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We are a print and design company in the UK, and recently upgraded our work Macs from the old intel versions, to the new siliicon chipped versions.
I have just finished setting everything up, but I've hit a wall with something that I could do with some help with, please. We have the Pantone Color Bridge .acb files stored away, which we would normally drop into the Swatch Libraries folder in the Applications folder - and they would usually appear in inDesign etc where you would expect (New colour swatch, etc) for us to use as normal. However, this time they are not appearing. I have tried everything obvious, like deleting cached files etc.
What's more annoying, is I've been through exactly the same process 6 months ago on my home MacBook Pro, and it all works fine (and still does!)
Screenshots attached.
What am I missing here? Can anybody advise?
1 Correct answer
Hi all,
I've finally sorted this. I fixed it by going back to basics (even though it was a pain in the arse) and uninstalling inDesign (both 2021 and 2022 versions), and re-installing from scratch - and in chronological order (inD 2021 first, followed by inD 2022).
All works perfectly now so problem solved. I'm not sure why it wouldn't work previously, but hey ho. I appreciate all of your suggestions.
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Hi @Matt Walker 427 , how did you create the .acb files? Did export the libraries from Pantone’s Color Manager or the Pantone Connect extension, or did you save them out of the swatches panel? The Swatches panel exports .ase not .acb files. If you exported an .ase file and changed the extension to .acb that wouldn’t work.
Can you share one of the books?
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I appreciate the reply Rob.
In this instance, the .acb files were dragged from the Applications>inDesign>Presets>Swatch Library on the old Mac (where they worked perfectly fine), and into my dropbox. And then from dropbox, into the exact same location on the new Mac.
I'm not sure where the original .acb files were sourced as I personally didn't source them - but I'm guessing our Pantone Colour Manager extension via the code in the new Pantone Books we purchased just before the pandemic hit.
To clarify - these exact .acb files have worked on previous machines, and also currently work on my MacBook Pro at home. ID and AI on the work desktop machines however, are not showing them.
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Depending on how old these are - you may need to get updated .acb files.
Mine are located in the same location but I checked after reading your post - I'm only seeing about half of my total files in InDesign 2022.
Digging a little further, it appears some of my PantoneV3 swatches from 2020 are not recognized but my V4 from 2022 are showing properly.
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Just checked and mine are the same as Kevin's. Some showing and some older ones not...
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Just a question about ACB files. How can you tell what version a ACB file is.
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Normally the vendor issues a naming structure indicating the version. Example Pantone CMYK Color Bridge v3.acb and v4 etc. That prevents inadvertent overwriting.
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Hi @Matt Walker 427 , can you share one of the .acb files
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Morning Rob,
How do you mean share? Attach to this discussion? I'm afraid it won't allow me as .acb and .zip file types aren't supported.
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You can use your Creative Cloud account or some other file sharing service like DropBox.
To use your CC account copy the .acb file into your user>Creative Cloud Files folder, wait for it to sync, right or Control-click the file and choose Share Link... Copy the link and post it here.
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It’s working with CC2021 16.4 on Mojave. Seems like either a CC2022 bug or some kind of OS permissions issue?:
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I'm also able to see this on my M1 Mac InDesign CC2022.
Try this: Quit ID and go to Apple System Preferences>Security and Privacy and add InDesign to Full Disk Access and check the box after you add.
Then go to Applications>Adobe InDesign CC 2022>Presets. Get info on the folder and make sure Everyone has Read Write permissons.
Do the same for the Swatch Libraries folder and then finally sample one of the acb files to make sure there are no permissions issues.
Relaunch ID and see if they are there - I did notice your swatch showed up out of sequence at the very bottom of my swatch list so I had to scroll to find it.
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Morning Kevin,
I appreciate your help, but I'm afraid this hasn't worked either.
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Hi @Matt Walker 427 ,
Sorry to hear about the trouble. Could you please try the suggestion shared in this discussion
Let us know if this helps or if you need any further assistance.
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Hi @Rishabh_Tiwari - according to the OP, the .acbs are in the swatches folder already but not appearing in the Swatches panel drop down list after choosing Spot color type.
The link you provided was showing how to load into the folder for them to appear in InDesign's panel.
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Hi @Rishabh_Tiwari , take a look at the captures in @Matt Walker 427 ‘s first post—the .acb files are in the correct folder. Looks like it might be a 2022 bug or a problem with MacOS
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Monring Rishbah,
That is exactly the problem, and is exactly what is not working.
On this particular machine, I do have to have inDesign 2021 as well as inDesign 2022 due to our use of a plugin which hasn't been updated to the 2022 version yet. I'm wondering if that, or the way/order I installed them, has played a part.
To clarify, this exact process (inD 2022 only) with that very same .acb file has worked (and still does) perfectly well on my M1 MacBook Pro at home. The Mac Mini desktop machine at work however.....
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M1 MacBook Pro at home. The Mac Mini desktop machine at work however...
Are both running CC2022 on the same MacOS?
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Yes. Everything is up to date on both machines. Both currently running Monterey v12.4
The only difference between the 2, is the Mac Mini has inDesign 2021 on it, as well as 2022.
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Have you tried renaming your .acb file?
What happens if you pull the InDesign installed PANTONE+ Color Bridge Coated.acb file, and rename your .acb as PANTONE+ Color Bridge Coated.acb?
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Hi all,
I've finally sorted this. I fixed it by going back to basics (even though it was a pain in the arse) and uninstalling inDesign (both 2021 and 2022 versions), and re-installing from scratch - and in chronological order (inD 2021 first, followed by inD 2022).
All works perfectly now so problem solved. I'm not sure why it wouldn't work previously, but hey ho. I appreciate all of your suggestions.