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I have seen instances where facing pages in a book have the chapter title in a running header on the left hand page and a chapter subsection running header on the right hand page. I cannot find a resource with instructions - how do I do this?
See image: Screen Shot 230729-01
The A2 master is for the chapter title (here "Section" means "Chapter").
The A3 master is for the chapter subsections (here "Opening" means "Subsection").
See image: Screen Shot 230729-02
The Section (Chapter) name is carrying over as desired from the first page of the file and appearing on the left hand page.
However, it continues to show in the header on the right page even though the Master A3 right hand running header is set to the variable for "Opening". Is this because the "Opening text is on the left hand page?
Is it possible to get the arrangement I would like ?
Thanks in advance for assistance.
1 Correct answer
Hi Michael,
My suggestion is to check if your text variable <OPENING TITLE. Running Header> is set to the correct Paragraph Style, i.e. the paragraph you have used for 'Opening xxx; S…'. It might be still set to the Paragraph Style you used for Chapters.
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Don't work with section martkers here.
Create 2 textvariables basded on level 1 and 2.
Create on your master/parent in the most top layer a text frame OUTSIDE the page margins, insert on one side of the spread the text variable 1 and on the other side the other text variable.
You must work with paragraph styles!
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I have no idea of what this means.
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You will need two running header variables based on paragraph styles, one for the chapter title on the left page and one for the subsection title on the right. You must use two different paragraph styles for the two types of paragraphs that will populate the variable headings. You have a choice in these headings of using the first instance of the style on the page or the last (or if no text using that style appears on the page it will pick up the last use on a previous page).
I have no idea why Willi is telling you to put the variables outside the page area since you clearly want them to appear at the tops of your pages.
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Not outside the page, outside the border guides, outside the text area to avoid a conflict between content and running headers. I think I should have written margins.
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Hi Michael,
My suggestion is to check if your text variable <OPENING TITLE. Running Header> is set to the correct Paragraph Style, i.e. the paragraph you have used for 'Opening xxx; S…'. It might be still set to the Paragraph Style you used for Chapters.
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Aaaaahhh !!! That was it; I thought I had double checked...doing too much that day.
Thank you soo much !!!