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Can't find plugins panel in Adobe InDesign

Explorer ,
Oct 23, 2023 Oct 23, 2023

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I'm following the Get started - UXP plugin (adobe.com) tutorial.

From tutorial screenshots you can see that there is some Plugins Panel pinned in the right side:



I've looked at "Window" menu, but couldn't find one related with plugins:



So, in my case, there is no such Plugins Panel thing, only weird/bugged looking window pops up when I load my plugin from Adobe UXP Devleoper Tool:


When I click on the "My First Plugin" name, InDesign freezes, so I need to Alt+Tab to it to reset the freeze.


Also, I get this error log when I load my plugin from Developer Tool:



Btw, I'm using 18.4 (x64) version of InDesign, but tutorial recommends to install 18.5 version. Is it the reason for everything working so sh1tty, did adobe really fixed all these plugin related issues in 18.5 or the tutorial just suggesting me to work with latest version?

Bug , SDK , UXP Scripting




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Oct 24, 2023 Oct 24, 2023

Rahul is correct, however, I would like to add a couple of small clarifications:


For older version of InDesign, CEP Extension or C++ Plugin was the solution. 

CEP is obsolete now and UXP is introduced recently.


CEP is only being maintained for security, and is no longer under active development. I wouldn't say it's "obsolete" in InDesign, as InDesign is continuing to support CEP for now and has not announced a deprecation date. (Photoshop stopped supporting CEP on M1 processors.)


The dow



Adobe Employee ,
Oct 23, 2023 Oct 23, 2023

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18.4 is the first version of InDesign that supports UXP plugins. In 18.5 more APIs and bug fixes were added, here's the changelog (scroll up to see all the changes since 18.4).


If you can install two versions of InDesign at once (that is, you're not dependent on an IT Admin for installations) you could try the same code in different versions and see if that helps.


Someone else may be able to weigh in on the window panel issue...




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 23, 2023 Oct 23, 2023

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Someone from engineering clarified this further; 18.4 only supports UXP Scripting, it doesn't support plugins (with panels).





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Explorer ,
Oct 23, 2023 Oct 23, 2023

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Thanks for the detailed reply!


I want to know what were the solutions for earlier versions if plugins are being added in the recent updates, since I'm planning to develop compatible plugin/script that older versions of InDesign can run.


I've read somewhere a guy asking for a best c++ tutorial course since he was planning to develop some InDesign plugin. So, If its done via c++ or other language, can you provide some official guides towards developing a plugin (or whatever its called in older versions). Because google only leading me to UPX thing when I search for developing a plugin for InDesign. 






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Contributor ,
Oct 23, 2023 Oct 23, 2023

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You need to decide whether you need UXP plugin or C++ Plugin.


For older version of InDesign, CEP Extension or C++ Plugin was the solution. 

CEP is obsolete now and UXP is introduced recently.


UXP plugin is based on javascript/HTML/CSS and you could use framework such as react.

Developing UXP plugins requires less learning curve and can be easily created by a web developer. You need to search on InDesign Javascript APIs.


For C++ Plugin, you require InDesign SDK.

Developing C++ Plugins require advance skills of C++ and knowledge of InDesign SDK itself. It takes months and years to get expertise with InDesign SDK.


If speed is your concern then C++ is the way to go. Also, there are some functionalities that can only be implemented by a C++ Plugin and not by UXP.


You can download InDesign SDK from -





-Rahul Rastogi

Adobe InDesign C++ Plugin Architect





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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 24, 2023 Oct 24, 2023

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Rahul is correct, however, I would like to add a couple of small clarifications:


For older version of InDesign, CEP Extension or C++ Plugin was the solution. 

CEP is obsolete now and UXP is introduced recently.


CEP is only being maintained for security, and is no longer under active development. I wouldn't say it's "obsolete" in InDesign, as InDesign is continuing to support CEP for now and has not announced a deprecation date. (Photoshop stopped supporting CEP on M1 processors.)


The downside to CEP is that you're communicating with ExtendScript, which is based on JavaScript from 1999... nevertheless, there are a number of resources available for InDesign developers building on CEP.



From the community:


You can download InDesign SDK from -



There's a direct link here as well: https://developer.adobe.com/console/servicesandapis/id 


If you get "access denied" try a personal account instead of a Corporate or School account. 




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