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The fact that I haven't found any other posts on this subject tells me that I'm gertting too old for this. The last time I tried to import a layered PS file into Illustrator, I was given the opportunity to import the file either as layers ("objects") or as a single flattened image, in a dialogue box that appeared onscreen before the image was opened. Not any more. The terminology has changed, the practice has changed, blah blah blah, and now I have a growing stack of flattened images that are useless because I need to make changes in more than one layer. I'm running Illustrator 25.4.1 and PS 22.5.1, and I have no idea how to make the layered import happen. And please, nobody needs any screenshots. This is a procedural matter. There's either a way to do it or there isn't. Any help will be appreciated.
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Hi you can convert your ai file to psd from export as option or simple copy your items and paste as smart object so it will be linked to illustrtor...regards
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When you Place your file, make sure that Link is not checked, and Import Options is shown. Your layer dialog should then come up.
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No wonder I'm having trouble. I'm used to simply opening a PS file in AI and being offered the choice of layers-as-objects or one layer, flattened. So it appears that simply opening a PS file in AI is not going to work. The options "export", "link", "paste", and "import" are ones I've never had to deal with previously uipon simply opening a file. So I need to read up on how to invoke the Layers Dialogue when opening (or importing, or pasting, or placing) a file in AI. Thanks, Brad @ Roaring Mouse, for providing me with that term, Layers Dialogue. And thanks to all three of you for giving me an idea what I need to know and haven't yet learned on this subject.
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now I have a growing stack of flattened images that are useless because I need to make changes in more than one layer.
By @birckcmi
I don't get what you are doing there.
You are importing Photoshop files into Illustrator in order to edit the Photoshop layers? Wouldn't that be better done in Photoshop?
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Hello, Monika, I'm bringing a layered PS file into AI not because I want to edit the PS layers, but because I want to add an Illustrator element to-usually- the top layer. So I need to have the PS file in front of me in Illustrator to get the size, position, shape, whatever, correct. I then copy the AI element, return to Photoshop and place it where it's supposed to be. But it isn't always for the top layer.
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Others have answered about importing PSD in Illustrator with layers. And it would actually helpü if you could post screenshots. And describe what exactly you are doing when importing.
I still don't get it. When all you want to do is draw something in the correct size, then what do you need layers for? And before you ask: yes, I'm placing thing into Illustrator in order to draw object that fit into it all the time.
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For it was because my psd file was in 16 bit mode. Change it to 8 bit and itll work