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Hello all. I have a finnicky problem whereby I've created a script to clean up some text and the result is that in some instances I end up with a blank space preceding the end of story. I wish to find this blank space and delete it. The problem is in identifying the end of story, which you all know is the hashtag symbol. But of course you can't search a hashtag. I've tried \$, but that doesn't work because there are multiple elements selected and it only does the last one. I've tried \n, but that doesn't work. I've tried \r but that doesn't seem to work either.
Any thoughts?
1 Correct answer
Je verrais plutôt ça.
var searchStr = /\s+$/gi;
var aCon = app.activeDocument.textFrames[0].contents.replace (searchStr, '');
app.activeDocument.textFrames[0].contents = aCon;
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Hi lMarcrest
give this a try
// required: one textFrame with space(s) at the end
var searchStr = /\u0020+$/gi;
var aCon = app.activeDocument.textFrames[0].contents.replace (searchStr, '');
app.activeDocument.textFrames[0].contents = aCon;
Have fun
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Je verrais plutôt ça.
var searchStr = /\s+$/gi;
var aCon = app.activeDocument.textFrames[0].contents.replace (searchStr, '');
app.activeDocument.textFrames[0].contents = aCon;
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Yes, maybe.
But I don't know what lMarcrest really want.
But be sure \s is the same as [\u0020\t\n\r]
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lMarcrest schrieb
… in some instances I end up with a blank space preceding the end of story. I wish to find this blank space and delete it … schrieb
Yes, maybe.
But I don't know what lMarcrest really want.
But be sure \s is the same as [\u0020\t\n\r]
you mean empty paragraphs - and not spaces.
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Winner, winner, chicken dinner. This "/^\s+/" along with" /\s+$/" was what I ended up with. It searches both the beginning of a text box in addition to the end of a text box, for blank spaces.
Thank you @renél80416020 for leading me in the right direction : )