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Hello, i use Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 on an IMac Late 2009, OSX Mavericks (all Updates are new). I will change to OSX Yosemite and will update Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 before. I tried to Update, but the Adobe Updater gets no Internet Connection. I tried it without Firewall..... but no Connection. Can i download an Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 Update manuell? I've seen there s an Update for Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.03. Could i use this?
1 Correct answer
There is a difference between updates and upgrades. UPdates are modifications to specific version, such as in your case you own version 6. Version 9 is an upgrade which you would have to have purchased to acquire. Version 9 is no longer for sale by Adobe.
If you want to see what updates are available for version 6 then try the following page:
Direct Updates
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There is a difference between updates and upgrades. UPdates are modifications to specific version, such as in your case you own version 6. Version 9 is an upgrade which you would have to have purchased to acquire. Version 9 is no longer for sale by Adobe.
If you want to see what updates are available for version 6 then try the following page:
Direct Updates
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Ok, thanks for Information. Another question: do you know if Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0 works with the new OSX Yosemite? And if not, what do i have to do?
Buy a new Adobe Photoshop Elements?
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I don't know much of anything when it comes to Mac systems and the software they support.
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OK Don ...Ned ...whomever,I have Adobe 6.0 I had for years since I got my first PC back in 2005 give R take a year never was able to connect.And have been wondering since my disc version is now downloaded on my xps 8900 and still gets this message. Is their updates that I missed out on through out the years.I got OS Win 10 Pro installed.And still cannot connect with my product key.How can I get tthis hooked to the Adobe server or what ever you call it so it is registered and I might be able to reap the benefits of updates for this 6.0 version????Are is this no longer supported???I have Photoshop Elements 14 but never use it cause it is hard to understand,my old faithful 6.0 I am familiarized With.
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The registration from pse 6 no longer works and it's optional anyway and you probably already registered pse 6 when you installed it on your old computer, so there is no need to register again.
To stop the registration dialog from appearing again run pse 6 as an administrator and the click on Never Register.
Right click on the pse 6 shortcut, click on More and then click on Run as Administrator.
The only update for pse 6 is camera raw 5.6, which you can get the installer from here:
Adobe - Photoshop Elements : For Windows : Camera Raw 5.6 update
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Thank You Jeff for this answer,now I can move on.
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That link doesn't seem to work anymore, does anyone have the new link to this file, and how to do the update ?
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@Lokitoz - Photoshop Elements 6 is a an old version from 2008. It is no longer supported so is why any updates for this version are no longer available.