest number of people (this has been an extremely popular request for Draw and I suspect it will also be for Fresco).


You can also access User Voice from within Fresco:

* From the Home screen tap the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen. 

* Then from the App Settings menu go to Help > Support > Suggest a feature






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