questions about circles
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How to create a circle at the middle between the outer circle and the inner circle (see red lines) ?
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You can use an expanded blend:
1) Select both circles,
2) In Object>Blend Options, set Specing to 1 Step, then Object>Blend Make, then Object>Blend>Expand;
3) Ungroup unless you wish to keep the three circles as a Group.
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Hi Jacob,
Here is my workflow :
1) I select the two circles
2) object/blend/options and choose "step" = "1"
3) object/blend/make
And here is the result :
PS : I have not seen object/blend/expand : where is it ?
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Hi Ton,
I have tried to do object/blend/"décomposer" :
And here is the result (the created circle is now in blue color instead of black) :
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Looks more like your layer selection display is blue (check the layers panel) and your stroke is black (check the tools or color panel).
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As Ton said, Expand = Decomposer.
Before you do that, the new path is still only an Effect, in other words not a real path, and therefore it is just shown black instead of the blue like the real paths, and as Ton said they appear blue because that is the colour used to show selected paths on the first Layer (just like the colour is red for the second Layer).
And when you apply Decomposer, the new path becomes a real path, and all the three paths form a Group, so they are all selected and shown blue.
That is the reason for step 3) which is to Ungroup = Dissocier (just as the reverse is to Group (Asssocier).
You can see all these terms here, in this valuable source kindly made available by Monika,
and that is why I linked to it here,
If you Bookmark that source, you can look up many of the terms that you encounter here, as I said:
"It can also be used in connexion with other cases where you may need to know what we of lacking French skills are talking about."
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In order to have one circle into another : I have the outer circle, and would like to create the inner circle by begining by the center of the outer circle.
Because actually, for the inner circle, I create a circle that is not immediately centered :
How to have the inner circle immediately centered ?
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To get the inner circle concentric with the outer one, you can:
1) Select both circles,
2) Click the outer circle to make it the key object that stays in place.
3) In the Align = Alignement panel use both Alignement horizontal au centre and Alignement vertical au centre.
That will move the inner circle into the right place, and the outer circle will stay where it is.
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In fact, I was remembering a video where it was possible to click on the center of the outer circle, and move the mouse towards the outer circle in order to create the inner circle. But I am not sure it was from Illustrator.
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Another way is this, using Smart Guides = Repères commentés:
1) With the Ellipse Tool = Ellipse move the cursor to snap to the centre of the large circle, and then hold down both the Alt/option key and the Ctrl key and ClickDrag the cursor at an angle (45 degrees or something) until you have the desired size as measured by eye.
If you wish to have a specific size, you can:
2) Change the W = H in the Transform panel = Transformation.
Edit: I was writing this, and then I had to leave for more than an hour before coming back and finishing it. And then it happened to be the same as in the video you asked about in between.
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Now, if I have a single circle and would like to divide it in equal circles, by example create two inner circles of equal parts.
I have tried to use the object/blend tool but it does not works.
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What do you mean with equal parts?
All these circle jobs - are those for automatization?
Is it acceptable to draw a new shape?
Is it acceptable to draw that from the other direction and begin with the smaller ones?
Is that an assignment and could you perhaps post the exact wording of the assignment?
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Hi monika,
All these circle jobs are to make a technical book.
By example here, between the center and the outer circle, I need to create 2 inner circle with the same distance between them (equal part).
What is the best to do that : begin with a single smaller circle or begin with a single outer circle (like here) ?
With this single circle I have tried to use the Object/blend tool, but it did not worked.
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When you start with just one circle and wish to have multiple, you can use Object>Path>Offset Path (Object>Tracé>Décalage) with the the desired negative value for the first circle, then select the new circle and repeat, you can do it multiple times.
Just as in the other thread.
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Hi Jacob,
In fact, I would like to do not enter any value : I would like to select the outer circle, and ask Illustrator to enter 2 inner circles, so the software could create automatically 2 inner circles at equal distance (like with the blend tool, but with a single outer circle at the beginning). Is it possible ?
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You're looking at scripting.
Maybe get in contact with a scripter and have them make it for you.
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I've not read this whole thread, but I assume this is what you want.
// select ellipse
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var bounds = doc.selection[0].geometricBounds;
var d1 = (bounds[2] - bounds[0]);
var d2 = -(bounds[3] - bounds[1]);
var x = bounds[0] + d1 / 2;
var y = bounds[1] - d2 / 2;
y + ((d2 * 2 / 3) / 2), x - ((d1 * 2 / 3) / 2),
(d1 * 2 / 3), (d2 * 2 / 3));
y + ((d2 * 1 / 3) / 2), x - ((d1 * 1 / 3) / 2),
(d1 * 1 / 3), (d2 * 1 / 3));
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Assuming that Femke's assumption is correct, this action will do it as well.
- Download and unzip the file
- In the Actions palette, import the action set Circles_1.aia
- Draw or select a circle
- Run the action
I'd recommend to use Femke's script, though.
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You are in very good hands here, Pierre.
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are we missing the obvious? 🙂
Use Polar Grid, three circles in one go
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I thank you very much Femke and Kurt for the script !
But I think I will use the existing polar grid tool that is perfect for my use.