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It's a little difficult to explain this properly, but whenever I try to move the Illustrator program window to another part of my screen, it instantly moves behind every other program window I have open. Even if I just move it a teeny tiny bit...boom... now it's behind all the programs I have open. It is very annoying and I can't find a solution anywhere. I dropped in "before and after" screenshots if they help at all. You can see the "Pathfinder" toolbar is still in front of the Chrome window so it's definitely a weird glitch. The issue doesn't happen with any other Adobe program either. I have updated to the latest vesion of AI a few times and still no luck. I have a 2021 Macbook Pro. Anyone have a solution? Thank you.
I have had the same issue for weeks. In an attempt to solve it, I asked the internets and it led me here. Very frustrating stuff, as people have stated. I too tried some of the solutions here and nothing stuck. BUT... and I am crossing my fingers here, I switched workspaces to "layout" and so far everything is back in order. Been a couple hours now. Perhaps try this one... if it reverts back to our hated glitch I will report back.
Everyone – you can vote to have this bug fixed by Adobe here:
Hello @jeremyc83162335,
We understand that encountering technical issues can be frustrating. Would it be possible for you to have a debug session with us? If yes, please send me your Adobe ID, Country & Timezone, phone number with country code, and preferred dates and times between Mon- and Fri over a private message.
To send a private message, click my profile picture and use the ”Send a message” button.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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I'm not here to absolve adobe by any means, just posting some images of what works for me and what does not. It's the tabs view no doubt, and at least for me, with the tab being open then I go to other windows is when I have the issue. If I close the tab the issue goes aways. I'm on a 27 inch Imac running Ventura 13.6.5
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Randy, thank you for this - I just tested this and it works for me as an interim fix. So I am clear, when you say you "auto collapse panels" do you mean you just make it a point to always close them yourself after using whatever tab you have opened or is there an auto close feature I am not aware of. Again, thank you for this!
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Okay, so I changed the RightClick option and it did indeed stop the other open windows from appearing in front of the Adobe Illustrator document I'm working on.
I wish to communicate: THIS IS NOT A FIX nor is this the correct answer to solve the original issue. I'm replacing one defective UI issue for another to save a less agrivation.
Now the tab/dialog panel/box closes before I can get my pen/mouse over to make any changes. For example Command+T for Text. Command+T, Text tab appears pen/mouse heads over to the dialog box/tab, tab dissappears! Oh joy, my pen is closer to the Text tab, Command+T Quick, jump in, hit anything to keep the tab open then think of what changes I wish to make. Repeat. Command+T, Command+T...
I look forward to the day this issue is resolved.
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Using the swatch panel with "RightClick to close tabs automatically" option is impossible. I'm literally loosing it trying to hit a deadline.
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I am not sure this is the issue, the issue is the desk top windows come infront of the illustrator page you are working on
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My fix is farther back in this thread, the right click was just showing how to auto collapse a the tab.
Look for attachments
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Louises - but if you do as Randy is saying, it keeps that from happening. Try it.
Open Indesign, then open Illustrator and have a swatch (or other tab) open - then click on Indesigns window to bring it to the front, then try to go back to illustrator - the problem is there. But if you go to Illustrator and collapse that tab, you can go back and forth with Indesign and Illsutrator like we used to be able to do. So what Randy is saying is that if you have a fly out tab in Illustrator - it is causing the issue. For me at least, he is correct. Ive been going back and forth with several illustator files I have with my Indesign project open and its working fine right now.
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Thank you for your reply
I get that I can colaps windows howebver this never used to be a problem before and it is annoying to have to collapse everything all the time as time is at an essace and this is a time waster.
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This fix worked for me, although I chose "Reset my Essentials Classic". I'm old school, I like the classic!
Thank you so much!!!
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Same for me for months. MacBookPro M1 with Adobe last updates. I don't want to change my Workspaces. Very annoying Adobe that such a bug is existing. It looks like a bug from the 90's. Poor Adobe!
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Hello All,
I understand that many of you are experiencing an annoying issue with Illustrator on your MacBooks, where the application window moves behind everything when you attempt to move it. I appreciate your patience and the information you've shared about this problem.
To further investigate and potentially address this issue, it would be helpful to gather some additional details:
Can each of you please confirm your macOS version? This will help determine if the issue is specific to certain macOS versions.
Did this problem start occurring after updating to macOS Ventura, or were you experiencing it in macOS Monterey as well?
As a potential workaround, a couple of users have reported success by changing their workspace to "layout." Have any of you tried this solution, and if so, has it resolved the problem for you as well?
This issue seems to be happening with corrupted user profiles & preferences. As for one user, there is no issue after running the app under a new admin user of macOS Ventura.
Additionally, for those of you who are still experiencing this issue, I recommend considering the possibility of updating to the latest macOS version, macOS Sonoma, if it's available for your device. Sometimes, macOS updates can clean up any profile corruption of preferences.
Your feedback and responses to these questions will help us better understand the scope of the problem and assist you further in finding a solution. Thank you for your cooperation, and I'm here to provide assistance as needed.
Best regards,
Anshul Saini
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Hello and thanks for this enquiry
Can each of you please confirm your macOS version? This will help determine if the issue is specific to certain macOS versions.
Sonoma 14.0 and Ventura
Did this problem start occurring after updating to macOS Ventura, or were you experiencing it in macOS Monterey as well?
it occured with Ventura, not in Monterey
As a potential workaround, a couple of users have reported success by changing their workspace to "layout." Have any of you tried this solution, and if so, has it resolved the problem for you as well?
I don't want to change my way of working 😉
Macbook pro M1 MAX / 32 g RAM / 1to
Bruno Meunier
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Hi @FH Addict,
Thank you for sharing the details about your system and preferences. We completely understand that changing your workspace might not be the ideal solution for your workflow, and we appreciate your feedback.
Our goal is to gather as much information as possible to better understand the issue and its potential workarounds. We don't want to disrupt your way of working, but we are exploring different options to help users who might be facing this problem.
Your input helps us in this process, and we'll continue to investigate the issue further. If you come across any other insights or have more to share, please don't hesitate to let us know.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation!
Best regards,
Anshul Saini
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I can concur with FH Addicts experience with this issue. I changed the workspace to 'Layout' and it cleared the problem, but couldn't work without my missing tools. So I tailored my workspace slightly and the issue retured.
Running Ventura 13.3 and latest verssions of Adobe CC.
The problem has been persistent for over a year at least for me.
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Hi Anshul, same problem with me. I have Illustrator 28.0 and Photoshop 25.0.0 and both have same problem.
I have an iMac with macOS Sonoma. I really want a solution as i have this problem for months and not matter how many times I update it this seems to keep persisting.
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Mac Book Pro M1 Max chip set
OS: Sonoma 14.0
It seems to be happening on Illustrator and Photoshop now.
I have noticed if you pull the doc window out of the app shell it stops and you can move it around no issues, but means you have to jump back and forth to the tools in the shell. The sheel keeps dropping to the back when moved but the doc/file will not. It's super irritating and every update i keep hoping it's fixed but still not the case.
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Hi Anshul, I did not recieve the link for the Beta in my email to try, can you let me know where to download please and thank you
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Hi there, @Mike-PandaV! I appreciate your interest in trying out the Beta version. You can download the Adobe Illustrator Beta from the Creative Cloud Desktop app.
If you encounter any issues or have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
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Thank you Anshul, I found it and installed it... It did not fix the issue unfortunatly... It came back as soon as i started opening other windows and opening other files. It happens to my Photoshop as well...
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Hi @Mike-PandaV,
Thank you for trying the suggested solution. Since the issue persists even after installing beta, let's try a few more steps:
Please try these steps, and if the issue remains unresolved, let me know, and we'll explore further options.
Best regards,
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I am uptodate Sonoma 14.4 issue persists
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Anshul, AI v 28.1 which was updated via CC 2 days ago now has the same issue again! OSX fully updated as well.
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Originally this problem was only happening to me with Photoshop. I updated the app, and for half a day, the problem went away. Then it started happening again. And within the last three days, I noticed that Illustrator started doing the same thing.