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Hi Everyone, back by popular demand, here's version 2. It now has options for inserting Date, Time, Full Name, and Document Name.
tip: you don't have to click on the "insert" buttons, you can type directly in the input box, for example, type:
Page *page* of *pages* to get Page 1 of 3
questions/comments? let me know
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Thank you, Carlos!
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Great Cronos, Father of Olympia, we beseach thy favor. Your scripts befall us. And we prostrate our own pitiful forms before thee!
(thanks, homie)
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hahaha thanks Mathias
thanks Scott
any mac volunteers that may want to post a screen shot? Lion and/or previous?
Carlos [AKA Cronos of Tartarus]
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Snow Leopard:
Thanks, Carlos Cronos.
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thanks Peter, glad to see square buttons instead of round.
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Yeah, I know; I just can't work with those pesky round buttons!
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As always nice job Carlos, last time I needed to do page numbering of Illustrator files I used Acrobat but it wasn't fun there and it increased the pdf size a lot just for keeping the added page numbers. This looks much better.
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thanks emil
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Hey Carlos I made a change to the time function to display in 12-hour format hope that is alright, and I wanted to post it in case others would like to use it as well.
function gettime() {
var time = new(Date);
var hours = time.getHours();
if(hours > 11){
ampm = "PM";
} else {
ampm = "AM";
if(hours > 12){
hours = hours - 12;
var minutes = time.getMinutes();
if (minutes < 10){
minutes = "0" + minutes
var curtime = hours + ":" + minutes + " " + ampm;
return curtime;
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no problem, thanks for posting
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Your Page Numbering Script is PHENOMINAL!!!
It works flawlessly in CS6.
Question: How can one alter the font style, weight, size, color, etc of the page numbering text prior to it being populated into the artboards?
Would also be beneficial to have the dates appear in different formats, examples:
July 9, 2012
Thank you for taking the time to create this.
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thanks Tory, I was asked the same thing about the font styling when I released version 1, and my answer was...isn't it the same as doing it with the UI?
about the date formats....version 3 perhaps?
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It would be really useful for large multi-artboard docs if you could set the font inside the script. Is it possible to pull it from Styles?
Just encountered a glitch in version2:
script window wouldn't close on "OK." Had to force quit. Mac OSX.7.3/Illustrator CS5.1
Thanks for the amazing script. Saved me so much time!
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you're welcome, it is not a glitch, it is a feature. The idea is to be able to insert, pages at bottom right, file name at bottom left, etc. without having to fire the program multiple times.
Press Esc to close.
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Ah. OK. Thanks!
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Esc. to close is the thing to always try before force quit.
I like the feature where you can put the time date and page number in one shot.
Thanks for the script.
But have a request probably not doable.
I write fiction as a hobby. No I am not concerned about my spelling.
So I might work and a section and then putit aside for a while then resume it would be good to be able create sections and chapters with dates applied the to sections or chapters but no the the whole document!
Is such a thing possible?
A very handy device I must say I am for Adobe acquiring it from you.
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Wade_Zimmerman wrote:
I write fiction as a hobby. No I am not concerned about my spelling.
that's the funniest thing you've said in a long time. Perfectly spelled!!
...Is such a thing possible?
can you make a mock up by hand? and post it here? If there's some kind of logic to it, it might be possible to implement.
A very handy device I must say I am for Adobe acquiring it from you.
me too,
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You are absolutely the BOMB DIGGITY! Thank you SO SO much for this. This is something that I have wished for over and over when working on logo designs.
*virtual warm chocolate chip cookies*
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thanks Lena
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Great job! nevertheless, I dared to insert a dirty modification (not a programer myself) to allow user insert page range and first number (for those cases in which the document's got front page, index, etc), copied bellow.
#target illustrator
//#targetengine main
// = insertPageNumbers_v2.jsx; // works with CS4 & CS5 &C S6
// script description = Inserts page numbers (or any other text) to all artboards in the active document;
// script.required = at least one open document
// script.parent = CarlosCanto // 5/25/12;
// script.elegant = false;
// script.updates = added options to insert Date, Time, Full File Name, & File Name;
// added a button to clear previous entered data;
// dialog stays open, to be able to input data in multiple locations
// only one layer is created on multiple runs
// Notes: The script creates a new layer (Page Numbers) then adds a text frame per Artboard that act as footer or header text.
// Its primary function is to insert Page Numbers, but it could be used to insert any other kind of information.
if (app.documents.length > 0) // continue if there's at leat one document open
// start building User Interface
var win = new Window("dialog","mTools - Insert Page Numbers v 2");
var panelMargins = win.add("panel", undefined, "Margins");
var lblMargins = panelMargins.add("statictext",undefined,"How far from the edge:");
var txtMargins = panelMargins.add("edittext",undefined, 0.25);
var lblUnits = panelMargins.add("statictext",undefined,"inches");
var panelLocation = win.add("panel", undefined, "Location");
var radTop = panelLocation.add("radiobutton",undefined,"Top");
var radBottom = panelLocation.add("radiobutton",undefined, "Bottom");
var trgtPages = win.add("panel", undefined, "Target Pages");
var lblfrstP = trgtPages.add("statictext",undefined,"From:");
var frstP = trgtPages.add("edittext",undefined, 1);
var lbllstP = trgtPages.add("statictext",undefined," - To:");
var lstP = trgtPages.add("edittext",undefined,app.activeDocument.artboards.length);
var pNlabel = trgtPages.add("statictext",undefined,"First Number");
var pN = trgtPages.add("edittext",undefined, 1);
var panelAlignment = win.add("panel", undefined, "Alignment");
var radLeft = panelAlignment.add("radiobutton",undefined,"Left");
var radCenter = panelAlignment.add("radiobutton",undefined, "Center");
var radRight = panelAlignment.add("radiobutton",undefined, "Right");
var panelFooter = win.add("panel", undefined, "Text to insert");
var grpPages = panelFooter.add("group");
var btnPage = grpPages.add("button",undefined,"P");
var btnPages = grpPages.add("button",undefined,"Ps");
var btnDate = grpPages.add("button",undefined,"D");
var btnTime = grpPages.add("button", undefined, "T");
var btnFullName = grpPages.add("button", undefined, "fFn");
var btnFile = grpPages.add("button", undefined, "Fn");
var txtFooter = panelFooter.add("edittext"); //,undefined, "[Type text to insert here]");
var btnClear = panelFooter.add("button", undefined, "C");
btnPage.size = btnPages.size = btnDate.size = btnTime.size = btnFullName.size = btnFile.size = btnClear.size = [31,24]; // on Mac [31, 21] = round buttons, [31,24] = square buttons
var btnOk = win.add("button", undefined, "Ok");
radRight.value = radBottom.value = true;
win.alignChildren = panelFooter.alignChildren = "fill";
btnClear.alignment = "left";
panelMargins.spacing = 3;
panelMargins.orientation = panelLocation.orientation = panelAlignment.orientation = "row";
win.helpTip = "\u00A9 2012 Carlos Canto";
btnOk.helpTip = "Press Esc to Close";
btnPage.helpTip = "Adds *page* keyword, it represents a single page";
btnPages.helpTip = "Adds *pages* keyword, it represents total number of pages";
btnDate.helpTip = "Adds *date* keyword, it represents today's date";
btnTime.helpTip = "Adds *time* keyword, it represents current time";
btnFullName.helpTip = "Adds *fname* keyword, it represents Full File Name (including path)";
btnFile.helpTip = "Adds *file* keyword, it represents File Name";
btnClear.helpTip = "Clears input text area";
txtFooter.helpTip = "Type \r\t'Page *page* of *pages*' \rto get \r\t'Page 1 of 3' \rfor example";
// text place holder by Jongware / Marc Autret
var wgx =;
var grayPen = wgx.newPen(wgx.PenType.SOLID_COLOR,[.67,.67,.67], 1);
txtFooter.onDraw = function(/*DrawState*/)
var gx =;
this.text || || gx.drawString("[Type text to insert here] Press Esc to close", grayPen, 0, 0);
btnOk.onClick = function(){
if (txtFooter.text != "")
doSomething(); // call main function
//win.close(); // close when done
btnClear.onClick = function(){
txtFooter.text = ""; // call main function
//win.close(); // close when done
btnPage.onClick = function(){
btnPages.onClick = function(){
btnDate.onClick = function(){
btnTime.onClick = function(){
btnFullName.onClick = function(){
btnFile.onClick = function(){
function footer (page) //
txtFooter.text = txtFooter.text + page;
function doSomething()
//alert("I'm doing something");
var idoc = app.activeDocument;
try {
var ilayer = idoc.layers["Page Numbers"];
} catch(e) {
var ilayer = idoc.layers.add(); = "Page Numbers";
var pages = idoc.artboards.length; // number of artboards
var datee = getdate ();
var timee = gettime ();
var fname = idoc.path == '' ? "Full Name: <unsaved document>" : idoc.fullName;
var file =;
var footerPages = (txtFooter.text).replace("*pages*",pages);
footerPages = footerPages.replace("*pages*",pages); // replace the "*pages*" keyword with the actual number fo pages (artboards)
footerPages = footerPages.replace("*date*",datee);
footerPages = footerPages.replace("*time*",timee);
footerPages = footerPages.replace("*fname*",fname);
footerPages = footerPages.replace("*file*",file);
var margins = Number(txtMargins.text)*72; // get margins in points
var n =Number(pN.text)-1;
for (i = Number(frstP.text)-1; i<Number(lstP.text); i++) // loop thru all artboards, and add input text from UI
footerPage = footerPages.replace("*page*",n+1); // replace "*page*" keyword with the actual page Number
var itext = ilayer.textFrames.add();
itext.contents = footerPage; //"page 1 of 1";
var fontSize = itext.textRange.characterAttributes.size;
var activeAB = idoc.artboards;
var iartBounds = activeAB.artboardRect;
var ableft = iartBounds[0]+margins;
var abtop = iartBounds[1]-margins;
var abright = iartBounds[2]-margins;
var abbottom = iartBounds[3]+margins+fontSize;
var abcenter = ableft+(abright-ableft)/2;
if (radRight.value == true)
//var msg = "right";
itext.left = abright;
itext.textRange.paragraphAttributes.justification = Justification.RIGHT;
else if (radCenter.value == true)
//var msg = "center";
itext.left = abcenter;
itext.textRange.paragraphAttributes.justification = Justification.CENTER;
//var msg = "Left";
itext.left = ableft;
itext.textRange.paragraphAttributes.justification = Justification.LEFT;
if (radTop.value == true)
//var msg = "top"; = abtop;
//var msg = "bottom"; = abbottom;
} // end for loop thru all artboards
} // end function doSomething();
alert ("there's no open documents");
function getdate() {
var date = new(Date);
var m = date.getMonth()+1;
var d = date.getDate();
var y = date.getFullYear();
var datemdy = m+"/"+d+"/"+y;
return datemdy;
function gettime() {
var time = new(Date);
var hours = time.getHours();
var minutes = time.getMinutes();
if (minutes < 10){
minutes = "0" + minutes
if(hours > 11){
ampm = "PM";
} else {
ampm = "AM";
var curtime = hours + ":" + minutes + " " + ampm;
return curtime;
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Hello, I do realize this was a long time ago but maybe I could still get some help. This modification is exactly what I was looking for after CarlosĀ“s original page numbering. The dialog box seems to have the options needed, to start numbering from x page to x page and start with x #. However, after filling the needed info and clicking ok just the #1 appears on top (outside the page actually) of a random page and nothing else. Am I doing something wrong? Verified to copy and paste the correct text from top to bottom twice.
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Hey msando,
I know you posted this question almost four years ago, but I am having the same issue.
Did you ever find a solution?
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Um, how do I install this?
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First - use the download link at the top of the page in the first post (
Then place it here: Applications --> Adobe Illustrator --> Scripting --> Page Numbering (this folder includes both the downloaded files)