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I have code to create copies of an object on the layer. The code also includes a dialog box for entering information. I need to adapt a code to generate a preview of the copies when the checkbox is checked. I've seen some scripts with this function, but I couldn't adapt it for myself. Does anyone have any ideas?
Une approche rapide, non affinƩe...
// JavaScript Document
//Criar caixa de diƔlogo
var Undo = false;
if (app.selection.length === 1 && app.selection[0].typename === "GroupItem") {
var grupoSelecionado = app.selection[0];
else {
alert("Selecione um Ćŗnico grupo na Camada 1.");
// -------
function createColumnGroup(parent, name) {
var group = parent.add("group", undefined, { name: name });
group.orientation = "column";
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Can you share samples of the script where you see the functionalty you want. Then it would be easier to integrate it with your code(share that as well).
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This is the complete code. It is for specific use, so your clipboard needs to be at least 1.50m wide. As you can see, in the dialog box I already inserted the "Visualize" checkbox, but I couldn't implement the code for the visualization of the copies that the main code performs. I've seen preview commands in other scripts, so I imagine it's possible through codes.
//Criar caixa de diƔlogo
function createColumnGroup(parent, name) {
var group = parent.add("group", undefined, { name: name });
group.orientation = "column";
group.alignChildren = ["left", "top"];
group.spacing = 10;
group.margins = 0;
return group;
function createEditText(parent, config) {
var editText = parent.add('edittext {properties: {name: "edittext"}}');
editText.preferredSize.width = config.preferredWidth;
editText.alignment = config.alignment;
return editText;
function createDialog() {
var dialog = new Window("dialog", "Multiplicar e distribuir");
var mainGroup = createColumnGroup(dialog, "mainGroup");
var quantidadeGroup = createColumnGroup(mainGroup, "quantidadeGroup");
var espacamentoGroup = createColumnGroup(mainGroup, "espacamentoGroup");
var sharedConfig = {
preferredWidth: 100,
alignment: ["left", "center"],
var quantidadeLabel = quantidadeGroup.add("statictext", undefined, undefined, { name: "quantidadeLabel" });
quantidadeLabel.text = "Quantidade:";
var quantidadeEditText = createEditText(quantidadeGroup, sharedConfig);
var espacamentoLabel = espacamentoGroup.add("statictext", undefined, undefined, { name: "espacamentoLabel" });
espacamentoLabel.text = "EspaƧamento:";
var espacamentoEditText = createEditText(espacamentoGroup, sharedConfig);
var visualizarCheckbox = mainGroup.add("checkbox", undefined, undefined, { name: "visualizarCheckbox" });
visualizarCheckbox.text = "Visualizar";
visualizarCheckbox.preferredSize.width = 80;
visualizarCheckbox.preferredSize.height = 20;
var buttonGroup = dialog.add("group", undefined, { name: "buttonGroup" });
buttonGroup.orientation = "row";
buttonGroup.alignChildren = ["center", "center"];
buttonGroup.spacing = 10;
buttonGroup.margins = 0;
buttonGroup.alignment = ["center", "top"];
var okButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, undefined, { name: "okButton" });
okButton.text = "OK";
var cancelButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, undefined, { name: "cancelButton" });
cancelButton.text = "Cancel";
okButton.onClick = function () {
// CĆ³digo principal
// Verifica se o grupo estĆ” selecionado
if (app.selection.length === 1 && app.selection[0].typename === "GroupItem") {
var grupoSelecionado = app.selection[0];
var distanciaHorizontal = parseFloat(espacamentoEditText.text.replace(".", "").replace(",", ".")) * 28.3465;
// Armazena a altura do grupo selecionado
var alturaGrupoInicial = grupoSelecionado.height;
// Define a posiĆ§Ć£o do grupo selecionado em relaĆ§Ć£o Ć prancheta
var prancheta = app.activeDocument.artboards[0];
var posX = prancheta.artboardRect[0] + 4.5 * 28.3465;
var posY = prancheta.artboardRect[1] - 0.5 * 28.3465;
grupoSelecionado.position = [posX, posY];
var quantidadeCopias = parseInt(quantidadeEditText.text);
if (isNaN(quantidadeCopias) || quantidadeCopias < 1) {
alert("Quantidade invĆ”lida. O valor deve ser um nĆŗmero inteiro maior que zero.");
} else {
var posXAtual = posX + grupoSelecionado.width + distanciaHorizontal;
var posYAtual = posY;
for (var i = 1; i < quantidadeCopias; i++) {
var novaCopia = grupoSelecionado.duplicate();
novaCopia.position = [posXAtual, posYAtual];
posXAtual += grupoSelecionado.width + distanciaHorizontal;
if (posXAtual + grupoSelecionado.width > 129 * 28.3465) {
posXAtual = posX;
posYAtual -= alturaGrupoInicial + distanciaHorizontal;
} else {
alert("Selecione um Ćŗnico grupo na Camada 1.");
cancelButton.onClick = function () {
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I have moved your post to the Illustrator forum so that you get better help. I think I am not getting your ask properly. Creation of dialog and all is fine but what do you mean by preview is confusing me. Hopefully someone better versed with Illustrator will chime in.
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I need a preview before it clicks "ok" when checking the checkbox. But I appreciate your effort.
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Une approche rapide, non affinƩe...
// JavaScript Document
//Criar caixa de diƔlogo
var Undo = false;
if (app.selection.length === 1 && app.selection[0].typename === "GroupItem") {
var grupoSelecionado = app.selection[0];
else {
alert("Selecione um Ćŗnico grupo na Camada 1.");
// -------
function createColumnGroup(parent, name) {
var group = parent.add("group", undefined, { name: name });
group.orientation = "column";
group.alignChildren = ["left", "top"];
group.spacing = 10;
group.margins = 0;
return group;
// -------
function createEditText(parent, config) {
var editText = parent.add('edittext {properties: {name: "edittext"}}');
editText.preferredSize.width = config.preferredWidth;
editText.alignment = config.alignment;
return editText;
// -------
function createDialog() {
var dialog = new Window("dialog", "Multiplicar e distribuir");
var mainGroup = createColumnGroup(dialog, "mainGroup");
var quantidadeGroup = createColumnGroup(mainGroup, "quantidadeGroup");
var espacamentoGroup = createColumnGroup(mainGroup, "espacamentoGroup");
var sharedConfig = {
preferredWidth: 100,
alignment: ["left", "center"],
var quantidadeLabel = quantidadeGroup.add("statictext", undefined, undefined, { name: "quantidadeLabel" });
quantidadeLabel.text = "Quantidade:";
var quantidadeEditText = createEditText(quantidadeGroup, sharedConfig);
quantidadeEditText.text = 3;
var espacamentoLabel = espacamentoGroup.add("statictext", undefined, undefined, { name: "espacamentoLabel" });
espacamentoLabel.text = "EspaƧamento:";
var espacamentoEditText = createEditText(espacamentoGroup, sharedConfig);
espacamentoEditText.text = 1;
var visualizarCheckbox = mainGroup.add("checkbox", undefined, undefined, { name: "visualizarCheckbox" });
visualizarCheckbox.text = "Visualizar";
visualizarCheckbox.preferredSize.width = 80;
visualizarCheckbox.preferredSize.height = 20;
var buttonGroup = dialog.add("group", undefined, { name: "buttonGroup" });
buttonGroup.orientation = "row";
buttonGroup.alignChildren = ["center", "center"];
buttonGroup.spacing = 10;
buttonGroup.margins = 0;
buttonGroup.alignment = ["center", "top"];
var okButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, undefined, { name: "okButton" });
okButton.text = "OK";
var cancelButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, undefined, { name: "cancelButton" });
cancelButton.text = "Cancel";
okButton.onClick = function () {
if (Undo == false) {
var q = quantidadeEditText.text;
var k = espacamentoEditText.text; alert(q+" "+k)
visualizarCheckbox.onClick = function() {
if (visualizarCheckbox.value == true) {
var q = quantidadeEditText.text;
var k = espacamentoEditText.text; //alert(q+" "+k)
Undo = true;
if (visualizarCheckbox.value == false) {
Undo = false;
cancelButton.onClick = function () {
if (Undo) {
// -------
function traitement(q,k) {
// CĆ³digo principal
// Verifica se o grupo estĆ” selecionado
var distanciaHorizontal = parseFloat(k.replace(".", "").replace(",", ".")) * 28.3465;
// Armazena a altura do grupo selecionado
var alturaGrupoInicial = grupoSelecionado.height;
var quantidadeCopias = parseInt(q);
if (isNaN(quantidadeCopias) || quantidadeCopias < 1) {
alert("Quantidade invĆ”lida. O valor deve ser um nĆŗmero inteiro maior que zero.");
else {
// Define a posiĆ§Ć£o do grupo selecionado em relaĆ§Ć£o Ć prancheta
var prancheta = app.activeDocument.artboards[0];
var posX = prancheta.artboardRect[0] + 4.5 * 28.3465;
var posY = prancheta.artboardRect[1] - 0.5 * 28.3465;
grupoSelecionado.position = [posX, posY];
var posXAtual = posX + grupoSelecionado.width + distanciaHorizontal;
var posYAtual = posY;
for (var i = 1; i < quantidadeCopias; i++) {
var novaCopia = grupoSelecionado.duplicate();
novaCopia.position = [posXAtual, posYAtual];
posXAtual += grupoSelecionado.width + distanciaHorizontal;
if (posXAtual + grupoSelecionado.width > 129 * 28.3465) {
posXAtual = posX;
posYAtual -= alturaGrupoInicial + distanciaHorizontal;
de elleere
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Damn! This is fantastic. Worked perfectly. I was having a lot of trouble doing this. Helped me a lot. Now a doubt and a curiosity. The question: could the preview be updated just by typing "TAB" in the quantity and spacing? I noticed that it only updates if I uncheck and recheck the checkbox. Curiosity: in what sense could it be more refined? Thank you very much.
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DƩcocher vous permet de modifier les valeurs quantitƩ et espacement.
OK pour valider.
PS On peut toujours faire mieux, je n'ai pas le temps pour cela...
La question: lāaperƧu pourrait-il ĆŖtre mis Ć jour simplement en tapant Ā« TAB Ā» dans la quantitĆ© et lāespacement.
RĆ©ponse: certainement.
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Bonjour Marcos,
Une solution qui semble fonctionner comme tu l'entends.
// JavaScript Document
// dialog 21 reduced.js
// Sat, 12 August 2023 20:09:03 GMT
// Of lANDRY RenƩ - elleere.
// At the suggestion of Marcos Adriano
// INIT -----------------------
var title = "Multiplicar e distribuir";
var monUnit = "cm"; // cm mm in pt ou px
var q = 30; // cantidad // regPref1
var g = 0; // canal/gouttiĆØre // regPref2 (Assinar - Autorizado)
// PosiciĆ³n izquierda y superior del primer elemento (x,y)
var posUnit = "mm"; // cm mm in pt ou px
var X0 = 30; // posUnit
var Y0 = -15; // posUnit
// Margem direita
var XD = 20; // posUnit
// Largura da implantaĆ§Ć£o horizontal
var wAb = true; // se true a largura da prancheta ativa
var wCt = 1290; // se wAb == false // posUnit
// DimensƵes do objeto selecionado
var geom = false; // visible-bounds flase senĆ£o geometric-bounds true
var unit = new UnitValue(1 + monUnit).as('pt');
var unitPos = new UnitValue(1 + posUnit).as('pt');
var regPref1 = /^[\d]{1,5}$/; // del 1 a 5 Figuras
var regPref2 = /^[0-9.-]{1,15}$/; // del 1 a 15 Figuras
var sel; // Objeto selecionado
// -------
function main() {
if (selection.length > 0) {
var sel = selection[0]; // Objeto selecionado
app.selection = null; // alert(sel)
else {
alert("Selecione pelo menos um objeto!.");
// -------
if (app.documents.length > 0) {main();}
else {alert("Um documento deve ser aberto e um objeto selecionado!");}
// -------
function createDialog(sel) {
var res = "dialog { \
txt: '', \
orientation: 'column', alignChildren: 'left', \
properties:{ closeButton: false }\
addr1: Group { orientation: 'row', \
s: StaticText { text:'cantidad:' ,characters: 15 }, \
e: EditText { preferredSize: [80, 20]}, \
} \
addr2: Group { orientation: 'row', \
s: StaticText { text:'' ,characters: 15 }, \
e: EditText { preferredSize: [80, 20] }, \
} \
v: Group { orientation: 'row', \
s: StaticText { text:'Visualiz', characters:15 }, \
vckbox: Checkbox { text: ' - Click Test -' } \
} \
btnPnl: Group { orientation: 'row', \
okBtn: Button { text:'OK', properties:{ name:'ok' } }, \
cancelBtn: Button { text:'ESC', properties:{name:'cancel' } } \
} \
} \
var w = new Window (res);
w.location = [100,300];
w.text = title;
var e = w.addr1.e; e.text = q; = true;
var b = w.addr2.e; b.text = g;
w.addr2.s.text = "Calha em " + monUnit+ ":";
var vb = w.v.vckbox;
var mode = false;
var er = false; //
e.onChange = function () {
if ( e.text*1 != q) {
er = init(); mode = true;
if (vb.value && !er) {
redraw(); = true;
} //
b.onChange = function () {
if ( b.text*1 != g) {
er = init(); mode = true;
if (vb.value && !er) {
redraw(); = true;
} //
vb.onClick = function() {
if ( vb.value ) {
er = init();
if ( !er ) {traitement(sel,X0,Y0,XD,q,g,unit,unitPos,geom,wAb,wCt);}
redraw(); = true;
else {
er = init(); = true;
} //
w.btnPnl.okBtn.onClick = function () {
mode = false;
if ( e.text*1 != q || b.text*1 != g ) {
er = init(); mode = true;
if (!er) {
if ( !vb.value ) {traitement(sel,X0,Y0,XD,q,g,unit,unitPos,geom,wAb,wCt);}
else if ( mode ) {
} //
w.btnPnl.cancelBtn.onClick = function() {
if ( vb.value == true ) {
sel.selected = true;
} //
function init() {
var er = false;
if (saisie(e.text,regPref1) && e.text != '0' ) {q = e.text*1;}
else {beep(); er = true;}
if (saisie(b.text,regPref2) ) {g = b.text*1;}
else {beep(); er = true;}
return er;
} //
function refrech(sel) {
redraw(); sel.selected = false;
// -------
function prop(Bounds) {return [Bounds[2]-Bounds[0],Bounds[1]-Bounds[3]];}
// -------
function saisie(chaine,reg) {
if (reg.test(chaine)) return true; return false;
// -------
function traitement(obj,X0,Y0,XD,q,g,unit,unitPos,geo,wAb,fixe) {
// Define a posiĆ§Ć£o do objtet[0] selecionado em relaĆ§Ć£o Ć prancheta
g *= unit;
var doc = app.activeDocument,
vBs = !geo ? obj.visibleBounds : obj.geometricBounds,
propi = prop(vBs),
W = propi[0],
H = propi[1],
difw = (W - obj.width)/2, //pt
dec = W + g,
idx = doc.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex(),
ab = doc.artboards[idx],
rect = ab.artboardRect,
posX = rect[0] + X0 * unitPos + difw,
posY = rect[1] + Y0 * unitPos - difw,
posXAtual = posX,
posYAtual = posY,
wCont = wAb ? rect[2] : rect[0] + fixe;
grd = doc.groupItems.add();
for (var i = 0; i < q; i++) {
if ( (posXAtual + W - difw) > (wCont - XD*unitPos)) {
posXAtual = posX;
posYAtual -= H + g;
var novaCopia = obj.duplicate(grd);
novaCopia.position = [posXAtual,posYAtual];
posXAtual += dec;
// -------
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Thank you for your commitment. The previous code served well. I'm still trying to improve it. That last one sent didn't work.
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J'ai testƩ le dernier script sur Illustrator CS6, il fonctionne.
Quel est le problĆØme pour vous, il se passe quoi ? (la boĆ®te de dialogue s'affiche en haut Ć gauche [100,300] ?)
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The dialog appears normally, but the preview doesn't work and neither does the distribution when I click "Ok". Nothing happens.
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Do you mean something like this?
var path1;
var w = new Window("dialog");
var checkbox = w.add("checkbox");
checkbox.onClick = function() {
if (checkbox.value == true) {
if (checkbox.value == false) {
var button = w.add("button", undefined, "Done");
button.onClick = function() {
// example
function main () {
var doc = app.activeDocument;
path1 = doc.pathItems.rectangle(
- doc.height / 4, doc.width / 4, doc.width / 2, doc.height / 2
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I believe so, but as I am a layman, I would not know how to adapt it to my code. But thanks for the help
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Merci pour la rƩponse timide mais positive...