Export der inDesign Datei als PDF in richtiger Seitenreihenfolge für Bindung (Mac OS)
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Hallo zusammen,
in inDesign habe ich ein Portfolio (44 Seiten, DIN A4) erstellt, welches ich selbst binden möchte (Ausschuss auf DIN A3 Druckbögen, je Heft 2 Druckbögen, doppelseitig bedruckt).
Unter Mac OS gibt es zwar die Möglichkeit die Datei als Broschüre zu exportieren, allerdings kann ich diese dann mit der richtigen Reihenfolge für eine Bindung nicht als PDF speichern, um sie zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt auszudrucken.
Wie erhalte ich die Datei als PDF in der richtigen Reihenfolge der Seiten?
Hello everyone,
In inDesign I have created a portfolio (44 pages, DIN A4), which I would like to bind myself (export on DIN A3 printed sheets, 2 printed sheets per issue, printed on both sides).
Under Mac OS there is the possibility to export the file as a brochure, but I can then not save it as a PDF with the correct order for a binding in order to print it out later.
How do I get the file as a PDF in the correct order of the pages?
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Assuming your printer can print A3 duplex, you would print it out as 4 page sections. Mock up a plain paper folded dummy and write the page numbers on it and that will give you the imposition.
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You should be able to print Booklet from Acrobat:
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that's correct - but not for my usecase.
I need a PDF with a page arrangement, which shows eight DIN A4 pages on two DIN A3 print sheets (double-sided). I'll tie them together. Then the first step is repeated. Finally, I bind all the individual booklets into an entire book.
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A simple booklet is - like you've said - 4x A4 pages on both sides of A3 - arranged properly through all the source pages.
As you've 44 pages - you'll have 11x A3 pages.
Acrobat will arrange automatically all A4 pages as they should be.
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As far as I know acrobat will only arrange the pages for a booklet looking like the one in the first picture (black pages). What I'd like to have is a booklet like the one in the second picture (white pages).
But it may also be that I did not find the function in acrobat..
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"White pages" configuration is for very thick books - for your 44 pages you should do "black pages".
But if you really want it that way - you can export your document as 4x pages PDFs - and then print again as small "booklets.
But that's a lot of unnecessary hassle.
You can't print your 44 pages as 8x page booklets - as 44/8=5.5
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I know that. However, "black pages" is not an option for me. I've already done it before with another operating system and just want to repeat it. "white pages" is great for my purpose and also works.
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"Black pages" is the easiest way.
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working with windows or anything else except Mac OS I am able to export my inDesign file as PDF-document in the right order for the "white pages"-option.
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working with windows or anything else except Mac OS I am able to export my inDesign file as PDF-document in the right order for the "white pages"-option.
By Marc Galonske
Not sure what do you mean?
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On a computer running Windows, you can export brochures directly from inDesign and - for example set the variant "white pages". inDesign then sorts the pages of the PDF on the print sheets directly in the correct order. Then I can save the result as a PDF.
However, this does not work in InDesign on Mac OS. There you can not save the PDF, but only print it directly from the program. But I don't want to print it directly, because I don't have a printer at home.
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I had no idea it doesn't work on Mac.
Still, I think it's too much extra hassle.
You can always do this kind of imposition manually - either place PDF pages into a new document - or pages from the original INDD file.
For 44 pages - it's rather a quick job - there is no creep.
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On a computer running Windows, you can export brochures directly from inDesign...
However, this does not work in InDesign on Mac OS. There you can not save the PDF, but only print it directly from the program...
By Marc Galonske
By any chance, are you referring to the ability to save to PDF directly from the Print Booklet dialog? Then it can also be done on Mac, provided you have a PDF printer, but I'm not sure about the other extra options you mentioned.
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Yes, that's what I referred to. I have a printer, which is also displayed, but I can't find the option not to start printing and save a PDF instead as usual.
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this is what you get...
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First, InDesign doesn't support the Save as PDF option in the standard Print dialog. Even if you're able to select this option, you'll get this message:
I don't know if any earlier InDesign version supported this, but if they did then it was a long time ago.
You can use a virtual PDF printer such as VipRiser, PDF Printer, or PDFwriter (google them, you'll easily find them; PDF Printer is available in the Mac App Store). Some of them require you to buy the app to unlock the full functionality.
They will enable you to save as PDF but I don't know if they provide satisfactory output for the Print Booklet option.
You can also use the PostScript > Distiller workflow; you'll need a PPD that can still be found via a private Dropbox link here:
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Hallo @Marc Galonske ,
Rob Day hat für diesen Anwendungszweck ein Script geschrieben, das das Ausschiessen von InDesign aus unternimmt:
Uwe Laubender
( Adobe Community Expert )
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Hallo, mit Scripten habe ich kaum Erfahrung - ich werde es probieren. Vielen Dank!
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Hallo @Marc Galonske ,
hier gibt's eine Anleitung wie man ExtendScript (JavaScript)-Dateien installiert, sodass sie als ausführbares Script im Skripte-Bedienfeld auftauchen:
Beide Links sind zwar relativ alt, aber der Vorgang ist immer noch gleich.
Uwe Laubender
( Adobe Community Expert )