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Hi, I'm trying to export a file to PDF, however everytime I do this it is exporting extra space around my artwork that is not there. How can I resolve this?
Adobe Illustrator crashed and went non responsive then had to shut down and recover the file. I then tried creating a new file and copying the artwork across, however I'm still having this issue.
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It looks like your artboard is smaller than the page size.
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Thanks, Can you please run me through how to change my page size, so its the same as my artboard? I didn't actually know there was one and can't seem to see any answers when I google it
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Hi, to change the size of your artboard, all you have to do is click on window> artboards. Then in that window click on the symbol to the right your artboard. This will bring up Artboard Options. There you can modify the width or height.
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Thanks italosan. I know how change the artboard size, however jdanek​ was sayin my artboard is smaller than the page size. I wasn't sure what Jdanek meant by the page size. Do you know?
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There is extra space shown in the preview image. But is there really extra space after you exported the PNG?
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Another possibility is your artwork has a clipping mask applied to it. When you Export > PDF the masked artwork outside of the mask is part of the PDF. If you go to your Print dialog ( command / control P ), you will see a Page Setup tab there. You should be able to select your printer and an appropriate page size there, however, upon export you will have the same problem with the extra space if there is a mask involved. I would like to know what your artboard size is?
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Thanks Jdanek, there is a clipping mask over the whole art board.
In the final version; I saved as this file with a new name -> deleted the 2 'work in progress' artboards and art and did the clipping mask. The artboard was originally
W: 297 mm and H: 420 mm
But I have tried playing around with it in different sizes to see if I can make it work - So most recent is W: 600mm and H: 900mm
Are you able to please walk me through how I would get it to export without the space from the clipping mask?
Is there an easy setting to export Artboard Size?
Your help is much appreciated
Thank you!
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"Is there an easy setting to export Artboard Size?"
I usually work a little differently with the same kind of problem. There may be a setting somewhere in either Preferences or the Print dialogues. But I use the Pathfinder > Divide tool instead. That eliminates any inadvertant problems. So, on a copy of the original artwork, release the mask. Use the rectangle used for the mask as a clipping path ( set it to no fill, no stroke ) > make sure the rectangle is on the top of the artwork > select all > Pathfinder > Divide. Then, select the artwork outside the artboard with the Direct Selection tool and delete it. Delete until all of the artwork outside the artboard is gone. Name ( new suffix perhaps ) and save the file. Now your Export will be automatically clipped to the artboard. As an additional safeguard, set a new rectangle to the size of the artboard and align it to the edges ( set the fill and stroke to "none" ). Now your Export will be the artboard size.
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The problem is the OFFSET/BLEED of your canvas…
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Hi Toughmedia, I've tried to export in a file with no bleed and I get the same result
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So, basically no one knows how to fix this. I've been scouring the web, and this issue apparently goes back for years, and the same non-solutions are offered: change your bleed (which is already zero), check outline mode (which show no issues), check your clipping mask (I have none to begin with), check your artboard size (it's correct), etc..
Older non-solutions suggest some save options, which don't seem present in 2019 versions.
jdanek, have you since found a solution?
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Please upload the AI file and the PDF to Dropbox or the like so someone can take a look at it.
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Hey this is really old but I found the solution!! Check "Use Artboards" in the export popup under "Format." fixed it for me.
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