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fill and stroke lines trying to cut when exported to cutter making my design cut twice.

Community Beginner ,
May 07, 2023 May 07, 2023

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haing a issue with illustrator turning fill and stroke lines to cut lines so it ends up cutting twice if i send it as just a fill no stroke it cuts once if i send it as a stroke line no fill it cuts once if i send it as fill and stroke it tries to cut twice and yes i have the stroke set to center of the line and yes i have tried flatten transparency.

never had this issue before updating to the new version seems like updates keep breaking things and when they do we should be able to bill adobe for our lost time where we are paying for a correctly working sofeware.

if someone knows how to fix this that would be great.

fill no stroke.JPGstroke no fill.JPG


Bug , Import and export




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Community Expert ,
May 07, 2023 May 07, 2023

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If it worked before the update, I would first check for a driver update for your cutter.

You can also install the previous version:


and report the problem here:





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Community Beginner ,
May 07, 2023 May 07, 2023

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sorry should of said already tried installing the old version and cutter has newest driver and cutter program seems like an output issue when sending to cutter threw plugin for illustrator maybe





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Community Expert ,
May 07, 2023 May 07, 2023

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You said: "never had this issue before updating to the new version"

If going back to the version before the update does not work, there may be more changes in your system causing the problem.




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Community Expert ,
May 09, 2023 May 09, 2023

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Can you upload the file you are sending to the cutter?




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Community Expert ,
May 09, 2023 May 09, 2023

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I'm not familiar with the vinyl cutting plugin you're using within Illustrator. But generally speaking any vinyl cutting operations should be done using vector artwork that has only a fill and no strokes or vice versa. Objects with both fills and strokes will likely be double cut since the software is seeing two duplicate paths sitting on top of each other. Various "CAS" applications like Flexi or SignLab may import EPS files exported from Illustrator with the line strokes expanded with paths running inside and outside the primary path. Obviously that wouldn't do well in a vinyl cutter either.




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Community Beginner ,
May 09, 2023 May 09, 2023

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Hi Bobby thanks for the message i have been dioing this for over 10 years now and never had this happen to me before.

then i up graded to the new version and it wont support winplot which is what i use with my summa S2T75 cutter and summa says to use go sign now as winplot is no loger going to be upgraded to work with adobe.

always had stroke and fills in my designs before and never any issue cutting twice if i had the stroke set to center.

i did notice last night that if i use and old version on adobe and export to winplot it sends it in eps format and the new cutting fostware exports it was a pdf and i fugured out to turn off create acrobat layers from top-level layers as i was getting everything in the design trying to cut not just what was set to show in the layers.

but still get the double cut lines if i have a item filled and stroked. so anoying wish they would stop changing things for chage sake. but i guess nothing would get better if they didnt





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Community Expert ,
May 09, 2023 May 09, 2023

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That sounds like a real pain. If I was dealing with the same circumstance I'd probably create a separate cut-only EPS file to prevent the double cuts or the software trying to cut other unintended objects. That's another reason which makes me appreciate the software we have in our shop now versus what we used previously.


We have multiple licenses of Flexi and one of EnRoute for production work, such as straight vinyl cutting or routing. Roland VersaWorks was our shop's first print/cut RIP solution (back in the mid 2000's). It was very picky over what kinds of artwork it would print and cut. If there were any clipping masks present in a EPS or PDF file the cut lines would not appear at all. That forced me to either edit the vector artwork to eliminate the clipping masks or rasterize it into a flattened, high-res pixel-based image in order to get a cut line to activate. VersaWorks would print the entire artboard in a PDF. So that was another factor to work around. Hopefully Roland fixed those limitations in VersaWorks within the past several years. I don't have to worry about any of that nonsense using Onyx.




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