Copy link to clipboard
In Photoshop I use Click+Alt and then Ctrl + J to get duplicates of my images. Is there a way to do this in Illustrator?
Select something.
Drag the selection with the Selection tool and hold down the Alt key.
Click Cmd (or Ctrl) D to repeat (Transform again).
Or simple:
[Strg/Ctrl]+[C] and [Shift]+[Strg/Ctrl]+[V] (paste in place)
[Strg/Ctrl]+[C] and [Strg/Ctrl]+[F] (paste before)
[Strg/Ctrl]+[C] and [Strg/Ctrl]+[B] (paste behind)
Alt-drag is an almost universal Adobe shortcut for making a "quick copy".
You can also copy (Cntl-C or Cmd-C) and paste in front or paste in back (Cnt/Cmd-f and -b respectively). This is more of a clone since it makes a copy in the same location as the original.
Edit: @pixxxelschubser --I swear your post wasn't visible when I posted! 😉
Copy link to clipboard
Select something.
Drag the selection with the Selection tool and hold down the Alt key.
Click Cmd (or Ctrl) D to repeat (Transform again).
Copy link to clipboard
Or simple:
[Strg/Ctrl]+[C] and [Shift]+[Strg/Ctrl]+[V] (paste in place)
[Strg/Ctrl]+[C] and [Strg/Ctrl]+[F] (paste before)
[Strg/Ctrl]+[C] and [Strg/Ctrl]+[B] (paste behind)
Copy link to clipboard
Alt-drag is an almost universal Adobe shortcut for making a "quick copy".
You can also copy (Cntl-C or Cmd-C) and paste in front or paste in back (Cnt/Cmd-f and -b respectively). This is more of a clone since it makes a copy in the same location as the original.
Edit: @pixxxelschubser --I swear your post wasn't visible when I posted! 😉
Copy link to clipboard
This is great info. I'll be trying them all! Thank you Creamer Training, pixxxelschubser and Ton Frederiks.
Copy link to clipboard
… Edit: @pixxxelschubser --I swear your post wasn't visible when I posted! 😉
By @Dave Creamer of IDEAS
That is not a problem at all.
It is much better to get two similar answers - than no answer at all.