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CS5 Running very sticky

May 03, 2010 May 03, 2010

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I've installed InDesign CS5 and it's running terribly when I have graphics placed, especially at high resolution display.  It's choppy, sticky - to much to even work with.  I've thrown out the SavedData and InDesign Defaults, but it doesn't help.  Has anyone else experienced this problem, or have any ideas what I can do.  CS4 runs fine.






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New Here ,
Aug 05, 2010 Aug 05, 2010

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Hey, thanks for the tip—that's very cool of you. I've been playing w/ NEVER

& also DELAYED & it helps some. Thing is, the whole suite is wonky—PS

crashes, ID is sticky—it's too bad. So many great tools in CS5, yet it seems

like they didn't put in the necessary infrastructure, right?

And is this you?


Again, thanks for the info.




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New Here ,
Aug 05, 2010 Aug 05, 2010

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No, that is not me




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Explorer ,
Aug 05, 2010 Aug 05, 2010

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In other words, turn off things that worked fine in CS4 and CS3 because they don't work anymore in CS5.

Seems like all the CS5 problems have a solution along the lines of "turn off the feature that's causing the problem."

Sort of negates the benefit of all the new features if you can't use any of them because they don't work right, doesn't it?




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Community Expert ,
Aug 05, 2010 Aug 05, 2010

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Ben Frey wrote:

In other words, turn off things that worked fine in CS4 and CS3 because they don't work anymore in CS5.

No...in other words turn off ONE new feature that seems to be causing problems for a small number of users.





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New Here ,
Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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Oh please Bob. I read your chiding comments on here all the time.

Please quit pretending this is an issue for a minority.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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I'm not pretending.





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Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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dale223223223 wrote:

Oh please Bob. I read your chiding comments on here all the time.

Please quit pretending this is an issue for a minority.

You understand that the total number of InDesign users is orders of magnitude larger than what you see here, that people without problems don't complain, and that although there are certainly a large number of users here who have been affected by this, it's still a small number compared to the number of users we see, right?




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Explorer ,
Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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A smaller percentage, sure, but not a smaller number. The vast majority of people with problems don't even click the "report" button when a CS application crashes, much less go hunting for a fix.

I dealt with CS issues for years and years before I thought to go to the actual adobe forums. I can't say that it's helped any, either.

If you have a problem, let's say this one, and you search for it online, and this thread shows up, and you get a bunch of people complaining, and then some people telling them to stop complaining here and post a bug report somewhere else, are you really going to take the time to register for adobe.com forums, or even to find your user name/password if you already have one, and then log in, just to post "me too!" when it's obvious that there is no solution?

I have probably 5-10 things that are broken in CS5 that were broken in CS3 and CS4. I can easily and constantly re-create the problems. I can get other people to re-create the problem just by asking them to make a file and do a specific set of things to trigger the problems. I have been reporting these same issues for years via the crash reporter. That they are still there after all of these years tells me that unless someone important has the same problem, it won't get fixed.

Most people with a problem don't call or write or post in a forum. They just give up and find a work-around if possible. Things only get addressed when they fall into one of two categories: 1.) critical problems that are happening to a huge majority of people (i.e. 10.5 bug with InDesign's dialog boxes) and 2.) stupid stuff that is trivially easy to fix...like removing a bad variable or adding a single "if" check in some recursive code.

Anything more than that we can forget about seeing a fix for.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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I won't argue that with the exception of your first point. A far greater percentage of people with problems will in fact seek help than the percentage of people without issues that will report everything's fine.

IOW, a support forum is not the place to get any kind of idea of what percentage of people are having issues.





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Explorer ,
Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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Which is why I wrote the first sentence the way I did.




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Participant ,
Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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I have to agree with Ben.

Bob, you need to read Managing Knock Your Socks Off Service (Bell & Zemke). To paraphrase that brilliant book, a complaining customer is your best friend because he is one of the few people that will come right out and tell you what you're doing wrong. Very few people will take the necessary steps and cognitive dissonance necessary to complain. They will avoid confrontation at all costs, quietly going to a competitor or yielding to live with discontent.

The fact that you have a multitude of complaining customers here should emphasize that there is a siginficant problem. As Ben iterated, each complaining customer represents a large number of discontent users.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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Nobody's saying not to complain. But there are right and wrong ways to do so.

Coming here and typing Adobe Sucks is the wrong way. Reporting a bug along with all the steps it takes to reproduce it is the right way.

Keep in mind, this is a user to user forum. Coming here and yelling and screaming (in a cyber sort of way) is very much the same as walking into a room full of strangers and taking it out on them.

Are there issues? Certainly. Should they be fixed? Of course. Can anyone here help? Not a chance.

This is simply the wrong place to vent. This is a place to ask, politely, for help from volunteers that freely give their time to assist perfect strangers. If you come here with an attitude you're going to get the same in return.





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Explorer ,
Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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Shall I beat my dog, then?

There is no "place to vent."

This is the closest we're going to get.




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New Here ,
Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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I find the help has been great, though. Plenty of folks here who want to

figure out a work around to a particular issue. Saved my ass a few times.




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Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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Mr. Levine,

First of all, nobody used that language in this topic. Your hyperbole only inflates our legitimite frustration.

Second, this is not a room full of strangers. We are all people that use Adobe products, and many like me, paid thousands (or tens of thousands) of dollars for their licenses and upgrades. So forgive us if we don't say "please" when asking for resolution of a significant bug. You appear to be representing Adobe in the customer service space; grow some thicker skin and check your ego at the login, but don't chastise paying customers for Adobe's malfunctioning software.

Lastly, you can assuage our grievances quite simply by acknowledging the bugs and indicating that you are working on a fix. Nobody likes to be enticed to spend good money on an upgrade, only to find they've purchased significant bugs. I didn't sign up for the beta testers program; I'm buying software with which to earn a living. If you really care about Adobe's success as a company, you should be interested in how its customers use its products, and you should be encouraging them to disclose the weaknesses, so you can address them.

Art Fisher




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Community Expert ,
Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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While any number of us here would love to tell you we are working on a fix, we can't. We don't work for Adobe unless you see an Adobe Employee (NOT Community Professional - we're just volunteers who've made it through a peer review and screening of our technical expertise and willingness to provide assistance to the broader community) tag under a name and have no more influence over what happens than you do.

All of us have days that are better than others, and many of us are actually VERY busy making a living at the same time we answer questions here. This can lead to short responses that leave a lot of room for interpretation. All of us tend to read an answer and color it based on our own position.

There is no doubt that some number of users, and it may well be a large number, are affected by whatever is causing this slowdown in CS5. While the forums are not a truly representative sample of the entire user base, I think the number of users in this thread comapred to the number of users of the forum overall is probably statistically significant, and it is hardly a majority. Obviously that doesn't matter to those of you afflicted, and I would feel the same in your shoes. I'd like to think that Adobe has taken notice and is investigating. Some things can't be fixed overnight (we're still waiting for a fix on the background export hang which has positively been identified as a bug and descibed here by an employee, along with current workarounds).

It has been suggested earlier in the thread that disabling certain features of the program -- and some of you have described this as crippling the program -- can have a positive effect on performance. It may or may not help you in your particular circumstance, but at the moment it's the best anyone here can offer. To tell us that it isn't an acceptable solution is like telling the local beat cop that the speed limit on your street is too high. Neither he, nor we, can change the current reality, but a report through official channels might get some results eventually.

Based on nothing other than having read quite a few posts my personal feeling is this is really a hardware problem, probably withthe stock video cards in many Apple computers. I find it significant that there don't seem to be a lot of Windows users seeing what Apple (and particularly iMac) users are describing. I've seen a post someplace on the forum from a user who replaced the video card in his system and his particular problems disappeared.

Should Adobe be excused if the software doesn't run on common hardware used by a core segment of its customer base? Probably not, in my opinion. I think this might have been forseeable and could indicate that testing on some platforms was inadequate. I can assure you , though, that an issue this this significant would not have made it into the release version if it had been reported during testing and was reproducible in the labs.




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Participant ,
Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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Thanks for the response. If you look at my original post from Aug 31st, you'll see that I do not have a stock graphics card on a low-end machine. Also I have tried combinations of all the different screen drawing preferences. I carefully described my situation.

With my 32 years programming, hardware and software experience, I can't help but believe that the issue of screen jumping (changing focus position of cursor upon selection of a text or picture box) was being caused by a software problem. That said, the problem seems to have subsided without any changes on my end to preferences or hardware. There has been at least one software update to InD since my post, so maybe this particular issue was addressed.

The point in my last post was more directed towards the sentiment and utility of a forum. You are representing Adobe (in whatever capacity). You should not, therefore, be taking the defensive against the frustrated users.

We understand that things don't get fixed overnight by waving a magic wand. A little empathy, however, instead of defensive hyperbole goes a long, long way. Don't stifle the voice of those who take their time to point out problems, no matter who is at fault (and don't just assme that it's the user because there aren't a million others complaining!!). You can still encourage users without making any promises or exacerbating our frustration.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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I don't work for Adobe. I'm a volunteer here.





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Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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I didn't say you work for Adobe, but if you're not representing Adobe in some capacity, then why are you on the defensive, why are you responding on their behalf, and why are you telling us not to voice our concerns about their products here? Don't forget that you were the one that escalated this conversation by falsely claiming that we yelled "Adobe sucks". All we are doing is sharing information in a forum designed specifically for that purpose.

You're welcome to butt out if you have nothing useful to add.

I have nothing against you personally, but I do wish to state my opinion in a direct fashion without being told I'm a minority, and therefore, I don't matter. Somehow, as a volunteer, you've managed to turn this topic from one about CS5 running sticky, to being about you and your opinions on whether Adobe customers should be discussing the problems we are experiencing with their software.




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Community Expert ,
Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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So, you're entitled to voice yours but I'm not entitled to mine?

I never said this wasn't a problem, I never said it shouldn't be fixed, but whether you like it or not, you're in the minority!

And you can sit here complaining all you want or you can make a detailed list of your system specs including hardware and software and submit it to Adobe.





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Participant ,
Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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Please read my posts more carefully.




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Oct 07, 2010 Oct 07, 2010

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you forget about one "feature" of this forum --> sharing experience.

Personally I do value other users' opinions even if they are emotional. Even if they got not a chance for a constructive solution here. Others can google them and find, that they are not alone with the problem.

What concerns the bugs and features request form, I'd like to remind you the guy, and possibly hundreds of others, that asked for key object for align button since CS1. Effect? ---> Nada!

Sometimes to get the things done you have to move the crowds.

Bossy approach, authoritative instructing other people what is right and what is wrong, teaching them lesson of right behaviour is not right thing to do IMHO. A specially that you are kind of Adobe representative here as far as I can see it. At least I never saw you in a different position than as Advocatus Adobeus Diaboli when it came to the problems that are not covered by knowledge base.





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Community Expert ,
Aug 05, 2010 Aug 05, 2010

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The live screen drawing feature requires a lot more horsepower then the delayed drawing that was used in CS4. In fact many new features require considerable system resources. Don't be fooled by minimum system requirements.




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Community Expert ,
Aug 05, 2010 Aug 05, 2010

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damn... already posted!!! my colleague had the same problem two days ago but fixed it. he went to preferences, interface, and go to the bottom of the window for the options bit where it says line screen drawing and select "delayed" in the dropdown field.

does this help anyone?

If the answer wasn't in my post, perhaps it might be on my blog at colecandoo!




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Community Expert ,
Aug 06, 2010 Aug 06, 2010

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Yeah, you really should read the threads... 




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