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Hi Everyone,
I'm having a small issue with the following:
Context - I would like to cut out multiple shapes (perhaps 40+) from an imported PNG image (of my artwork) and then move/rotate/manipulate them independently afterward.
1. The artwork PNG is a large file. To import it 40 times in order to make a clipping mask for a each individual shape would work, but will take forever and I can't find a way to remove the excess (everything outside the clipping mask. I have tried pathfinder and other options which I can't seem to make work.) Therefore the file would be huge.
2. I have made a compound path from my 40+ shapes and successfully cut out from the original artwork, the only problem is, is I have not found a way to then disconnect them all from the path to allow me to use them independently (so that I can place/paste/rotate/repeat etc.)
Is there a way to cut the shapes from the compound path?
I suppose it's a bit like me making a jigsaw puzzle, but I need to be able to move the pieces around on their own within Illustrator.
Thank you for any advice
Embed your image and drag it to the Swatches panel to make it a pattern.
Delete the image on the artboard.
Position your shapes to start in the 0/0 upper left corner of the artboard.
Select all and fill with the pattern.
Set your options to both transform object and pattern to move them individually.
The image as pattern is only stored once in the file which makes the filesize smaller.
Good to hear that worked, but you don't need to rasterize them if you set your options to both transform object and pattern in order to move them individually.
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Are you familiar with using scripts in Illustrator? if yes, I suggest you use the "Puzzleclipper":
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Thank you Michael, it's not something I have tried before- I'll take a look at the link
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You're welcome!
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Embed your image and drag it to the Swatches panel to make it a pattern.
Delete the image on the artboard.
Position your shapes to start in the 0/0 upper left corner of the artboard.
Select all and fill with the pattern.
Set your options to both transform object and pattern to move them individually.
The image as pattern is only stored once in the file which makes the filesize smaller.
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Thank you very much, that worked really well, I was able to create all the shapes I required from that one piece of artwork and then rasterize those shapes (so that the pattern remained in place and I could also use in other documents.) Would you know if there is a way to rasterize more than one object at a time? When I 'select all' and rasterize they are grouped afterwards. (I have seen posts that advise using the Rasterize effect and then expand afterwards, this doesn't appear to work for me.) Many thanks for you help
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Good to hear that worked, but you don't need to rasterize them if you set your options to both transform object and pattern in order to move them individually.
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Fantastic, thank you very much. Works perfectly and has made my project so much easier.
Much appreciated!
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Always a pleasure to hear when it is working.
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1. The artwork PNG is a large file. To import it 40 times in order to make a clipping mask for a each individual shape would work, but will take forever and I can't find a way to remove the excess (everything outside the clipping mask.
By @user8737409
you could place your image once and apply effects to make 40 copies. Expand appearance to get the individual copies, then use the Crop button to do real cropping instead of using clipping masks.
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Thank you