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A maior parte das janelas e menus de contexto não se sustentam abertas. Fecham num piscar de olhos.
Seja para selecionar uma cor, ou clicar em alguma opção do menu principal, como clicar em "salvar como", imprimir, etc. Curiosamente, uma ou outra opção abre, randomicamente.
Mesmo as teclas de atalho não funcionam e as janelas se fecham. Todas as janelas de confirmação se fecham sozinhas.
Ações já realizadas:
Já removi o programa completamente, retirando as preferências. Funcionou no primeiro dia, no segundo o problema voltou.
Já instalei 3 versões anteriores. O problema volta.
v 25.2.3
v 25.3.1
v 25.4.1
Depois de tentar todas as soluções propostas aqui no fórum, tanto por moderadores quanto por usuários, cheguei numa solução definitiva. Muitas das antigas soluções duravam apenas alguns minutos, horas ou dias. Depois voltava a apresentar problema.
A solução é simples, e parece ser um erro de programação que duplica todos os arquivos de patterns e brushes e mais cedo ou mais tarde danifica a interface e os presets.
Se preferir, reset as preferências pro padrão de fábrica. Não fiz isso.
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Hi there,
Sorry to hear about your experience. I would request you to share a few more details like:
I will be looking forward to your response.
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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Hi, Anshul.
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Thank you for sharing the details. I would suggest you try the following steps:
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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Thanks for your attention again, Anshul.
I ran in Safe mode. Opened on normal initialization after and didn't any effect.
So, I restarted the Win10 on safe mode again (diagnóstico para brasileiros), renamed the folders listed above. Ran the app on Safe Mode. And ok. So I did that same on normal boot.
Looks ok, for now. Let's see if stay ok on next days. Because, after made a full clean with Creative Cloud Cleaner and reinstalled all my apps, just last one day working perfectly and them the error returns.
This could be some bug with Nvidia drivers?
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Thank you for trying the steps. It could be the GPU issue or any other app is interfering with Illustrator (Antivirus or Chrome). I will suggest you go to Safe Mode and open other apps one by one you usually use or running in the background and check which app is causing this, also, which GPU is using. Then, you can try reinstalling or updating them.
Anshul Saini
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The former try works fine.
Plus: I changed Nvidia driver from Studio version to the regular.
I use RTX 2060 6gb
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Glad to hear that @rama6. Please feel free to reach out if you run into any other questions or issues in the future. We'd be happy to help.
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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Hi again. The problem was back a day after.
I gave up to resolve (this is my home station), and went to my work in order to finish the works.
At this moment I updated to new versions of Illustrator and Photoshop. The problem still in both menus and context menus.
Updated to Win11 too. But the problem persists. Reinstall everything and remove preferences. Still.
I've tried to put Illustrator and Photoshop like exclusions at Kaspersky. I don't use chrome anymore. But with Edge and Firefox, the problem persists.
Please, what more can I do? Reset preferences just works until one or two restarts.
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The issue looks related to the Nvidia 2060.
Turning off the GPU performance, runs without error. But too slow.
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Thanks for sharing the information. You may try the following steps and let us know how it goes:
1. Open the "Nvidia Control Panel."
2. Select "Manage 3D Settings" under 3D Settings.
3. Click on the "Program Settings" tab and select the program you want to choose a graphics card for from the drop-down list.
4. Now select "preferred graphics processor" in the drop-down list. (You can see what the automatic option is listed as global setting) If you want to use the dedicated graphics card, select a High-performance Nvidia processor, or you can select an Integrated Intel/AMD GPU processor for testing.
I hope it helps!
Anshul Saini
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I am having the same issue, started a couple of days ago. I was working on a 500 Mb file and thought it was bugging illustrator because of its size. I restarted my pc and it got fixed. Today I started a new work 7Mb file and by its beginning, it was already closing command tabs.
I tried everything you suggested on Illustrator 2020, tried updating it to a newer version but it continues. Please, is there something else to do? I really have to work on a final thesis project 😞
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Didn't work. The issue is back.
Illustrator still with problems. Photoshop work for few minutes, and suddenly loses keyboard access. Open error opening files. Tab menus disappear. Inferno.
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você tentou formatar o pc? estou considerando isso...
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Thanks for trying the steps. I'd recommend you both (@rama6 @VItor5C11) to connect with our technical support team ( The team here would be able to perform remote troubleshooting and assist you accordingly.
Anshul Saini
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Vitor, esse computador foi formatado recentemente devido a um outro problema entre o W10 e a Bios da Dell. Até então, funcionava normalmente.
Pouco tempo após a formatação veio uma atualização do Illustrator e do Photoshop que começou a desligar o uso da GPU. Depois uma nova atualização CC permitiu voltar a usar a GPU sem problemas. E mais uma atualização ferrou tudo de vez. De lá pra cá eu já fiz um reinstall completo, usando ferramenta de reparação da Adobe Creative Cloud, que tirou todos os apps da Adobe do computador. É como se tivesse formatado, mas sem sucesso. Após um uso mais intenso todos os problemas voltam.
Apelei e permiti a atualização do W11. Parecia ter funcionado, mas durou algumas horas apenas.
Engraçado é que rodo jogos, Indesign, 3D, After, Media Encoder, tudo funciona. Exceto o Photoshop e Illustrator. Não tenho fé que uma formatação ajude.
Pra mim é uma grande dor de cabeça, pois uso o Crashplan para backup e demora um ano até ressincronizar tudo. Tenho mais de 4tb de fotografia. É um saco.
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Depois de tentar todas as soluções propostas aqui no fórum, tanto por moderadores quanto por usuários, cheguei numa solução definitiva. Muitas das antigas soluções duravam apenas alguns minutos, horas ou dias. Depois voltava a apresentar problema.
A solução é simples, e parece ser um erro de programação que duplica todos os arquivos de patterns e brushes e mais cedo ou mais tarde danifica a interface e os presets.
Se preferir, reset as preferências pro padrão de fábrica. Não fiz isso.
Desabilite a sincronia de perfis (eu tenho dois pcs em uso, casa e trabalho, desabilitei em ambos).
Limpe as pastas duplicadas de padrões (patterns) e pincéis (brushes).
Crie novas interfaces customizadas.
Apague as antigas interfaces.
O mesmo problema estava ocorrendo no Indesign (muito raro) e no Illustrator. Fiz o mesmo e pararam de travar ao abrir.
After tried everything - some solutions worked for days, other for hours - I found a definitive solution.
Two weeks working without freezes on opening or creating new files.
Go to preferences, DISABLE SYNC PROFILES.
DON'T ENABLE sync profiles anymore.
Create new interface custom profiles.
Delete old interface custom profiles.
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Estou passando pelo mesmo problema e até agora nenhuma dessas soluções funcionou.
Tenho que sempre reinstalar o illustrator e torcer para que demore para acontecer de novo, mas o problema agora é diário, não sei mais o que fazer.
I'm having the same problem and so far none of these solutions have worked.
I always have to reinstall Illustrator and hope it takes a while for it to happen again, but the problem is now daily, I don't know what else to do.
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Hi @Douglas da5C75,
I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing an issue with Adobe Illustrator, where context, confirmation, and menu windows open and close quickly. Reinstalling Illustrator as a temporary fix isn't an ideal solution, so let's see if we can help you find a more permanent resolution.
For troubleshooting this issue, I'd recommend the following steps:
Check for Software Conflicts: Sometimes, third-party software or background applications can interfere with Adobe Illustrator. Check if any recently installed software might be causing this issue and try disabling or uninstalling it.
Update Adobe Illustrator: Ensure that you are using the latest version of Adobe Illustrator, as newer versions often include bug fixes and improvements. If you are already on the latest version, consider updating your Adobe Creative Cloud application to check for any pending updates.
Check for System Updates: Make sure your operating system (OS) is up to date.
Graphics Driver: Ensure your graphics driver is up to date. Outdated or incompatible graphics drivers can lead to various problems in Illustrator. Visit the website of your graphics card manufacturer to download and install the latest driver.
Create a New Admin User Profile: Sometimes, user profile corruption can cause problems. Try creating a new user profile on your computer and see if the issue persists when using Illustrator from the new profile.
Additionally, providing more specific information about your Illustrator version, your operating system, and your system specifications (such as CPU, RAM, and GPU) can help the community and Adobe Support offer more targeted advice.
Also, a screen recording demonstrating the issue would be really helpful.
I hope these suggestions help you resolve the issue so you don't need to reinstall Illustrator frequently. Please let us know if you encounter any specific error messages or if there's any other information you can provide about the problem.
Best regards,
Anshul Saini
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Conseguiu resolver? Estou com o mesmo problema e não consigo nem salvar o arquivo que tô trabalhando. Já tentei tudo que disseram aqui e nada.
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Did you check out the post just above yours?