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I'm using Indesign 2023 and the logo is not as clear as it should be. The .ai is clearer than the .jpg.
I'm not sure why... I created the logo in Adobe Illustrator and created outlines for the fonts and then saved it as .ai and saved another one as .jpg. I thought jpgs are best to use in print media. But there is a fuzziness to the edges of the font. The .ai is crisp and clear. I'm not sure why this is happening I set it up in Indesign and converted it to a pdf.
Will printers take an image .ai when going to press?
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p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post (like this one has already been moved) if it helps you get responses.
<"moved from cc desktop">
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The AI logo is a vector image and the JPG is rasterised, so it will pixelated (especially if you enlarge it in InDesign).
Keep to native AI logos for placing in InDesign documents
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If you have a source as a vector - AI, PDF, SVG - then it's better for print than JPEG / PNG / GIF - a bitmap.
Vectors scale infinitely - bitmaps are build from squares and more you zoom in - the bigger those squares become.
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This is the basic difference between a vector image (.ai) and a raster image (.jpg). A vector image will maintain the same quality no matter what size it is used as. A raster image is made up of pixels. Upon enlargement the space between the pixels is increased and quality is lost. For print media it is always best to export a logo as .ai (or possibly a High Quality pdf). Using .ai also means that you will be able to edit it if the need arises
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Nope. For print is best ai or PDF/X-4, specially when you have to handle with vectors or text. you should never use JPG. JPG is only for image without transparency and without text or vectors.
Why did you convert it to a rasterized image?