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Seems simple enough:
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
tell active document
set myCharacterStyle to make character style with properties {name:"Year", size:26.0, fill color:"Paper", stroke color:"Black", stroke weight:0.75, font:"Helvetica", font style:"Black"}
set myCharacterStyle to make character style with properties {name:"Years", size:18.0, fill color:"Black", stroke color:nothing, stroke weight:nothing, horizontal scale:80.0, vertical scale:80.0, font:"Helvetica", font style:"Black"}
set myParagraphStyle to make paragraph style with properties {name:"Year"}
set nested styles of myParagraphStyle to {{applied character style:"Year", repetition:1, inclusive:false, delimiter:any word}, {applied character style:"Years", repetition:2, inclusive:true, delimiter:any word}}
end tell
end tell
The font and the point size do not come through when the style is created. The nested styles also do not come through.
I tried applied font:"Helvetica" to get 'font family not available'. Also, font:font "Helvetica"...
What I get right now I is no font defined or size. The rest works.
So what am I doing wrong here?
Hi lithodora,
as Mary Posner wrote a character style doesn't have the property 'font', but 'applied font' and 'font style'.
"... specified as either a font object or the name of font family."
just look it up in the dictionary ...
Try always to work with references.
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
--you've got to set myHelvetica to your needs!
set myHelveticas to (font family of every font whose name contains "Helvetica") --will return the helvetica font familiy names
set myHelvetica
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Try this:
applied font: "Helvetica Black"
Note that there's a tab between the font name and the font style.
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Hi lithodora,
as Mary Posner wrote a character style doesn't have the property 'font', but 'applied font' and 'font style'.
"... specified as either a font object or the name of font family."
just look it up in the dictionary ...
Try always to work with references.
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
--you've got to set myHelvetica to your needs!
set myHelveticas to (font family of every font whose name contains "Helvetica") --will return the helvetica font familiy names
set myHelvetica to item 1 of myHelveticas --just randomly pick one for my example, hoping it's got a 'black' style 😉 ...
tell active document
set myCharacterStyle01 to make character style with properties {name:"test", size:26.0, fill color:"Paper", stroke color:"Black", stroke weight:0.75, applied font:myHelvetica, font style:"Black"}
set myCharacterStyle02 to make character style with properties {name:"tests", size:18.0, fill color:"Black", stroke color:nothing, stroke weight:nothing, horizontal scale:80.0, vertical scale:80.0, applied font:myHelvetica, font style:"Black"}
set myParagraphStyle to make paragraph style with properties {name:"nextTest"}
tell myParagraphStyle
make new nested style with properties {applied character style:myCharacterStyle01, repetition:1, inclusive:false, delimiter:any word}
make new nested style with properties {applied character style:myCharacterStyle02, repetition:2, inclusive:true, delimiter:any word}
end tell
end tell
end tell
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Thank you for the help!
I had tried the applied font first, but had changed my approach due to the properties returned of the existing style. It didn't have a property for applied font, but did have font. That is why I had gone that way.
Rather than use a repeat to step through every Helvetica till I come up with one that works I have followed what Mary posted which works. I can't believe I forgot to use the Tab.
Again, thank you both for the help.