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Sorry it is not working. It copies the table from start. I need only the remaining columns. If 7 columns is present in table. 3 is in first frame. 4 is within overset.I need remaining 4 only in nextframe.
By @Aysha27550661f9sm
Are you referring to my code?
Yes, in your code:
nextparentTextFram = myStory.TextContainers.item(-1).contents
you are copying visible part of the last TextContainer - which contains visible part of the Table - which is wrong.
My code isn't copying anything -
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You can't copy the overset part to a new frame.
Place a new frame and thread it to the overset frame: click the square with the small red cross (the so-called outport), then click on the new frame.
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You can't copy the overset part to a new frame.
Place a new frame and thread it to the overset frame: click the square with the small red cross (the so-called outport), then click on the new frame.
By @Peter Kahrel
I'm pretty sure OP wants to split the cell between two pages...
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You need to select text from the last "visible" InsertionPoint of the cell to the end of the parent text of the cell.
You need to create a new TextFrame and then use NextTextFrame property of the last TextContainer.
Something like that:
Set myNewTF = myNewPage.TextFrames.add
myNewTF.GeometricBounds = Array(0,0,100,100) ' you need to read PageBounds and substract margins
myStory.TextContainers.item(-1).NextTextFrame = myNewTF
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Dim iTableCaptionFrame As InDesign.TextFrame = Nothing
iTableCaptionFrame = indesignDocument.TextFrames.Add(, InDesign.idLocationOptions.idAfter, parentTextFram)
iTableCaptionFrame.GeometricBounds = New Object() {8, -30, -8 + tableElm.Height, tableElm.Width - 30}
indesignDocument.Selection = InDesign.idNothingEnum.idNothing
Dim parenOrigY1 = parentTextFram.GeometricBounds(0)
Dim parenOrigX1 = parentTextFram.GeometricBounds(1)
Dim parenOrigY2 = parentTextFram.GeometricBounds(2)
Dim parenOrigX2 = parentTextFram.GeometricBounds(3)
nextparentTextFram = parentTextFram.NextTextFrame
iTableCaptionFrame.Move(indesignApplication.ActiveDocument.Pages.Item(parentTextFramId + 2))
iTableCaptionFrame.RotationAngle = 90
If iTableCaptionFrame.Overflows = True Then
Dim myStory = iTableCaptionFrame.ParentStory
nextparentTextFram = myStory.TextContainers.item(-1).contents
nextparentTextFram.Move(indesignApplication.ActiveDocument.Pages.Item(parentTextFramId + 3))
nextparentTextFram.RotationAngle = 90
end if
i use this code. It is not working. I want to copy the overset into next frame. and use convert to header for header rows. Kindly help me
iTableCaptionFrame.GeometricBounds = New Object() {parenOrigY2, parenOrigX2, parenOrigY1, parenOrigX1}
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This is all wrong:
Dim myStory = iTableCaptionFrame.ParentStory
nextparentTextFram = myStory.TextContainers.item(-1).contents
nextparentTextFram.Move(indesignApplication.ActiveDocument.Pages.Item(parentTextFramId + 3))
nextparentTextFram.RotationAngle = 90
You don't have to copy or move anything anywhere.
As per my earlier example:
Set myNewTF = myNewPage.TextFrames.add
myNewTF.GeometricBounds = Array(0,0,100,100) ' you need to read PageBounds and substract margins
myStory.TextContainers.item(-1).NextTextFrame = myNewTF
First, you need to create a new TextFrame - on some page - then connect it to the last TF of the Story you are working on.
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Sorry it is not working. It copies the table from start. I need only the remaining columns. If 7 columns is present in table. 3 is in first frame. 4 is within overset.I need remaining 4 only in nextframe.
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Sorry it is not working. It copies the table from start. I need only the remaining columns. If 7 columns is present in table. 3 is in first frame. 4 is within overset.I need remaining 4 only in nextframe.
By @Aysha27550661f9sm
Are you referring to my code?
Yes, in your code:
nextparentTextFram = myStory.TextContainers.item(-1).contents
you are copying visible part of the last TextContainer - which contains visible part of the Table - which is wrong.
My code isn't copying anything - it creates a new TextFrame and let's remaing Rows flow there.
You shouldn't use "columns" to describe what is "hidden"/overset - those are still "rows" of the Table - the fact that you've rotated your TextFrame 90 degrees doesn't change Rows to Columns - or vice versa - it only changes orientation and how you see it.
Try to do "it" in the InDesign manually - click on the "outport" (C) - red "+" - go to the next page (A) and either draw new TextFrame or just click anywhere on that page (B).
Those same steps you need to perform through scripting - but not in exactly same order:
(A) Set myNewTF = myNewPage.TextFrames.add
(B) myNewTF.GeometricBounds = Array(0,0,100,100) ' you need to read PageBounds and substract margins
(C) myStory.TextContainers.item(-1).NextTextFrame = myNewTF
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s It is working. It helped me. Thank you for your support and patience towards me. Thanks a lot