get scale (h, v)
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I need help, I need to know the scale percentage of the image placed in illustrator. I can get it from matrix, but after I rotate the image, everything changed. What I need is exactly the same what I see in Link Information " scale (h, v)" - this when you double click the image from the link panel.
Thank you.
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Seems like nothing works best than matrices:
alert("Horizontal Scale : "+Math.round((app.selection[0].matrix.mValueA*100)*100)/100+"\r"+"Vertical Scale : "+Math.round((app.selection[0].matrix.mValueD*100)*100)/100+"%");
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Thanks for the help!!!
But if forgot to mention that I'm using applescript .
Anyway, I found this... do shell script "ruby -e 'puts Math.atan2(" & mvalue_b of m & "," & mvalue_a of m & ") / Math::PI * 180'" by (_simon) - this will give the rotation percentage of the image.
So I use it to rotate back my image to 0 deg to get the right scale percentage:
set z to selection
set x to do shell script "ruby -e 'puts Math.atan2(" & mvalue_b of m & "," & mvalue_a of m & ") / Math::PI * 180'"
set y to get mvalue_b of matrix of the selection
if y is not equal to 0 then
rotate z angle x about top right
set z to get mvalue_a of matrix of the selection
set z to get mvalue_a of matrix of the selection
end if
this works for me, but if you can still give me a better syntax, ill appreciate. Thank you!
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Does applescript not have the trig math operations?
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Hi Loic,
I agree to your solution. However, we can't get correct scale when it had a rotatation angle like below.
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Here is a PoC code, get scale from rotated image.
var tg = app.selection[0];
var mx = tg.matrix;
var deg = Math.atan2(mx.mValueB, mx.mValueA) * 180 / Math.PI;
var nm = new Matrix;
nm.mValueA = nm.mValueD = 1;
nm.mValueB = nm.mValueC = 0;
var rtmx = app.concatenateRotationMatrix(nm, deg);
var sc = mx.mValueA / rtmx.mValueA;
I'm stacking math a few month ago. Thank you for your info jhonperezph!
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merci Ten A
// JavaScript Document Illustrator
// elleere Sun, 25 February 2018 21:08:12 GMT
if (selection) {
var sel = selection[0];
if(sel.typename=='RasterItem' || sel.typename == 'PlacedItem') {
var propT = getscale1(sel);
alert("scale1(H,V) : ("+propT.H+"%, "+propT.V+"%), Rotation : "+propT.A+" °");
var propT = getscale2(sel);
alert("scale2(H,V) : ("+propT.H+"%, "+propT.V+"%), Rotation : "+propT.A+" °");
function getscale1(tg) {
var mtx, deg, degArd, scH, scV;
mtx = tg.matrix;
deg = Math.atan2(mtx.mValueB, mtx.mValueA) * 180 / Math.PI;
degArd =getArrondi(deg,3);
mtx = tg.matrix;
scH = getArrondi(mtx.mValueA * 100,3);
scV = getArrondi(mtx.mValueD * 100,3);
return {H:scH,V:scV,A:degArd}
function getscale2(tg){
var mx, deg, degArd, nm, rtmx,scH, scV;
mx = tg.matrix;
deg = Math.atan2(mx.mValueB, mx.mValueA) * 180 / Math.PI;
degArd =getArrondi(deg,3);
nm = new Matrix;
nm.mValueA = nm.mValueD = 1;
nm.mValueB = nm.mValueC = 0;
rtmx = app.concatenateRotationMatrix(nm, deg);
scH = getArrondi(mx.mValueA / rtmx.mValueA * 100,3);
scV = getArrondi(mx.mValueD / rtmx.mValueD * 100,3);
return {H:scH,V:scV,A:degArd}
function getArrondi(nb,N) {
//arrondi nb a N chiffres apres la virgule
return Math.round(Math.pow(10,N)*nb)/Math.pow(10,N);
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Bon travail!
Merci de l'avoir partagé.
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Rectificatif pour le script donné plus haut :
Inverser la valeur de l'angle
deg = -Math.atan2(mtx.mValueB, mtx.mValueA) * 180 / Math.PI;
scV valeur absolue
scV = Math.abs(getArrondi(mx.mValueD / rtmx.mValueD*100,3));
Désolé LR