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Hello community, I would like to ask for your help one more time. I have nothing to show to be honest but I would like to be able to make this happen.
Is it possible to have three objects positioned in the artboards just by giving the artboard index [0,1,2] or name and also place them in wherever position I need? Whether XY position or using a key object, somethign like this. Maybe I need to name the objects in the layer but if is necesary to have them well known I will name them.
Thank you all. ish you a great day.
Hi again @AntonioPacheco, for extra learning, please try this revised script.
I added functions to align to various points (topLeft, top, topRight, left, center, right, bottomLeft, bottom, bottomRight) so, for example, you can set it up to align the bottom center of the item to the top center of the artboard, or another useful alignment would be aligning the bottom left of the item to the top left of the artboard, with an offset of [0, -20] to move it off the artboard.
The "alignmentPoints"
...Hi @AntonioPacheco, actually this way is simpler to code than the last script. Here you go. I've made an array that you can edit to include name, artboard number, position, and alignment points. See what you think.
- Mark
var itemsToPosition = [
name: 'Car Front',
artboard: 1,
artboardAlignmentPoint: topLeftPoint,
itemAlignmentPoint: topLeftPoint,
position: [10, 20]
name: 'Car Back',
artboard: 2,
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Yes it's possible via script, but we'd need more information. Firstly, what are the objects? Are they already on the artboard(s)? Are they the top-most page item on each artboard? Are they new objects to be created? We need to know how the script refers to them.
After that, it seems that you want the items positioned some point centred above their artboard, which isn't hard in most cases.
- Mark
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Of course! Here some more info.
Objects will be most of the time out of any of the artboards, the objects are squares and I will need them to center some vector draws inside after they get positioned. Yes they will be already in the artboard. About if they will be the top-most page item... Not really sure that's why I was wondering if I can refer them by their name in the layer, otherwise let me also change that before I have the objects in the artboards so the script work well. I really hope I cleared a little bit the idea. Thank you!
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EDIT: this script has been superceded by the last script I posted in this thread, but I'm leaving this here for OP to compare, for learning purposes.
Hi @AntonioPacheco, I've written a script that does (I think!) what you are wanting. To use it, first give the items you wish to position a name (they can all have the same name), eg. in my script I used "positionMe", then run the script. You can change the "gap" value (script uses 20 pts). See attached screen shots.
Please experiment by making changes to the script so you can learn more.
- Mark
var items = positionNamedItems(app.activeDocument, 'positionMe', 20);
* Finds a page item for each artboard
* and positions it above artboard.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-28
* @param {Document} doc - an Illustrator Document.
* @param {String|RegExp} [findWhat] - search for this in item name (default: match all items).
* @param {Number} [gap] - the gap between top of artboard and bottom of item (default: 0).
* @returns {Array<PageItem>} the positioned items.
function positionNamedItems(doc, findWhat, gap) {
if (doc == undefined)
return [];
var items = [],
itemCenters = [];
// find named items
for (var i = 0, a = doc.artboards.length; i < doc.pageItems.length; i++) {
if (
findWhat == undefined
|| doc.pageItems[i] != -1
) {
// found one!
//also store its center
// stop looking when found one item for each artboard
if (!--a) break;
// make a copy of items for later
var positionedItems = items.slice();
// position each item
for (var a = 0; a < doc.artboards.length; a++) {
var ab = doc.artboards[a],
abCenter = centerOfArtboard(ab);
// find closest item to artboard center
var smallest = -1,
for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var distance = distanceBetweenPoints(abCenter, itemCenters[i]);
if (
smallest == -1
|| distance < smallest
) {
smallest = distance;
closest = i;
itemCenter = itemCenters[closest];
// positions to align
var itemBottom = [itemCenter[0], items[closest].visibleBounds[3]],
abTop = [abCenter[0], ab.artboardRect[1]],
offset = [0, gap];
// relative position
var topToBottom = [abCenter[0] - itemCenter[0], abTop[1] - itemBottom[1]];
// position item closest to artboard's center
items[closest].translate(topToBottom[0] + offset[0], topToBottom[1] + offset[1]);
// remove the positioned item from array
items.splice(closest, 1);
return positionedItems;
* Returns distance between two points.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-07-25
* @param {Array} p1 - a point array [x, y].
* @param {Array} p2 - a point array [x, y].
* @returns {Number} - distance in points.
function distanceBetweenPoints(p1, p2) {
var a = p1[0] - p2[0];
var b = p1[1] - p2[1];
return Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
* Returns point at center of artboard.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-28
* @param {Artboard} ab - an Illustrator Artboard.
* @returns {Array} - point array [x, y].
function centerOfArtboard(ab) {
return [
ab.artboardRect[0] + (ab.artboardRect[2] - ab.artboardRect[0]) / 2,
ab.artboardRect[1] - (ab.artboardRect[1] - ab.artboardRect[3]) / 2
* Returns point at center of item's bounds.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-07-24
* @param {PageItem} items - an Illustrator PageItem.
* @returns {Array} - point array [x, y].
function centerOfItem(item) {
return [
item.geometricBounds[0] + (item.width / 2),
item.geometricBounds[1] - (item.height / 2)
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Let me try it in a couple of minutes my friend, thank you!
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Yes! It centers the items named "positionMe" in the top of the three artboards, if you don't have three items it will show this error message, but so far everything works good! Is there a way to set a position inside the artboards to move the items "positionMe" ? Right now centers at the top of the three artboards, but I would like to tell the script where I want them to be positioned inside the artboards. SOrry for bothering.
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I would like to tell the script where I want them to be positioned inside the artboards.
Do you mean like inputting the x and y coordinates?
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Yes my friend I know that there are a global coordinates and an individual artwork coordinates, but I think I can work with the global coordinates.
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EDIT: this script has been superceded by the last script I posted in this thread, but I'm leaving this here for OP to compare, for learning purposes.
Hi @AntonioPacheco, no problem. I fixed that bug when the item count doesn't match the artboard count. Here's a version where I have rearranged the logic a bit and added the [x, y] positioning you want. It will position the items so that their top left is offset by [x, y] from top left of artboard. Let me know how it goes. I encourage you to compare the two scripts, especially the bits that get the bounds of the artboards and items. So you will learn about positioning.
- Mark
var items = positionNamedItems(app.activeDocument, 'positionMe', [10, 20]);
* Finds a page item for each artboard
* and positions it above artboard.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {Document} doc - an Illustrator Document.
* @param {String|RegExp} [findWhat] - search for this in item name (default: match all items).
* @param {Array<Number>} [positionOnArtboard] - the offset [x, y] from top left of artboard (default: [0, 0]).
* @returns {Array<PageItem>} the positioned items.
function positionNamedItems(doc, findWhat, positionOnArtboard) {
if (doc == undefined)
return [];
var items = [],
itemCenters = [];
// find named items
for (var i = 0, a = doc.artboards.length; i < doc.pageItems.length; i++) {
if (
findWhat == undefined
|| doc.pageItems[i] != -1
) {
// found one!
// stop looking when found one item for each artboard
if (!--a) break;
// collect artboards
var abs = [],
abCenters = [];
for (var a = 0; a < doc.artboards.length; a++) {
abs[a] = doc.artboards[a];
abCenters[a] = centerOfArtboard(abs[a]);
// position each item
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var item = items[i],
itemCenter = centerOfItem(item);
// find closest artboard
var smallest = -1,
closest = -1;
for (var a = abs.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
var ab = abs[a],
abCenter = abCenters[a],
distance = distanceBetweenPoints(abCenter, itemCenter);
if (
smallest == -1
|| distance < smallest
) {
smallest = distance;
closest = a;
var ab = abs[closest];
// positions to align
var itemTopLeft = [item.visibleBounds[0], item.visibleBounds[1]],
abTopLeft = [ab.artboardRect[0], ab.artboardRect[1]],
offset = positionOnArtboard || [0, 0];
// relative position
var alignTopLeft = [abTopLeft[0] - itemTopLeft[0], abTopLeft[1] - itemTopLeft[1]];
// position item closest to artboard's center
item.translate(alignTopLeft[0] + offset[0], alignTopLeft[1] - offset[1]);
// remove the artboard from array
abs.splice(closest, 1);
return items;
* Returns distance between two points.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-07-25
* @param {Array} p1 - a point array [x, y].
* @param {Array} p2 - a point array [x, y].
* @returns {Number} - distance in points.
function distanceBetweenPoints(p1, p2) {
var a = p1[0] - p2[0];
var b = p1[1] - p2[1];
return Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
* Returns point at center of artboard.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-28
* @param {Artboard} ab - an Illustrator Artboard.
* @returns {Array} - point array [x, y].
function centerOfArtboard(ab) {
return [
ab.artboardRect[0] + (ab.artboardRect[2] - ab.artboardRect[0]) / 2,
ab.artboardRect[1] - (ab.artboardRect[1] - ab.artboardRect[3]) / 2
* Returns point at center of item's bounds.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-07-24
* @param {PageItem} items - an Illustrator PageItem.
* @returns {Array} - point array [x, y].
function centerOfItem(item) {
return [
item.geometricBounds[0] + (item.width / 2),
item.geometricBounds[1] - (item.height / 2)
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Best community ever! Thank you so much, let me try it in a couple of hours.
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Hi again @AntonioPacheco, for extra learning, please try this revised script.
I added functions to align to various points (topLeft, top, topRight, left, center, right, bottomLeft, bottom, bottomRight) so, for example, you can set it up to align the bottom center of the item to the top center of the artboard, or another useful alignment would be aligning the bottom left of the item to the top left of the artboard, with an offset of [0, -20] to move it off the artboard.
The "alignmentPoints" are functions that return the point, so you could add your own function that returned a custom point and just plug it in.
- Mark
Alignment points:
var items = positionNamedItems(
doc: app.activeDocument,
findWhat: 'positionMe',
artboardAlignmentPoint: topLeftPoint,
itemAlignmentPoint: topLeftPoint,
offset: [10, 20]
* Finds a page item for each artboard
* and positions it relative to the
* nearest artboard, aligning to
* specified points of artboard and item.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Document} options.doc - an Illustrator Document.
* @param {Function} [options.artboardAlignmentPoint] - function that returns the alignment point of the artboard (default: topLeft).
* @param {Function} [options.itemAlignmentPoint] - function that returns the alignment point of the item (default: topLeft).
* @param {String|RegExp} [options.findWhat] - search for this in item name (default: match all items).
* @param {Array<Number>} [options.offset] - the offset [x, y] from alignment point (default: [0, 0]).
* @returns {Array<PageItem>} the positioned items.
function positionNamedItems(options) {
var doc = options.doc,
artboardAlignmentPoint = options.artboardAlignmentPoint || topLeftPoint,
itemAlignmentPoint = options.itemAlignmentPoint || topLeftPoint,
findWhat = options.findWhat,
offset = options.offset || [0, 0];
if (doc == undefined)
return [];
var items = [];
// find named items
for (var i = 0, a = doc.artboards.length; i < doc.pageItems.length; i++) {
if (
findWhat == undefined
|| doc.pageItems[i] != -1
) {
// found one!
// stop looking when found one item for each artboard
if (!--a) break;
// collect artboards
var abs = [],
abCenters = [];
for (var a = 0; a < doc.artboards.length; a++) {
abs[a] = doc.artboards[a];
abCenters[a] = centerPoint(abs[a]);
// position each item
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
var item = items[i],
itemCenter = centerPoint(item);
// find closest artboard
var smallest = -1,
closest = -1;
for (var a = abs.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
var ab = abs[a],
abCenter = abCenters[a],
distance = distanceBetweenPoints(abCenter, itemCenter);
if (
smallest == -1
|| distance < smallest
) {
smallest = distance;
closest = a;
$/*debug*/.writeln('closest = ' + closest);
// position item to closest artboard
var ab = abs[closest];
// get the alignmentPoints align
var itemPoint = itemAlignmentPoint(item),
artboardPoint = artboardAlignmentPoint(ab);
// translation needed to align itemPoint with artboardPoint
var delta = [artboardPoint[0] - itemPoint[0], artboardPoint[1] - itemPoint[1]];
// move the item, including offset
item.translate(delta[0] + offset[0], delta[1] - offset[1]);
return items;
* Returns distance between two points.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-07-25
* @param {Array} p1 - a point array [x, y].
* @param {Array} p2 - a point array [x, y].
* @returns {Number} - distance in points.
function distanceBetweenPoints(p1, p2) {
var a = p1[0] - p2[0];
var b = p1[1] - p2[1];
return Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
* Returns bounds of item.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [left, top, right, bottom]
function getBounds(obj) {
var bounds;
if (obj.hasOwnProperty('visibleBounds'))
bounds = obj.visibleBounds;
else if (obj.hasOwnProperty('artboardRect'))
bounds = obj.artboardRect;
return bounds;
* Returns the item's top left point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function topLeftPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[0], bounds[1]];
* Returns the item's top point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function topPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[0] + (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / 2, bounds[1]];
* Returns the item's top right point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function topRightPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[2], bounds[1]];
* Returns the item's left point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function leftPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[0], bounds[1] + (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / 2];
* Returns the item's center point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function centerPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [
bounds[0] + (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / 2,
bounds[1] + (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / 2,
* Returns the item's right point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function rightPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[2], bounds[1] + (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / 2];
* Returns the item's bottom left point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function bottomLeftPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[0], bounds[3]];
* Returns the item's bottom point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function bottomPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[0] + (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / 2, bounds[3]];
* Returns the item's bottom right point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function bottomRightPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[2], bounds[3]];
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I'll test it tomorrow for sure ! Thank you SO MUCH!
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Dear friend @m1b I was able to make it work using the artbaord top left position and the objects/squares named "positionMe" TopPoint Position and looks like this, it is just AMAZING! It is almost done! Just one more thing please I will appreciate it. Is it possible to position those three objects in different location on their artboard? I think this case will be the "closest artboard" to the objects/square, for examble lets say I want the black square there (see image please), the pink there and the orange there. Don't worry! I don't need it for 50 artboard to position 50 items, the max items I will position is three in three artboards. Let me know if I got explained correctly, thank you so much.
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Some other good info to take in consideration sorry for bothering. Just for you to have better ideas.
1) Distance between the three artboards will never change, that makes the position of (X,Y) a constant value to set the position of the objects, it will be a template that will not change or move artboards. Distance will be the same.
2) Objects will have a name, like "Car Front, Car Back, Car Board" so they need to position in a specific place in the board, the only thing it will change is what I am going to insert in those squares (yes, the squares are kind of a reference to insert images and using illustrator variables + a excel database to change the contents).
3) If possible, though the code is AMAZING and I already saved it with it's proper copyrights, I would like to those three squares (named for example Car Front, Car Back, Car Board) to always get the fixed location in the artboard, does not matter if I need to find the correct off set value to move.
Can you help me up please? Thank you SO MUCH!
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Hi @AntonioPacheco, actually this way is simpler to code than the last script. Here you go. I've made an array that you can edit to include name, artboard number, position, and alignment points. See what you think.
- Mark
var itemsToPosition = [
name: 'Car Front',
artboard: 1,
artboardAlignmentPoint: topLeftPoint,
itemAlignmentPoint: topLeftPoint,
position: [10, 20]
name: 'Car Back',
artboard: 2,
artboardAlignmentPoint: topLeftPoint,
itemAlignmentPoint: topLeftPoint,
position: [50, 20],
name: 'Car Board',
artboard: 3,
artboardAlignmentPoint: topLeftPoint,
itemAlignmentPoint: topLeftPoint,
position: [70, 70],
Alignment points:
var items = positionNamedItems(
doc: app.activeDocument,
findWhat: itemsToPosition
// you can now do other things
// with the positioned items
// here, for example ...
app.selection = [];
items['Car Back'].selected = true;
* Finds a page item and positions it
* in relation to the specified artboard.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-30
* Example findWhat:
* [
* {
* name: 'Car Front',
* artboard: 1,
* artboardAlignmentPoint: topLeftPoint,
* itemAlignmentPoint: topLeftPoint,
* position: [10, 20]
* }
* ]
* Note: the alignmentPoints are functions that,
* given an item or artboard, return a point.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Document} options.doc - an Illustrator Document.
* @param {Array<Object>} [options.findWhat] - search for this in item name (default: match all items).
* @returns {Array<PageItem>} the positioned items.
function positionNamedItems(options) {
var doc = options.doc,
findWhat = options.findWhat,
results = {};
if (
doc == undefined
|| findWhat == undefined
return [];
// find named items
for (var i = 0; i < doc.pageItems.length; i++)
for (var j = 0, count = findWhat.length; j < findWhat.length; j++)
if (doc.pageItems[i][j].name) != -1)
// found one!
findWhat[j].item = doc.pageItems[i];
// collect artboards
var abs = doc.artboards;
// position each item
for (var i = 0; i < findWhat.length; i++) {
if (findWhat[i].item == undefined) {
alert('No page item found for "' + findWhat[i].name + '".');
var item = findWhat[i].item,
ab = abs[findWhat[i].artboard - 1],
itemAlignmentPoint = findWhat[i].itemAlignmentPoint || topLeftPoint,
artboardAlignmentPoint = findWhat[i].artboardAlignmentPoint || topLeftPoint,
offset = findWhat[i].position;
// get the alignmentPoints align
var itemPoint = itemAlignmentPoint(item),
artboardPoint = artboardAlignmentPoint(ab);
// translation needed to align itemPoint with artboardPoint
var delta = [artboardPoint[0] - itemPoint[0], artboardPoint[1] - itemPoint[1]];
// move the item, including offset
item.translate(delta[0] + offset[0], delta[1] - offset[1]);
// add to results
results[findWhat[i].name] = item;
return results;
* Returns bounds of item.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [left, top, right, bottom]
function getBounds(obj) {
var bounds;
if (obj.hasOwnProperty('visibleBounds'))
bounds = obj.visibleBounds;
else if (obj.hasOwnProperty('artboardRect'))
bounds = obj.artboardRect;
return bounds;
* Returns the item's top left point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function topLeftPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[0], bounds[1]];
* Returns the item's top point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function topPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[0] + (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / 2, bounds[1]];
* Returns the item's top right point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function topRightPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[2], bounds[1]];
* Returns the item's left point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function leftPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[0], bounds[1] + (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / 2];
* Returns the item's center point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function centerPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [
bounds[0] + (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / 2,
bounds[1] + (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / 2,
* Returns the item's right point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function rightPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[2], bounds[1] + (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / 2];
* Returns the item's bottom left point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function bottomLeftPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[0], bounds[3]];
* Returns the item's bottom point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function bottomPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[0] + (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / 2, bounds[3]];
* Returns the item's bottom right point.
* @author m1b
* @version 2022-09-29
* @param {PageItem|Artboard} obj - a page item or artboard.
* @returns {Array<Number>} - [x, y]
function bottomRightPoint(obj) {
var bounds = getBounds(obj);
if (bounds != undefined)
return [bounds[2], bounds[3]];
Edit: added check for missing items and improved results output.
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Better yet! The files I'll be making ONLY changes the content of the previous named layers/object all I need is just change them by position, thank you let me try!