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Could anyone provide some guidance or insight to what is not working in the script below?
I need to convert 300+ icon files to a new color, and save as SVG in Illustrator CS5.
Actions needed:
I've tried to combine 2 individual scripts - specify object fill color AND save as default save as SVG - into a single script with no success
Could anyone provide some guidance or insight to what is not working in the script below?
// Start of Script
//Script intention is to:
// - Open all files in specific folder (optional)
// - Select all objects in file from selected source folder above or in all currently opened files
// - Change objects fill color to new color
// - Export/Save as SVG file into destination folder
// Tried to combined default save as SVG file from Adobe Illustror CS5 and additional script to change fill color of object.
try {
if (app.documents.length > 0 ) {
// Get the folder to save the files into
var destFolder = null;
destFolder = Folder.selectDialog( 'Select folder for SVG files.', '~' );
if (destFolder != null) {
var options, i, sourceDoc, targetFile;
// Get the SVG options to be used.
//options = this.getOptions();
// You can tune these by changing the code in the getOptions() function.
for ( i = 0; i < app.documents.length; i++ ) {
sourceDoc = app.documents; // returns the document object
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var col;
// specify new rgb color
var col = new RGBColor(); = 17; = 101; = 229;
// Create the new swatch using the above color
var swatch = docRef.swatches.add();
swatch.color = col; = "col";
// Apply the swatch to a new path item
var pathRef = docRef.pathItems[0];
pathRef.filled = true;
pathRef.fillColor = swatch.color;
pathRef.stroked = false; //set object stroke to false
// Get the file to save the document as svg into
targetFile = this.getTargetFile(, '.svg', destFolder);
// Save as SVG
sourceDoc.exportFile(targetFile, ExportType.SVG, options);
// Note: the doc.exportFile function for SVG is actually a Save As
// operation rather than an Export, that is, the document's name
// in Illustrator will change to the result of this call.
alert( 'Documents saved as SVG' );
throw new Error('There are no document open!');
catch(e) {
alert( e.message, "Script Alert", true);
/** Returns the options to be used for the generated files.
@Return ExportOptionsSVG object
function getOptions()
// Create the required options object
var options = new ExportOptionsSVG();
// See ExportOptionsSVG in the JavaScript Reference for available options
// Set the options you want below:
// For example, uncomment to set the compatibility of the generated svg to SVG Tiny 1.1
// options.DTD = SVGDTDVersion.SVGTINY1_1;
// For example, uncomment to embed raster images
// options.embedRasterImages = true;
return options;
/** Returns the file to save or export the document into.
@Param docName the name of the document
@Param ext the extension the file extension to be applied
@Param destFolder the output folder
@Return File object
function getTargetFile(docName, ext, destFolder) {
var newName = "";
// if name has no dot (and hence no extension),
// just append the extension
if (docName.indexOf('.') < 0) {
newName = docName + ext;
} else {
var dot = docName.lastIndexOf('.');
newName += docName.substring(0, dot);
newName += ext;
// Create the file object to save to
var myFile = new File( destFolder + '/' + newName );
// Preflight access rights
if ("w")) {
else {
throw new Error('Access is denied');
return myFile;
// End of Script
Message was edited by: Daniel Chaparro
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Hi, you need get files, open files in a loop, and change object's color as you want. You title asked "all objects", but your code only change one pathItem, I don't know what's your want. And you can change color directly, no need a swatch.
Anyway, let's give you a start.
// Start of Script
//Script intention is to:
// - Open all files in specific folder (optional)
// - Select all objects in file from selected source folder above or in all currently opened files
// - Change objects fill color to new color
// - Export/Save as SVG file into destination folder
// Tried to combined default save as SVG file from Adobe Illustror CS5 and additional script to change fill color of object.
try {
// Get the folder to save the files into
var destFolder = Folder.selectDialog('Select folder for SVG files.', '~');
var files = destFolder.getFiles(); // .getFiles('*.ai')?
if (destFolder != null) {
var options, i, docRef, targetFile;
// Get the SVG options to be used.
options = this.getOptions();
// You can tune these by changing the code in the getOptions() function.
// specify new rgb color
var col = new RGBColor(); = 17; = 101; = 229;
for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
docRef =; // returns the document object
// Apply the swatch to a new path item
var pathRef = docRef.pathItems[0];
pathRef.filled = true;
pathRef.fillColor = col;
pathRef.stroked = false; //set object stroke to false
// Get the file to save the document as svg into
targetFile = this.getTargetFile(, '.svg', destFolder);
// Save as SVG
docRef.exportFile(targetFile, ExportType.SVG, options);
// Note: the doc.exportFile function for SVG is actually a Save As
// operation rather than an Export, that is, the document's name
// in Illustrator will change to the result of this call.
alert('Documents saved as SVG');
} catch (e) {
alert(e.message, "Script Alert", true);
/** Returns the options to be used for the generated files.
@return ExportOptionsSVG object
function getOptions() {
// Create the required options object
var options = new ExportOptionsSVG();
// See ExportOptionsSVG in the JavaScript Reference for available options
// Set the options you want below:
// For example, uncomment to set the compatibility of the generated svg to SVG Tiny 1.1
// options.DTD = SVGDTDVersion.SVGTINY1_1;
// For example, uncomment to embed raster images
// options.embedRasterImages = true;
return options;
/** Returns the file to save or export the document into.
@param docName the name of the document
@param ext the extension the file extension to be applied
@param destFolder the output folder
@return File object
function getTargetFile(docName, ext, destFolder) {
var newName = "";
// if name has no dot (and hence no extension),
// just append the extension
if (docName.indexOf('.') < 0) {
newName = docName + ext;
} else {
var dot = docName.lastIndexOf('.');
newName += docName.substring(0, dot);
newName += ext;
// Create the file object to save to
var myFile = new File(destFolder + '/' + newName);
// Preflight access rights
if ("w")) {
} else {
throw new Error('Access is denied');
return myFile;
// End of Script