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Is there a way to set custom shortcut key to specific Illustrator script?
I want to run a script which is listed in my script collection with Alt+1 key
is this possible?
You can use autohotkey. I prefer version 2.
Download autohotkey, unzip, create near AutoHotkey64.exe file AutoHotkey64.ahk with this code:
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
#HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe Illustrator.exe")
!1:: aiScript("script1")
!2:: aiScript("script2")
aiScript(name) {
static app := "c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 2023\Support Files\Contents\Windows\Illustrator.exe"
, path := "c:\Users\user\Documents\aiScripts"
if FileExist(script := name)
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If the script is installed and you can call it from File > Scripts, then you can call it in an action. And then set a shortcut to that action. Do you know how to create actions?
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Yes, I know how to create actions and assign it shortcuts. but there is limitation to assign it. We can't assign the shortcut which I am expecting Alt + 1
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no, unfortunately only F keys can be assigned to Actions, which is the only way to run scripts via shorcut key.
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thank you, for confirmation
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how about a single click to a button to run your scripts? is that an option?
if yes, switch your actions panel to Button Mode
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Few days back I realise that due to Quick access toolbar in PowerPoint, I extermily speedup in editing and align graphics. such functionality didn't experience in Illustrator. so I was trying to achive through script access. I don't want to open panel, observe the button label each time. insted that just remember the number to access my personal scripts
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You can extend Adobe Illustrator with the free AutoHotkey utility. The AHK scripting language allows you to automate different applications on Windows. Including calling js scripts in Adobe. I asked an AHK expert to write a sample hotkey script call code in this thread.
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What operating system do you use: Windows, Mac OS?
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Windows 10
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You can use autohotkey. I prefer version 2.
Download autohotkey, unzip, create near AutoHotkey64.exe file AutoHotkey64.ahk with this code:
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
#HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe Illustrator.exe")
!1:: aiScript("script1")
!2:: aiScript("script2")
aiScript(name) {
static app := "c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 2023\Support Files\Contents\Windows\Illustrator.exe"
, path := "c:\Users\user\Documents\aiScripts"
if FileExist(script := name)
or FileExist(script := path "\" name)
or FileExist(script := path "\" name ".jsx")
or FileExist(script := path "\" name ".js")
Run('"' app '" "' script '"',, "max")
run AutoHotkey64.exe
In Illustrator:
Alt-1 will run c:\Users\user\Documents\aiScripts\script1.jsx
Alt-2 — c:\Users\user\Documents\aiScripts\script2.jsx
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absolutely correct, thank you so much @Sergey Osokin and @krasnovpro . you saved my many clicks
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tutorial please
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This is also cool. I have autohotkey for ages; I didn't know this can be useful with illustrator
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Yes, you can set custom shortcut keys for specific Illustrator scripts. Here's how:
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Hi @AlinaMiler, are you using a third party software? The instructions don't seem to be native to Illustrator
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Your instructions indeed sound pretty promising, Alina.
But as well as Carlos I don't see how it would work natively in Illustrator at the moment.
Am I overlooking something? Can you perhaps clarify?
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There's a better way, but requires having to make an Illustrator Action that simply calls the script from a menu item. Then, the action - within the actions palette - can be assigned a limited amount of KBSCs using the F1-F15 keys and with or without Ctrl/Command and Shift. It's better explained on the following sites:
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Oh great I did it, thank you very much
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That's correct. Thanks.
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Right. Personally, I use this for precision movement in AutoHotkey.
AHK code:
F1 & LButton:: aiNudge("left")
F1 & RButton:: aiNudge("right")
F1 & WheelUp:: aiNudge("up")
F1 & WheelDown:: aiNudge("down")
By holding down F1 and different modifiers, you can use the mouse to move objects in different increments.
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that doesnt allow you to assign a hot key to a specific script.
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@Mark34118026rzjg schrieb:
that doesnt allow you to assign a hot key to a specific script.
Who are you answering? AlinaMiller probably was a ChatGPT bot.
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Replying to the John Travolta image. I guess also applies to AlinaMiller. As you can see there is no place to choose an individual script. Incorrect information should be able to be downvoted.