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Cut multiple jigsaw shapes out of image simultaneously

New Here ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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I've been searching high and low for a way to do this in illustrator for a while now. What I have is a vector graphic with many small pieces of jigsaw which form a perfect rectangle on 1 layer and an image on another layer (below). What I would like to do is - using whatever method, have each jigsaw piece on a separate layer with the corresponding part of the image inside the jigsaw puzzle piece so that I can move them about. I've been trying different selections of the pathfinder tool without success. What I am trying to avoid is the long a tedious method of releasing to layers (sequence) each jigsaw piece which is currently a path and then 1 by 1 cutting them out of the image individually which will take a very long time.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.






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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Guide , Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

I haven't got a proper jigsaw vector to try , so here's an untested  and probably flawed idea ...

Start with just the jigsaw, filling the Artboard exactly

Place the image on the Artboard, so it too exactly fills it,

Embed the image  and then drag the image alone into the Swatchs panel -  to make a new swatch.

Delete the image on the Artboard

Select all the jigsaw pieces and give then a fill  using the new swatch.

Assuming the pieces are ungrouped and separate objects they should take the correct part



Community Expert , Sep 13, 2024 Sep 13, 2024

Found it:

// A Jongware Script, 8-Oct-2010

myDlg = new Window('dialog', 'Puzzlify');
myDlg.orientation = 'column';
myDlg.alignment = 'right';
myDlg.add('statictext', undefined, "A Jongware Script 7-Oct-2010");

with (myDlg.add('group'))
	orientation = 'row';
	add('statictext', undefined, "Columns");
	colTxt = add('edittext', undefined, "5");
	colTxt.characters = 6;
with (myDlg.add('group'))
	orientation = 'row';
	add('statictext', undefined, "Rows");
	rowTxt = add('


Guide ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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I haven't got a proper jigsaw vector to try , so here's an untested  and probably flawed idea ...

Start with just the jigsaw, filling the Artboard exactly

Place the image on the Artboard, so it too exactly fills it,

Embed the image  and then drag the image alone into the Swatchs panel -  to make a new swatch.

Delete the image on the Artboard

Select all the jigsaw pieces and give then a fill  using the new swatch.

Assuming the pieces are ungrouped and separate objects they should take the correct part of the image with them when moved..




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New Here ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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Excellent idea and I've just tried it. It works, but only to a certain extent and I don't think this will work properly. I did place and embed the image at the exact size of the art board as you suggested, and then when I applied the swatch - it is tiled and off-centred. I went into the swatch options to see if I could fix this and that led me nowhere.

Thanks for the suggestion though.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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It works fine.

The Tiled and Off centered problem is probably caused because the origin of the Pattern swatch is at X:0 Y:0

But that can be fixed.

Double click the Selection tool in the Toolbox.

Deselect Transform Objects

Change the Horizontal and Vertical positions to move the pattern into place.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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Very smart Ray!




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New Here ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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Ton, thanks for clearing that up - just tried it and you are correct. That worked perfectly!





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Community Expert ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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Jamie, can you give the "Correct" marking to Ray's brilliant answer?




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New Here ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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There you go guys, Ray thanks for the genius method and Ton thanks for your input! Ray is marked correct now.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 06, 2016 Dec 06, 2016

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Good to hear your problem is solved.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 09, 2016 Dec 09, 2016

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Even better, use the Puzzlify script by Jongware in this thread:

[CS4/JS] Puzzlify script

Applying it to a pattern or symbol may be a good idea to reduce filesize.




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Community Expert ,
Dec 25, 2019 Dec 25, 2019

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Since that thread has evaporated in the new forum, here is the direct link to the script:





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 13, 2024 Sep 13, 2024

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link down




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Community Expert ,
Sep 13, 2024 Sep 13, 2024

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Jongware has passed away few years ago. Maybe there is a version of the script still somewhere on the web. I could not find it. You could try and enter the URL in Archive.org.




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Community Expert ,
Sep 13, 2024 Sep 13, 2024

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Found it:

// A Jongware Script, 8-Oct-2010

myDlg = new Window('dialog', 'Puzzlify');
myDlg.orientation = 'column';
myDlg.alignment = 'right';
myDlg.add('statictext', undefined, "A Jongware Script 7-Oct-2010");

with (myDlg.add('group'))
	orientation = 'row';
	add('statictext', undefined, "Columns");
	colTxt = add('edittext', undefined, "5");
	colTxt.characters = 6;
with (myDlg.add('group'))
	orientation = 'row';
	add('statictext', undefined, "Rows");
	rowTxt = add('edittext', undefined, "5");
	rowTxt.characters = 6;
with (myDlg.add('group'))
	orientation = 'row';
	traditionalRadio = add('radiobutton', undefined, "Traditional");
	traditionalRadio.value = true;
	randomRadio = add('radiobutton', undefined, "Random");
	randomRadio.value = false;
with (myDlg.add('group'))
	orientation = 'row';
	scatterBox = add('checkbox', undefined, "Explode");
	scatterBox.value = false;
	deleteBox = add('checkbox', undefined, "Delete original");
	deleteBox.value = true;
with (myDlg.add('group'))
	orientation = 'row';
	add('button', undefined, "OK");
	add('button', undefined, "Cancel");

if (app.documents.length > 0 && app.selection.length == 1 && myDlg.show() == 1 && (colTxt.text || rowTxt.text))
	sel = app.selection[0];
	cols = Math.round(Number(colTxt.text));
	rows = Math.round(Number(rowTxt.text));

	if ((cols >= 1 && rows >= 1) || (cols == 0 && rows >= 1) || (cols >= 1 && rows == 0))
		sel.selected = false;

		if (cols == 0)
			ratio = Math.abs((sel.geometricBounds[2]-sel.geometricBounds[0])/(sel.geometricBounds[3]-sel.geometricBounds[1]));
			cols = Math.round(ratio*rows);
		if (rows == 0)
			ratio = Math.abs((sel.geometricBounds[3]-sel.geometricBounds[1])/(sel.geometricBounds[2]-sel.geometricBounds[0]));
			rows = Math.round(ratio*cols);
		posx = sel.geometricBounds[0];
		posy = sel.geometricBounds[3];
		width = (sel.geometricBounds[2]-sel.geometricBounds[0])/cols;
		height = (sel.geometricBounds[3]-sel.geometricBounds[1])/rows;
		// Constants for vertical nubs
		oneThirdWide = width/3;
		oneQuarterHigh = height/4;
		// Constants for horizontal nubs
		oneThirdHigh = height/3;
		oneQuarterWide = width/4;
		nubdir = new Array (rows);
		if (randomRadio.value)
			for (y=0; y<rows; y++)
				nubdir[y] = new Array (cols);
				for (x=0; x<cols; x++)
					nubdir[y][x] = new Array(4);
					// Top Y nub direction; true = up, false = down
					nubdir[y][x][0] = (Math.random() < 0.5);
					// Right X nub direction; true = right, false = left
					nubdir[y][x][1] = (Math.random() < 0.5);
					// Jitter value
					nubdir[y][x][2] = height*(Math.random()-0.5)/10;
					nubdir[y][x][3] = width*(Math.random()-0.5)/10;
		} else
			// Traditional:
			for (y=0; y<rows; y++)
				nubdir[y] = new Array (cols);
				for (x=0; x<cols; x++)
					nubdir[y][x] = new Array(4);
					// Top Y nub direction; true = up, false = down
					nubdir[y][x][0] = (x & 1) ^ (y & 1);
					// Right X nub direction; true = right, false = left
					nubdir[y][x][1] = !((x & 1) ^ (y & 1));
					// Jitter value
					nubdir[y][x][2] = height*(Math.random()-0.5)/10;
					nubdir[y][x][3] = width*(Math.random()-0.5)/10;
		for (y=0; y<rows; y++)
			for (x=0; x<cols; x++)
			//	Make a new group
				g = app.activeDocument.groupItems.add();

			//	Duplicate the selected object (and deselect it, while we have a handle)
				sel.duplicate(g).selected = false;

			//	Create a path to make the clipping path
				r = g.pathItems.add();
				// Add top left point
				addPoint (r,  posx+x*width, posy-(y+1)*height);
				if (y < rows-1)
					if (nubdir[y+1][x][0])
						// Add four points to get nub up on top side
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+0.67*oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height+0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.33*oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height-0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height-oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.33*oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height-oneQuarterHigh-0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+0.67*oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height-oneQuarterHigh+0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+2*oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height-oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+2.33*oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height-oneQuarterHigh+0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.67*oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height-oneQuarterHigh-0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+2*oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+2.33*oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height+0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.67*oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height-0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
					} else
						// Add four points to get nub down on top side
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+0.67*oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height-0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.33*oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height+0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-3*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.33*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-2.5*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+0.67*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-3.5*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+2*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-3*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+2.33*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-3.5*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.67*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-2.5*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+2*oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+2.33*oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height-0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.67*oneThirdWide, posy-(y+1)*height+0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y+1][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
				// Add top right point
				addPoint (r,  posx+(x+1)*width, posy-(y+1)*height);
				if (x < cols-1)
					if (nubdir[y][x+1][1])
						// Add four points to get nub right on right side
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+4*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-2*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+3.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-2.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+4.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-1.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-2*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+4.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-2.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+5.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-1.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-1*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+5.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-1.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+4.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-0.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+4*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+4.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-1.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+3.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-0.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
					} else
						// Add four points to get nub left on right side
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+4*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-2*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+3.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-1.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+4.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-2.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+3*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-2*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+2.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-1.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+3.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-2.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+3*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-1*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+2.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-1.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+3.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-0.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+4*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+4.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-0.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+3.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x+1][3], posy-y*height-1.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
				// Add bottom right point
				addPoint (r,  posx+(x+1)*width, posy-y*height);
				if (y > 0)
					// Add four points to get nub up on bottom side
					if (nubdir[y][x][0])
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+2*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+2.33*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height+0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.67*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+2*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+2.33*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-oneQuarterHigh+0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.67*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-oneQuarterHigh-0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.33*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-oneQuarterHigh-0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+0.67*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-oneQuarterHigh+0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+0.67*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height+0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.33*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
					} else
						// Add four points to get nub down on top side
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+2*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+2.33*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.67*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height+0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+2*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height+oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.67*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height+1.5*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+2.33*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height+0.5*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+oneThirdWide, posy-y*height+oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+0.67*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height+0.5*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.33*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height+1.5*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+0.67*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height-0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.33*oneThirdWide, posy-y*height+0.33*oneQuarterHigh-nubdir[y][x][2] ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
				// Add bottom left point
				addPoint (r,  posx+x*width, posy-y*height);
				if (x > 0)
					if (nubdir[y][x][1])
						// Add four points to get nub right on left side
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+0.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-1.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width-0.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-0.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-1*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-1.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+0.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-0.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width+oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-2*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+0.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-2.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+1.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-1.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-2*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width-0.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-2.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+0.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-1.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
					} else
						// Add four points to get nub left on left side
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width+0.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-0.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width-0.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-1.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width-oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-1*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width-0.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-0.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width-1.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-1.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width-oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-2*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width-0.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-2.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width-1.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-1.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
						var curvept = r.pathPoints.add();
						curvept.anchor = [ posx+x*width-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-2*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.leftDirection = [ posx+x*width-0.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-1.67*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.rightDirection = [ posx+x*width+0.5*oneQuarterWide-nubdir[y][x][3], posy-y*height-2.33*oneThirdHigh ];
						curvept.pointType = PointType.SMOOTH;
			//	Close the path. Neatness First.
				r.closed = true;
			//	This group is clipped
				g.clipped = true;
			//	Move away from the rest?
				if (scatterBox.value)
					var moveMatrix = app.getTranslationMatrix( width*(x-(cols/2))/2, -(height*(y-(rows/2))/2) );
					g.transform( moveMatrix );
			//	Add to current selection
				g.selected = true;
		if (deleteBox.value)
} else

function addPoint (obj, x, y)
	var np = obj.pathPoints.add();
	np.anchor = [x,y];
	np.leftDirection = [x,y];
	np.rightDirection = [x,y];
	np.pointType = PointType.CORNER;




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Community Expert ,
Dec 25, 2019 Dec 25, 2019

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"Applying it to a pattern or symbol may be a good idea to reduce filesize."

Applying it to an object filled with a single Pattern tile is still a good idea, but the Symbol idea does not work in CC 2020, it will embed an instance of the image for each puzzle piece, blowing up the file size.

Edit: use a Static Symbol to refer to a single instance.




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