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I'm getting problem in rendering MathType EPS files in InDesign. Accents symbols are fine in MathType, but the same accents are boxed in InDesign. But the document has the same accents as paragraphs which are fine. Not sure what has to be fixed. I'm using Adobe Garamond Pro but having the same issue with Minion Pro font family as well. Please help me with your valuable suggestions.
Senthil PS
from the official site:
...sometimes special symbols, look good in MathType, but when saved as EPS and placed into an InDesign document, they are missing or garbled....
MathType: CJK and special characters garbled or missing in InDesign​
and see this
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You may get a quicker answer from MathType's customer support. You need your product key to receive free technical support.
Design Science: MathType Support
When they answer it for you, it would be awesome if you could come back here and report what they said so that we will know for next time, and other users with the same question will be able to get a quick answer.
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Could you try with Times New Roman and let us know?
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I'm getting the same problem with some accents in Times New Roman font as well. Please check characters 2 and 3.
I’m pretty sure; it is not because of my font management. I don’t have duplicate fonts and font type conflicts in my system.
Senthil PS
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from the official site:
...sometimes special symbols, look good in MathType, but when saved as EPS and placed into an InDesign document, they are missing or garbled....
MathType: CJK and special characters garbled or missing in InDesign​
and see this
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Senthil, Barb and Vladan both have given some excellent advice. I hope you've taken it seriously. (I see all support email that comes in for MathType, and I don't recall seeing one from you; please let me know if we somehow missed it.)
The first article Vladan linked contains the answer. The title of the article may sound like it doesn't apply to you, but it does. Please read it. Here's a comparison of what I see in InDesign with EPS (top) and PDF (bottom):
You shouldn't have to do that for every MathType equation, but sometimes it's literally the only solution that works. We expect the situation to be better with MathType 7, which will have a new font manager that's capable of more fonts and more symbols. We're not projecting a release date for that yet, but it's at least several months away.
Bob Mathews
WIRIS Science America
Design Science and WIRIS team have joined forces!
Thank you for your patience as we transition from to
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Thank you so much, Bob! This information will be helpful next time the question comes up here.
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Hi, Barb, Vladan and MrMathType, thank you so much for all your valuable advice. I've tried to print .eps to .pdf using Acrobat Distiller as Vladan suggested, but there itself glphys are missing. Before distilling, I've checked all the font locations to make there is no conflict among different font types and its names. Now I feel, the problem is something related to reading post script and constructing it as .eps not with MathType. Because, dumped .eps in InDesign also have the same problem. I'm getting the same issue with other fonts especially for accents symbols. Barb, I'm waiting for my IT team to share MathType product key to write back to MathType.
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I use Adobe PDF printer for this kind of problem of Mathtype
File > Print > Adobe PDF
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Amazing! it works like a charm. But I've dozens of equations and don't know this procedure in automated workflow where my tools allows only .eps files (have more problems in placing .pdf). Also PDF format has excessive space around the equation needs to be trimmed. But I'm okay to continue this solution. Is there any way for batch conversion from .eps to .pdf?
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Yes there is, in Illustrator.
look here
Convert multiple AI files to EPS or PDF files in Adobe Illustrator CS4, CS3, or CS2
it is written that they are for cs4 but they are the same for cc
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Hi Viladan, Thank you so much for your great help! Somewhat I could manage now with your advised solution.
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If the equations are in Word, then yes. You can "Export Equations" (in Word's MathType tab), choosing Adobe PDF as the File type. I don't know of a batch process for EPS to PDF conversion -- not one that retains the equation properties anyway. Try the process Vladan mentioned, and if it works for you, great. I know if you open a MathType EPS in AI though, when you save it, it's no longer editable in MathType. If that's OK, then that's a great solution.
You're correct about the whitespace between the equation content and the frame when saving as PDF. We're looking at tweaking that, but I'm not sure if there's anything we can do, since it's happening during the "print to PDF" process. I don't see anything in the PDF job options that will reduce the padding. I thought I had found the answer (BRISS - The Bright Snippet Sire​), but it didn't work for me.
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Did you get a chance to chat with Design Science? This will not be their first time answering this question.