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First of all thanks in advance for anyone who may assist, or make this even possible...... (please contanct me ADAM razo.ad1985 --->G.mail)
In dire need of expertise assistante. Years ago I DLded this script and got this working and older illustrator. NOW i have Illustrator CS6. I would love/like to TYpe text on a spiral path, then have the abitly for "user input(entering custom values)" as far as
Font Start Size/Pt = 80
Font End Size/Pt = 12
Just a concept......(maybe someone can do this)
Then have illustrator(script) perform action and make my spiral big(80pt) at beggning of text and end at small(12pt) there for looking as FONT/TEXT Gradually shrinks in size from beggining(80pt) unitl end of font/text(12pt)
similar to this(end result after srcipt ran and values entered)
I know there is an older script out there..... but if someone can perhaps undate this and modernize it with prompt for user input/customization interaction
ChangeSizesOfTextSelection.js ----->
2 Correct answers
Hi razo.ad1985,
Your second picture shows a distortion, right?
But no matter. Try this:
// CharSizeChangeFromFirst2LastInProportion.jsx
// thread: illustrator Spiral Shrinking/Growin text, scaling down/up on spiral path
// select a text frame or pathtext before running this script
// test t
Hi Pixxxel, remember the new forum format broke the loop indexes
here's the fixed version
// CharSizeChangeFromFirst2LastInProportion.jsx
// select a text frame or pathtext before running this script
// test this script at first with only a few characters!
// The more letters, the longer it takes
// If the screen seems to be frozen - please wait for a while
// regards pixxxelschubser 25/Febr./2014
var aDoc = app.activeDocument;
if (a
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Hi razo.ad1985,
Your second picture shows a distortion, right?
But no matter. Try this:
// CharSizeChangeFromFirst2LastInProportion.jsx
// thread: illustrator Spiral Shrinking/Growin text, scaling down/up on spiral path
// select a text frame or pathtext before running this script
// test this script at first with only a few characters!
// The more letters, the longer it takes
// If the screen seems to be frozen - please wait for a while
// regards pixxxelschubser 25/Febr./2014
var aDoc = app.activeDocument;
if (aDoc.selection.length > 0) {
if (aDoc.selection.length < 2 && aDoc.selection[0].typename == "TextFrame") {
var aTFrame = aDoc.selection[0];
var theChars = aTFrame.characters;
var charLength = theChars.length;
var startSize = prompt("size of first character", 25,"start size");
var endSize = prompt("size of last character", 5,"end size");
var step = (startSize-endSize)/(charLength-1);
for (i = 0; i < charLength; i++) {
theChars[i].size = (startSize - i*step).toFixed (2);
} else {alert("Please select only one text frame")}
} else {alert("No selection")}
Have fun
[ edited by pixxxelschubser ]
Justification: Due to the change to the new forum software Khoros in 2019, the loop index in the code was destroyed.
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WOW thnaks for the quick reply man, appreciate it.....
but Not 100% certain if this depicts destortion, as i borrowed second image from online as looked similar to what i am trying to achieve....
but here is another exaple of effect i am trying to get.... sorta effect of text falling down a spiral, and smaller as it gets deeper down(hopefully makes sense)........ I WILL DEF give yours a try and see if this works well for me..... thanks so much man for taking the time.
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Here's what it does.
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Yes....... tested this and so far worked marvels for the effect i am trying to achieve. As you mentioned the screen does at times freeze up a bit, then flahses black but despite that does the job. Thank you, thank you thank you. One question for you, on another note, is it possibly to edit and already created spiral.....for exaple if i create a spiral>apply script> once processed see that maybe the spiral can be a bit tigher >can i edit the values originally set(radius, decay segments) ...... sorry for the 21 questions man.. dont want to come off as Barbara Walters on investigative report.... but im a bit amatuer to Illustrator, photoshop i think i got down.....
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Just select the text and rerun the script adjusting the values. I did it several times last night while fiddling with the script. Option clicking with the Spiral tool will allow you to change the parameters but after you create the path it is just a path and not a configurable primative.
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Great script. Works like a wonder. Thanks
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Can someone please help update this script to work with Illustrator 2017/CC and upload ??? Thanks much to that kind person or people.
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What kind of problems do you have?
The script works in CC2017+ as well.
Have fun
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Hello, can u help me please? The script wont work in the last illustrator version...
Do u have some solution o any other script like this??
Thank u
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Hi @girolamoa72754650,
the script assumes the following:
- text as areatext or
- text as pathtext or
- text as pointtext and finally
- the text frame selected with the Selection Tool (black arrow)
Then the script also works as well (and as expected) in Illustrator 24 (CC2020)
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Hi Pixxxel, remember the new forum format broke the loop indexes
here's the fixed version
// CharSizeChangeFromFirst2LastInProportion.jsx
// select a text frame or pathtext before running this script
// test this script at first with only a few characters!
// The more letters, the longer it takes
// If the screen seems to be frozen - please wait for a while
// regards pixxxelschubser 25/Febr./2014
var aDoc = app.activeDocument;
if (aDoc.selection.length > 0) {
if (aDoc.selection.length < 2 && aDoc.selection[0].typename == "TextFrame") {
var aTFrame = aDoc.selection[0];
var theChars = aTFrame.characters;
var charLength = theChars.length;
var startSize = prompt("size of first character", 25,"start size");
var endSize = prompt("size of last character", 5,"end size");
var step = (startSize-endSize)/(charLength-1);
for (i = 0; i < charLength; i++) {
theChars[i].size = (startSize - i*step).toFixed (2);
} else {alert("Please select only one text frame")}
} else {alert("No selection")}
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Hi Any chance you can help update/fix for CC 2018??
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now I see
… theChars[i].size …
That's really annoying.
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it is a problem, forum upgrade has been a big disappointment
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I am getting error code. Anyone available to help?
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Resave the text of the script as Plain Text in order to have it work. Right now you have it saved as RTF.
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This worked. Thanks so much.
Also, for anyone out there, save from rich text to plain text.
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you're saving the script as Rich Text, you need to save it as Plain Text
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Hello Everyone,
I am now on Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 and the script no longer works, can some please please help check it and update to work?? Thanks much in advance.
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What error do you get? This works for me:
// CharSizeChangeFromFirst2LastInProportion.jsx
// select a text frame or pathtext before running this script
// test this script at first with only a few characters!
// The more letters, the longer it takes
// If the screen seems to be frozen - please wait for a while
// regards pixxxelschubser 25/Febr./2014
var aDoc = app.activeDocument;
if (aDoc.selection.length > 0) {
if (aDoc.selection.length < 2 && aDoc.selection[0].typename == "TextFrame") {
var aTFrame = aDoc.selection[0];
var theChars = aTFrame.characters;
var charLength = theChars.length;
var startSize = prompt("size of first character", 25,"start size");
var endSize = prompt("size of last character", 5,"end size");
var step = (startSize-endSize)/(charLength-1);
for (i = 0; i < charLength; i++) {
theChars[i].size = (startSize - i*step).toFixed (2);
} else {alert("Please select only one text frame")}
} else {alert("No selection")}
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Works for me on 25.4.1.
Try running it in ExtendScript and see if you get an error or a line reference.
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This is the error I get.....How do you run an extended scrip if I may ask??
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Kindly disregard, I had save it it under wrong format. Yet above works as .jsx script for illustrator, this is confirmed. Apologies for not checking my script format. Thanks
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Im trying to make spiral shrinking text with warped letters like in the second picture. I need it to say "CHANGE YOUR MIND". Can someone help with this please? Im having the hardest time.