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How do I change the p0 in the document set up to inches? I already tried changing in the preferences, but it reverts back to the p0 which I don't even know what that is.
1 Correct answer
p is picas and points. 2p would be 2 picas. 2p6 is 2 picas, 6 points. There are 12 pts in a pica.
Open a new ID doc, click in the ruler at the top and right click. Convert to inches. Click in the ruler along the left side, right click and convert to inches. This should now be your new default setting.
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Welcome to the world of graphic design. First time visitor, are you? "p0" is nothing -- it's "0p0", and that stands for zero pica's and zero pica points.
The online help for "measurement units" answers your question:
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What an answer!
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p is picas and points. 2p would be 2 picas. 2p6 is 2 picas, 6 points. There are 12 pts in a pica.
Open a new ID doc, click in the ruler at the top and right click. Convert to inches. Click in the ruler along the left side, right click and convert to inches. This should now be your new default setting.
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Just righ click in the upper left corner of the rulers. You'll get 'em both.
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This changed the units of measure, but did not change my default. When I open a new document it still says 0p.
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To change your default unts:
Close all open documents.
Open InDesign Preferences
Go to Units & Increments
Set Horizontal and Vertical Ruler Units to desired option (such as Inches)
Click OK
That will set your units for all future documents.
Existing documents will have to be changed when opened.
Personally, I use Points, set to 72 pts per inch. I feel I have more control over object size and placement.
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Thanks! That worked. I need to set my document sizes in inches because that's how the magazines give me their dimensions for ad sizes.
Can you set the document preferences different than the rulers? What's the difference as far as ease of placement for images when using the picas?
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I do not use picas, so I cannot comment on how useful they would be. 6p0 would be equivalent to 1 inch, or 72 points.
I use points beacuse:
- It is the same unit of measure for the text (font size in points)
- At 72 points per inch, it is roughly equivalent to the pixel resolution on images (72 pixels per inch).
- I can adjust things by points, where each point equals 0.01389 inches. It is easier to adjust by adding 1 or more points than by large decimals of inches, even though the dialog boxed can do the math for you.
- If you need to set something as a scale in inches, you can still enter that number into any field, and the field will convert it for you,
- Enter 1.25 in, and you get 90 points.
Still, it is my personal preference. It is not the only way to do things.
PS: When you set the preference using the rules, you are setting the document preference. Though, each ruler can be different. For instance you can have inches vertical and picas horizontal.
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You can leave your document as Pica for the measurement.
When you create a new documeent simply type in
8.5 inches
10 inches
and it will convert to the pica equivalent.
That's fine. You can then use Picas as the ruler.
I used to do all my measurements in picas but I found that others couldn't use them so I reverted to millimeters.
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In fact - you can type in any measurement anywhere
Say if you are using inches as you're ruler and you want to move the X Co-ord a fraction of an inch.
You can simply type into the X Cords in the top right which will read say 4 in - after this type in "+1p"
Which will move the selected item 0.166 of an inch, your new coord will be 4.166
And you can do that with loads of things in indesign, simply add, substract, divide using "+", "-", "*", "/" anywhere where a numerical meaurement is used, and use any measurement available.
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a thousand thanks, that's been bugging me for forever.
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awesome...thanks, MT.Freelance -- you're the only one who ACTUALLY answered the question. All the rest of you art-fags talkin' about picas where missing the point.
After closing all docs, I was finally able to change the preference -- (BTW: that seems like a bug)
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It is not a bug, though at first glance it may seem to be.
With no documents open, changing the preference sets the new preference for
future documents without altering any existing documents without your
direct intervention..
With a document open, changing the preference affects ONLY the open
document without chancing your workspace.
So, if you prefer to work in Pica's and have a one-off project that demands
the file be delivered in mm, you can change the document without impacting
your personal workspace.
It may seem like a hassle to work the preferences this way, but I believe
it gives more control to the designer.
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It's not a bug, it's by design.
I love this behaviour. I set up everything to my taste long ago; now when I create a new document, I have sensible defaults assigned to virtually every fuction. Much better than creating a template or something and having to open that every time!
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Thanks a lot for this.
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Now THAT was a very clear and NONcondescending answer! It helped me immediately as I am very familiar with PS and IL but I'm by far not a "first time visitor".
Thank You!!
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But it still doesn't change the default measurements when creating a new document... Can you please help me with changing default settings of new page, not the rulers?
Thank You in advane
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Did you close all open documents before resetting the units in the prefs?
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You have to close every document before doing so to change if for new documents.
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Did it but it's still no difference..
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Are you certain you have absolutely no files open, then you've gone into the preferences and changed the units, then closed and reopened InDesign so the changes are saved?
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Ahhh. I've had my preferences correct, but documents from other people would still annoyingly open in other units. That will save me from having to copy and paste into a new file.
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I hope Adobe gets a clue that designers are not using PICA rulers and setting type anymore! This has got to be one of THE most frustrating things they've ever done to designers.

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